Monday, February 29, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio's 2016 Oscar Acceptance Speech for Best Actor - And Teach on Climate Change

Watch Leonardo DiCaprio's 2016 Oscar Acceptance Speech for Best Actor | 88th Academy Awards 

Liked this moment, a lot. Historic, meaningful:

"Thank you all so very much. Thank you to the Academy, thank you to all of you in this room. I have to congratulate the other incredible nominees this year for their unbelievable performances. The Revenant
was the product of the tireless efforts of an unbelievable cast and
crew I got to work alongside. First off, to my brother in this endeavor,
Mr. Tom Hardy.
Tom, your fierce talent on screen can only be surpassed by your
friendship off screen. To Mr. Alejandro Innaritu, as the history of
cinema unfolds, you have forged your way into history these past 2
years... thank you for creating a transcendent cinematic experience.
Thank you to everybody at Fox and New Regency…my entire team. I have to
thank everyone from the very onset of my career…to Mr. Jones for casting
me in my first film to Mr. Scorsese for teaching me so much about the
cinematic art form. To my parents, none of this would be possible
without you. And to my friends, I love you dearly, you know who you are. 

And lastly I just want to say this: Making The Revenant
was about man's relationship to the natural world. A world that we
collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history. Our
production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be
able to find snow. Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It
is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to
work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support
leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who
speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for
the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would
be most affected by this. For our children’s children, and for those
people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of
greed. I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take
this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted. Thank you so
very much."

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ezra Klein (video) and Colby on Gun Violence, and Need for Progress

Fantastic video. Ezra Klein has great perspective. If all Americans saw this, and could vote, we'd move forward and enact better laws. Even despite the below. The argument against it is that people don't trust our government. That's the only shred of defense that's at all plausible from those that are blocking improvement to our fucked up situation here with our gun problems. The most influential of these people want all people to be able to get a gun - even those who shouldn't be able to. So a mob could overtake the government, or an individual can protect their family and homestead against anyone or the government. It is primitive thinking, but that is where some people are at. (Yes, most of these people of course could qualify to get a permit and pass a background check and get a gun and still defend their family; it is the more primitive people to whom the enablers are appealing.) Shameful that those who know better and support the NRA and this primitivism are sticking the rest of us with the cost and carnage of a gun culture. The screenshot of the slide below is one of the best places to start improvement: let's start ticking off some of those boxes here in America. Thanks for your concern and posting on the issue Aaron, safe travels. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bill Gates on Apple-FBI fight: 'Government shouldn't have to be completely blind' - LA Times

Bill Gates on Apple-FBI fight: 'Government shouldn't have to be completely blind' - LA Times 

Agree. So nuanced, privacy.

Colby's take on privacy, and Apple vs. the FBI:

As pages in my blog would attest, I'm a big supporter of privacy. And agree that it's taken a swift kick in the ding ding post 9-11, with things like slipshod, widespread wiretapping. But here in this case is not a random, no-search warrant intrusion of privacy.

If Apple can make a device that cannot be unlocked, and can develop a firmware entry into a device, they can keep that code private. Nice that Apple continues to take a stand for privacy here, which you like to see, and hope they do it in other realms of their business. But national security is at risk, and it's hard to believe they'd choose to protect the privacy of a dead murderer who pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Obama Sends Guantánamo Closing Plan to Congress - The New York Times

Obama Sends Guantánamo Closing Plan to Congress - The New York Times 

Good. We should comport ourselves within the bounds of the Geneva Convention.

Guantanamo, a Shameful Chapter in US History

Monday, February 22, 2016

Colby's Facebook Blog Post on Bernie Sanders and Progress

Repost below -

Make no mistake – Bernie Sanders and his campaign are crucial to the substance of America’s government moving forward. This post is more support than fundraising appeal – but [spoiler alert] it does go there in the middle. Regardless of Hilary Clinton being a capable and flawed (as all candidates are) mainstream Presidential candidate, and in some eyes being a better candidate for the general election.

