Sunday, June 30, 2013

European Officials Slam US Over Bugging Report - ABC News

European Officials Slam US Over Bugging Report - ABC News 

"Germany Compares US Bugging to 'Cold War'"   What values do the variables P and S have when the goal is what's right? Privacy + Security = What's Right

Kerry Says Work Needed After Mideast Peace Talk ‘Progress’ (1) - Businessweek

Kerry Says Work Needed After Mideast Peace Talk ‘Progress’ (1) - Businessweek 

This sounds purposeful, and positive.

“I believe that with a little more work, the start of final-status negotiations could be within reach,” he told reporters before he prepared to fly out of Israel. “The gaps were very broad when we began. They are now, I think, very narrow.”

‘Positive Atmosphere’

He set no timetable for restarting negotiations. “We’re not going to get stuck with artificial deadlines,” he said. “That’s a big mistake.”

"Netanyahu said his country was ready to enter into negotiations without delay or conditions."

Friday, June 28, 2013

‘Invest, Divest’: Obama Goes Full Climate Hawk In Speech Unveiling Plan To Cut Carbon Pollution | ThinkProgress

Climate Progress | ThinkProgress 

President Obama Speaks on Climate Change - 7/26/13

President Obama Speaks on Climate Change - YouTube 

Here, there is mixed news as well. I hope and pray we can individually and collectively contribute enough to bring our CO2 emissions down enough to save our planet from irreparable harm from climate change and rising seas. Many say it's too late, which is the time to definitely not give up, but to engage and step up our actions even further.

Of course, the Supreme Court rulings this week were big, and mixed. Voter Rights got diminished, but Gay Marriage got accredited.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kerry Urges India to Reduce Emissions of Greenhouse Gases - Bloomberg

Kerry Urges India to Reduce Emissions of Greenhouse Gases - Bloomberg

Obama Will Announce Regulation Of CO2 From Existing Power Plants On Tuesday


Good. And much more is needed.

Obama Will Announce Regulation Of CO2 From Existing Power Plants On Tuesday

Analysis by the Natural Resources Defense Council, among others, makes clear that attaining the 17 percent cut without further Congressional action will require regulating pollution emissions at existing power plants. Indeed, the EPA “is legally obligated to issue rules regulating CO2 from existing power plants.”

Climate-Science Denying Governor Perry Renews Declaration Of Drought Disaster Throughout Texas | ThinkProgress

Climate-Science Denying Governor Perry Renews Declaration Of Drought Disaster Throughout Texas | ThinkProgress

What a freaking tool.

“Record high temperatures, preceded by significantly low rainfall, have resulted in declining reservoir and aquifer levels, threatening water supplies and delivery systems in many parts of the state,” the proclamation states. “Prolonged dry conditions continue to increase the threat of wildfire across many portions of the state; and… these drought conditions have reached historic levels and continue to pose an imminent threat to public health, property and the economy.”

What’s striking about this frank admission of the way extreme weather is ravaging Texas is that it stands alongside Perry’s ongoing dogged refusalbacked by many of the state’s other Republicans — to acknowledge the science that links these weather shifts to climate change and human-driven global warming.

Climate change, business top Kerry visit to India - Yahoo! News

Climate change, business top Kerry visit to India - Yahoo! News 

Good. India and it's crops get increasingly hammered by monsoons. You'd think an intellectually advanced society like India would put the future on highest priority.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Obama Calls for Nuclear-Arms Reduction -

Obama Calls for Nuclear-Arms Reduction - 


In Berlin Speech, U.S. President Wants to 'Move Beyond Cold War Nuclear Postures' With Russia

Merkel Challenges Obama on Surveillance -

Merkel Challenges Obama on Surveillance -

Good. This needs to be redone, and better.
"...such activities must be balanced by “due diligence” to guard against unwarranted invasions of privacy." And from a former Nazi country, that saying something.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

'Every Plant And Tree Died': Huge Alberta Pipeline Spill Raises Safety Questions As Keystone Decision Looms | ThinkProgress

'Every Plant And Tree Died': Huge Alberta Pipeline Spill Raises Safety Questions As Keystone Decision Looms | ThinkProgress 

Heinous, and unnecessary. Too damaging. Time for clean energy.

Immigration Bill Would Lower Country’s Deficit By $197 Billion Over 10 Years


From the Congressional Budget Office (like I said, see post below).

Immigration Bill Would Lower Country’s Deficit By $197 Billion Over 10 Years

Taliban agree to peace talks with US over Afghanistan – full statement | World news |

Taliban agree to peace talks with US over Afghanistan – full statement | World news | 

Interesting development. It's nice to think they just want independence, do not want occupation, and have no interest in harming other countries.
Their refusal as a pre-condition to talks to break allegiance with al-Queda, of course known to sponsor global violence against western states, makes their proclamations a bit dubious.
Guess it's worth having the talks.
Afghanistan deserves one day to have peaceful, self-determination.
Not sure the Taliban helps as much as hurts those goals.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Solar plane lands at Washington on journey across U.S. - Yahoo! News

Solar plane lands at Washington on journey across U.S. - Yahoo! News 


"(Reuters) - An airplane entirely powered by the sun landed in Washington on Sunday after a flight from St. Louis, the next-to-last leg of a journey across the United States intended to boost support for clean energy technologies."

"The aircraft is propelled by energy collected from 12,000 solar cells in its wings that simultaneously recharge batteries for night use."

Report: Bank Traders Manipulated Foreign Exchange Rate Worth Trillions

Headlines for June 14, 2013 | Democracy Now! 

"Traders said the rigging is accomplished by executing deals before and during the minute-long windows when benchmarks are set. The report says the activities happened daily for at least a decade."

Matt Taibbi wrote in his blog for Rolling Stone, "if this story is true, it would almost certainly trump LIBOR for scale/horribleness."

These lost funds should be coughed up by the bankers who profited, and returned to the 98%-class investors who got bilked. And there should be jail time for those manipulating bank traders.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

U.S. Is Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls -

U.S. Is Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls - 

This is very, very, very, very not good. The US is far over-reaching the comfort level, privacy, and rights of the citizens. Very, very, very not good, and needs to change ASAP.

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.

What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.

Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?

Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.

Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)

Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.

But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)

Still we are finite on this ride.

It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.

For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.

Antidotes to Violence, a.k.a., Take Charge of Where Your Head's At - here

Tell Congress to Strengthen Gun Control Laws NOW - here

Good News & Brain Food News -
Christians & Muslims Gather, for Peace here
Good News - Top RIO+20 Summit Posts here
The 'Busy' Trap -