The Observer - Companies pledge to go green at Rio+20
Companies - Microsoft, Puma, Nike, Coca-Cola, etc. - move toward sustainability. More below.
FIVE POINT ACTION PLAN for the UK by Friends of the Earth:
Human health - and by extension the life-giving health of our ecosystems - MUST come before profit. This may need to be codified as a Constitutional amendment.
Some great outtakes from Rio+20 and GOOD NEWS BRAIN FOOD at link and below!
(The dragging of feet by the U.S., China, India, and the oil industry crapping on everyone notwithstanding!)
"Microsoft committed to reduce its carbon emissions. Unilever revealed how it is launching a drive to halve the greenhouse emissions, while Nike’s target is to ensure zero discharge of hazardous chemicals along its entire supply chain, both by 2020...
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the UN Global Compact jointly set criteria for time-bound, measureable commitments on which corporations are required to report annually.... 1,400 business executives and over 2,700 people participated in the Rio+20 forum.
With the world facing a need to double food production by 2050, DuPont, a world leader in market- driven innovations and science, pledged $10 billion in R&D (research and development) to increase productivity, scale up nutrition and cut back on food waste.
DuPont will develop 4,000 new products along these lines by 2020.
Also looking to product development, Proctor & Gamble promises $50 billion in sales of “sustainable innovation products” by the end of this year, and the clothing house, H&M, will upgrade to 100 percent sustainable cotton, either organic, recycled, or certified in its cotton garments.
At least 45 companies, including Levi’s, Pepsi and Coca-cola are extending their commitments to water management and 23 companies pledged to transparency and disclosure on their impact on climate change. Joint campaigns are also being launched by businesses participating in Global Compact Networks in Brazil, Uruguay and Japan, among others.
Addressing a group of CEOs in February, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, challenged the business community to act now on the issue of fostering a green economy...."
And companies are stepping up. Support these efforts. Add your own.
We need all the help we can get for a cooler future.
Companies - Microsoft, Puma, Nike, Coca-Cola, etc. - move toward sustainability. More below.
FIVE POINT ACTION PLAN for the UK by Friends of the Earth:
Human health - and by extension the life-giving health of our ecosystems - MUST come before profit. This may need to be codified as a Constitutional amendment.
Some great outtakes from Rio+20 and GOOD NEWS BRAIN FOOD at link and below!
(The dragging of feet by the U.S., China, India, and the oil industry crapping on everyone notwithstanding!)
"Microsoft committed to reduce its carbon emissions. Unilever revealed how it is launching a drive to halve the greenhouse emissions, while Nike’s target is to ensure zero discharge of hazardous chemicals along its entire supply chain, both by 2020...
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the UN Global Compact jointly set criteria for time-bound, measureable commitments on which corporations are required to report annually.... 1,400 business executives and over 2,700 people participated in the Rio+20 forum.
With the world facing a need to double food production by 2050, DuPont, a world leader in market- driven innovations and science, pledged $10 billion in R&D (research and development) to increase productivity, scale up nutrition and cut back on food waste.
DuPont will develop 4,000 new products along these lines by 2020.
Also looking to product development, Proctor & Gamble promises $50 billion in sales of “sustainable innovation products” by the end of this year, and the clothing house, H&M, will upgrade to 100 percent sustainable cotton, either organic, recycled, or certified in its cotton garments.
At least 45 companies, including Levi’s, Pepsi and Coca-cola are extending their commitments to water management and 23 companies pledged to transparency and disclosure on their impact on climate change. Joint campaigns are also being launched by businesses participating in Global Compact Networks in Brazil, Uruguay and Japan, among others.
Addressing a group of CEOs in February, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, challenged the business community to act now on the issue of fostering a green economy...."
And companies are stepping up. Support these efforts. Add your own.
We need all the help we can get for a cooler future.
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