Too much power is consolidated at the top in the U.S. As you’ve heard, and Bernie reminds us repeatedly and importantly, the top handful of billionaires and their companies are running top candidates that cater to their special interests.

This may still remain appealing in some ways to some careful and perhaps meek ‘middle-class voters’ – and perhaps one may think, “the U.S. is safe because we have big businesses and rich people that will protect our way of life.” Which is a secure and mild way of allowing the status quo, and we don’t want to be challenged with change.

But for how long can we let 158 super-rich families and mega-businesses run the budgets, priorities, and candidates in our country? (More on that below). Not much longer, unless we want a society with two classes: (1) a Mitt Romney class and, (2) the 98% rest of us, people who only get 2 weeks off vacation, 75% of whom are living paycheck to paycheck, and 62% of whom have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. 62%!!! !!! 
We just can’t support the Mitt Romney party politics much longer. We just can’t.

If that weren’t enough (and it really probably should be) here are a couple of other interesting examples of problems of too-centralized power: the U.S. electrical power grid, which is dominated by centralized power sources. Big coal plants and let’s say nuclear power plants. Lots of power is produced, stored and owned in one very profitable source. This is a liability – security analysts show that a terrorist attack, or a Fukushima-type event, knocks out power for hundreds of thousands of people. For an unknown amount of time. (Have lots of propane for your back-up generator for the winter, or lots of battery-powered fans for the summer? Fancy life without the internet or TV?) Decentralized power – when there are more rooftop solar panels on people’s homes, more small wind farms, more small local solar gardens – creates a more stable and resilient grid in the faces of such ‘incidents.’ Plus, importantly, the capital (money) and ownership is spread out over more people, which is good simply at face value, and also so a lot more people have a say in the way things run. Not just an elite wealthy few in the totally centralized grid case, a hogtied-by-profit wealthy few who already make too much profit, but are also forced by shareholders to always try to still increase profit – which leads to other bad things. Bad things like Halliburton using cheap well parts and resulting in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster across most of the Gulf of Mexico, and things like the San Bruno gas line explosion where PG&E sat on millions in maintenance funds from regulators, which increased profits and company bonuses – while knowing their lines were aging and had systemic weaknesses – resulting in the loss of a dozen lives, etc.

The most systemic weakness of Capitalism is that profit comes first, not people. Then it must compound and re-invest its interest in the small cell of apex predator returns, and the majority actually finds their musical-chairs behinds in the 62% group above.

Our Constitution and Democracy dictate that people come first. There is without question a most strong sense fighting the centralization of power in our Founding Father’s documents – and they were right. Look at the separation of branches of government. They were smart. They saw the ugliness and squalor of the masses in what existed in Europe and what Bernie says is pretty well happening here -- an ugly oligarchy. Gorging itself.

There are alternatives. It can be done. Canada and the United Kingdom have single payer healthcare. We can have socialized health care and education and free markets and entrepreneurial capitalism – wielded smartly.

Decentralizing power – literally, as in the electric grid sense – and more so down the line with banks, lobbyists, campaign contributions and limits as per Bernie will make the country stronger. More input points, a broader ownership of smaller banks, better incomes in the mid-range of the economy – the middle class – and less consolidation of money, power, and influence at the top.

These are all crucial moves moving forward. And again make no mistake some of this is already happening – California is one of the leaders in the country in rooftop solar installation rates. The grid will become a smart grid – with more inputs, and be more safe from singular disruptive events.

This would be true for the economy as well. So supporting Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and similar efforts to rein in Wall Street and keep banks from getting too big is smart. The biggest banks should be ‘broken up’ – not like closed, but diversified into separate affiliates so public money is not used in the greediest speculation hedge fund schemes that risk the entire bank. And therefore major repeats of 2008 recession / contraction-type events become much less likely.

Decentralization of assets has a heavy ring to it. Many people, even me, probably think there is something wonky and regressive and don’t want to think about decentralization a lot. Well I’m thinking it’s easier and more accurate to say ‘more widely dispersed and widely shared.’ ‘More widely dispersed and widely shared’ energy sources, and assets. That as a concept sounds more straightforward, and is easier to grasp and support.

