Thursday, February 21, 2019

Will Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report Really be Finished Soon?

Much of the world is holding its collective breath over this. None of us know what it will mean. Or how much of this report we will get to see. And how soon we will get to see.

But very soon, it is being reported that newly installed and controversial Attorney General William Barr will get to see the report. And share its findings with Congress.

The world and history now fixes its gaze on him: 

A concise report will probably act as a “road map” to investigation for the Democratic House — and to further criminal investigation by other prosecutors. 

By Neal K. Katyal   Here

Democrats to Protect Nation from Faux National Emergency

A needless power and vanity grab by the President (the "wall!" that the Pentagon and pretty much everyone says is not needed) is being resisted by many. The full Congress denied it in the budget process. Now Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have to block the President's actions. Thank you Hon. Speaker Pelosi. Hope the reasonable Republicans that have pledged to resist the contrived "emergency" continue to resist it.

Pelosi urges members to back resolution terminating national emergency

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.

What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.

Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?

Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.

Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)

Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.

But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)

Still we are finite on this ride.

It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.

For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.

Antidotes to Violence, a.k.a., Take Charge of Where Your Head's At - here

Tell Congress to Strengthen Gun Control Laws NOW - here

Good News & Brain Food News -
Christians & Muslims Gather, for Peace here
Good News - Top RIO+20 Summit Posts here
The 'Busy' Trap -