I just sent Bernie Sanders $27. The New York Times reports the average donation to his campaign  is about $27. More than 1.3 million supporters have contributed so far.

And this “in an election cycle when just 158 families provided half of the early money for the presidential campaign.”

It sucks that we as ordinary citizens have – with our pocketbooks - to fight the Super Pac / Citizens’ United Super-Slush Funds supporting candidates. But that’s where we’re at. For the record, I have donated to Hillary also.

It bears repeating: for how long is it smart to let 158 super-rich families and mega-businesses run the budgets, priorities, and candidates in our country? Not much longer I’m thinking.

The higher and more strongly Sanders runs, the more Hillary and the Democratic Party will see people want more from their government – and will have to adopt more of his ideas to their platforms. No matter the results next November.

No matter the results next November – we’ll always remember Bernie and his message. Did we buy in, did we help?

And it’s February. This is today. There is definitely time for - if not a revolution as Sanders says (although maybe there is time?) - more significant developments, attention and progress on these fronts. Be aware, be involved. If you already are liking, or are thinking you like him, tell someone you like Bernie Sanders, and his ideas. Each of us should post just a little something to feel good about feeling, even if - yechh! - it’s about politics, something you are hopeful about and would like to see. Even brevity, like ‘Bernie is right!’ or “Bernie is good!’ is fantastic. Haha, brevity finally, after a post like this. I’m going to do that with a first post.

But make no mistake - this is change and this is progress. I like Bernie, a lot.

Headlines and stories February 22, 2016: Bernie Sanders v Hillary Clinton

These are interesting. Some live links, and the screenshot.

Dana Milbank: Why the Democratic Party establishment fears Sanders Sarasota Herald-Tribune - 11 hours ago
AlterNet - Feb 18, 2016
Clinton bid a financial boon for strapped Democratic Party Barre Montpelier Times Argus - Feb 20, 2016 WASHINGTON (AP)
How the Democratic Party Got Lost Consortium News - Feb 19, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

GOP Divided, Supreme Court Nominee

Here Pathetic how leaders in the GOP refuse to consider a hearing for an Obama Supreme Court nominee. And props to those who are showing up to do their part in considering a nominee. The whole purpose of our government is to respect process and policy. The filibuster shills are simply subverting our governance by not being willing to consider a sitting president's nominee. Shameful, selfish, puerile power-mongering. And not acceptable to obstruct our system. If Obama does not nominate the most liberal possible qualified candidate, and the GOP dismisses the overture out of hand, I hope the GOP eventually gets the most liberal qualified candidate. Fuck them for refusing to operate the political system as it is intended to be run.

Monday, February 15, 2016

$14 million diamond found in Angola - Will the People Get Any Money?

Massive $14 million, 404-carat diamond found in Angola - NY Daily News 

"Angola’s national diamond company, Endiama" is a partial shareholder.

An Australian company seems to be the primary shareholder in the conglomerate mining there.

The poverty in Africa and multi-national foreign companies ripping huge diamonds out of the land is upsetting. Deeply troubling. The values of wealth creation and fairness in indigenous resources needs to be re-thought.

I have not researched Endiama yet, but I pray they return some wealth to the people. The people deserve most of it in my opinion. It is their country, regardless of 'who owns the mineral rights.'

February Clipboard

Items I've collected and on which I may not have expounded. Or worth having in multiple places.

In the chaos of the Middle East, the world must stand behind the Kurds
"In the southwest of Syria, pro-democratic force control pockets of land and fight Assad’s forces. In the northwest, Hezbollah works with Assad’s army to fight Islamist groups. Further north are areas ruled by groups with affiliations to Al Qaeda, such as the powerful al-Nusra Front. In the east, highways and cities have fallen to the apocalyptic regime of Isis, which stretches far across the old border into Iraq. What future does the Middle East have with such contrasting ideological and religious divides?"

The Siege of Miami   (This is a FANTASTIC read on global warming - so well-written.)
As temperatures climb, so, too, will sea levels. (Miami, going underwater).

14 Years After Decriminalizing Heroin, Here’s What Portugal Looks Like
The total number of people using drugs in Portugal has actually fallen by more than a third since the country began focusing on treatment programs instead of punishment.


"Experience shows us that whenever we seek the path of privilege or the benefit of a few to the detriment of the common good, sooner or later life in society becomes a fertile ground for corruption, drug trafficking, exclusion of different cultures, violence and even human trafficking, kidnapping and death, causing suffering and hampering development."

On President's Day: President Adams and Kennedy Quotes on, Let's Say, Being Conscious and Active

On President's Day, two good thoughts: "I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine." ― John Adams

“The great French Marshall Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, ‘In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!’”
― John F. Kennedy

Sunday, February 14, 2016

China and India Have to Step It Up - 5.5 Million Annual Deaths Globally from Air Pollution

Here Two word problem: Burning coal. Should have easy answers.

"More than 5.5 million people die from air pollution each year, with more than 3 million of these deaths occurring in China and India, announced researchers Friday at the 2016 annual meeting for the American Association for the Advancement of Science."

Friday, February 12, 2016

NBC scheduling kicks US Marathon running in the ding ding

Scheduling the US Marathon Trials in the middle of the day in LA any time of year is TERRIBLE.

To 'accommodate NBC's broadcast schedule'? For $ for them? What?

How about accommodating the internationally flat-lining - but showing newly discovered heartbeats - US marathon effort?

How about accommodating our country's best runners and letting them compete in the best possible conditions?

As far back as the 80's and 90's American born runners were running sub- 2:10
Today we are choosing among a bevy of 2:11-2:12 pr guys to fill out our top 10 bracket here. We *need* to see some groovy times to get a little fired up, develop more of a national following, and develop some strong mojo (not just wejo).

The trials were (still are?) a chance for a resurgence, some quick times, new names.
It's the Olympic trials. Perhaps our best known and some newer young up and comers, peaking down curiously from their 2:10-2:11 perches, could seize the day, and trials euphoria, and charge and blast something under 2:08! And get people a little fired up!! Maybe within sight of the East African times again!?

No, probably not now. Accommodate NBC schedule.
Now, heat. All runners know marathons are scheduled (even freakishly) early in the day and in the fall to keep core heat down and times low. Not this one. Not the second biggest marathon for US runners every four years i.m.o.

Now the smart race will probably be nobody goes until late in the race. (Some peloton breakers, bless them, notwithstanding).

People will suffer through and probably trudge to 2:12+.... three guys to make our team. Yay. Our best guys will probably go, but I don't think the times are going to be sexy.

Hope nobody gets injured Saturday.

Shame on NBC, and the USATF(!), for scheduling this event too late toward the middle of the day knowing of potential heat. Even the amateurs will go off at 7am the next day.

The tail wagging the dog. #shame #respectathletes #athletesfirst #greedisbad

Still hoping Ritz and Luke and Meb and even Rupp and Estrada etc. go for it smartly and pace themselves and leave their b*lls out there. And whomever gets 1-2-3 for the U.S. gets geeked up to represent the US at the Olympic world stage. Rooting for the gals too - their top 10 bracket pretty open after the top 4-5 or so as well - go for it!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tell Congress to Deny the TPP - New Public Citizen petition

Iran Nuclear Deal, Reactions by Ordinary Iranians

Here I've blogged pretty extensively about sanctions, the Iranian nuclear program, and potential weaponifying of same.

The U.N., Iranian and really U.S. And Russian (and Chinese) deal that was struck to increase inspections and ship out highly enriched uranium (which has happened) is one outcome that is potentially favorable. Everyone hopes they aren't getting away with something, and/or snuck some potentially weapons-grade material out of the country and/or into the wrong hands. But the top nuclear scientists I read about seem happy with the deal. That is probably another post, and analysis you can find elsewhere.

I found interesting some of the opinions in this linked article - of everyday Iranians themselves.
Optimism, pessimism, and pragmatism all displayed - but equally a keen and worn suspicion that their leaders are just not right, and hanging onto their positions with policies that have been at the people's detriment rang out to me.

Interesting takes. I wish the Iranian people - and the de-weaponifying of their nuclear industry - well.

For the time being, I'm taking down some sidebar posts on Iran. You can still use the search window on this site to find them using keywords like 'iran' and 'nuclear'.

Simon and Garfunkle Song America and Bernie Sanders Ad

Video here It's very nice. Hopeful and revealing of the diverse America most of us like, and in which most of us could be living happy.

Art Garfunkle on the ad here

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Syrian rebels demand U.S. action ahead of peace talks | The Fiscal Times

Syrian rebels demand U.S. action ahead of peace talks | The Fiscal Times 

Russia and the U.S have to agree to stop taking sides and forcing a proxy (civil) war here. Destabilizing the area and creating further acrimony and hatred between sects there terrible.

Enough bloodshed. Figure out a settlement of power sharing between factions.

California Preserves Net Energy Metering


This is a win. Many in California had to fight to preserve this program. People with solar on their rooftops are doing the right thing, and need not be penalized.
Some fee were added, but the fair pay back for juice your panels produce that you don't use that goes back to the grid for others to use (net energy metering) has been preserved.
Shame that so many had to,work so hard on this when it should be a permanent, evergreen policy fixture and we could be working on other clean improvements on California's energy use and grid.
Still a victory, largely, so time to post and enjoy the victory!

Inside the decision here

The decision "...prohibits “demand charges, grid access charges, installed capacity fees, standby fees, or similar fixed charges on NEM residential customers”

Additionally, the CPUC decision,
  • allows for a minimum bill, a “reasonable” interconnection fee, and specifies certain nonbypassable charges (NBCs) for NEM customers;
  • determines that time of use (TOU) rates will be mandatory for new NEM customers;
  • preserves retail rate credit for existing NEM customers for 20 years after their interconnection;
  • allows solar arrays larger than 1 MW to earn NEM credits if owners cover interconnection costs;
  • requires utilities to make solar available to residents of multi-tenant buildings through virtual net metering (VNM) and net metering aggregation (NEMA).

Tell Congress to Deny the TPP - New Public Citizen petition

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bernie Sanders Triumphs in New Hampshire

Here This is cool. Check out my site a little to see how I feel.

Nevada's Perplexing War on Solar

Here This is very bad. Tail wagging the dog. Some fat cat utility owners shaking down their Nevada politicians - to make people with solar panels cough up more money so they can keep their fat profits and polluting monopolies. Very, very bad and reform needed worse. Some of which I've heard they are begrudgingly doing, like grandfathering in some solar users pay back. But a lot of which is still paralyzingly the solar industry and unfairly burdening people who are doing the right thing.

More news now: Nevadans to fight back: Here

"A group called Nevadans for Affordable, Clean Energy Choices has proposed an amendment to the state constitution that would allow customers to choose their energy providers by 2023, potentially ending NV Energy's monopoly in the state.

The news outlet also reports a second measure filed last week would roll back changes to Nevada's net metering rules, reversing course after new fees went into effect this year."

Supreme Court Puts on Hold Obama's EPA Coal Power Plant Pollution Controls

Here Shame. Very bad. GOP Supreme Court nasty, primitive in green-lighting pollution to continue to be forced down our and the planet's throats.

Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater | DeSmogBlog

Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater | DeSmogBlog 

This is breaking my heart. As if anyone thought this shit wasn't getting into our water big time. Filthy baron robber liers.

Monday, February 8, 2016

U.N. Agency Proposes Limits on Airlines’ Carbon Emissions - The New York Times

U.N. Agency Proposes Limits on Airlines’ Carbon Emissions - The New York Times 

Yes of course. No free rides.

Colby on Supporting Tibet and Freedoom, Post February 2016

Thought I'd just put a few words in on Tibet. A few years ago I made public my efforts to not buy things made in China. My petition on got over 1,000 signatures, and a letter got into the San Francisco Chronicle. I exchanged a few emails with some Tibetan people who appreciated the support, and the pressure put on China to reform their policies: to open up freedom of speech, worship, and rights of gender, and protect the environment. And to resist the Chinese persecution of and nearly genocidal policies toward Tibetan people and culture, and efforts to eradicate Tibetan Buddhism itself. Even typing the words again is upsetting me. So the boycotting of Chinese products, and sharing with the Chinese premier that we were avoiding buying goods from China for the above reasons, and wanted reform, was a most logical effort. Which I continue. I welcome all others to join in this effort.

As I posed in the SF Chronicle letter, "What if we all avoided buying anything from China for a month? How much change could we force?" You may try it for awhile, it may make you feel better. It may help. (If remaining conscious of the choice, and taking some actions like telling managers why you won't buy something -- see below. Sharing your actions with the Chinese premier or other trade reps is extra credit.)

I continue to avoid buying things made in China. In my trip last week to Mammoth, I bought Nina a nice, colorful souvenir "Love Mammoth" t-shirt made in Guatemala, not the one made in China. It's easy, you just look at the label. I love to find "Made in the USA" labels. Countries other than China usually get me excited too. Fair trade goods even more excited. If there are no options other than made in China, usually I'll pass on the item. [Unless I very strongly need the item for whatever reason.] Often I will briefly and pleasantly tell the sales clerk, "I pass on things made in China because of their human rights and environmental abuses. Please tell your manager to stock products not made in China." Sometimes I elaborate, often that's simply all I'll say.

I continue to support the Tibetan people, and sent a contribution last month to the International Campaign for Tibet. So the Campaign for Tibet just sent me my renewal letter, thanking me for the support. They included in the letter that the U.S. government in the 2016 Congressional budget bill has appropriated money to promote and preserve Tibetan cultures and communities. That is good. Our help and advocacy no doubt help.

I find the Tibetan culture to be peaceful, ancient and elegant part of mankind. To imagine a political force like China wanting to eradicate it is infuriating, and so sad.

We all should help support Tibetan people, and freedom and peace, at every chance. Particularly when some things are so easy to do.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Great News: New Lion Population Found in Sudan (100-200)

Here Nice! Fun. Populations of lions have been removed from the map for a long time. This is the first time that one's been added in a long time! 'Symbols of Africa.'
"“...the next step is to communicate with the governments of Ethiopia and Sudan and look at the needs for conservation in the area so this previously undiscovered lion stronghold can be protected.”

Monday, February 1, 2016

BofA: The Oil Crash Is Kicking Off One of the Largest Wealth Transfers in Human History - Bloomberg Business

BofA: The Oil Crash Is Kicking Off One of the Largest Wealth Transfers in Human History - Bloomberg Business

Cheap oil may be good for demand. See article. So perhaps prices are being cut by producers to increase industry's longevity? With world forces planning to sunset fossil fuel use, the industry is trying hard to keep us addicted - the dealer nearly giving free doses to the addict to keep him hooked?

How Iowa Caucus Could Place Urgency of Climate Action to Forefront of National Debate

How Iowa Caucus Could Place Urgency of Climate Action to Forefront of National Debate 

" Iowa, a state that leads in wind energy production and faces severe economic and agricultural risks from extreme weather, Bernie Sanders‘ bold climate action plan and long-time track record to take on the fossil fuel lobby is uniting a new generation of Iowa farmers
and clean energy entrepreneurs, inspiring a groundswell of student
activism, and tapping into the real and urgent climate leadership
emerging in cities like Des Moines, Dubuque and Iowa City."

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.

What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.

Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?

Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.

Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)

Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.

But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)

Still we are finite on this ride.

It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.

For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.

Antidotes to Violence, a.k.a., Take Charge of Where Your Head's At - here

Tell Congress to Strengthen Gun Control Laws NOW - here

Good News & Brain Food News -
Christians & Muslims Gather, for Peace here
Good News - Top RIO+20 Summit Posts here
The 'Busy' Trap -