I avoid buying things made in China.
Yesterday, I avoided a pair of pants that were 'made in China' at Vans' clothing store.
I asked the the 18-year-old clerk where a simple pair of gray pants were made, she had no idea.
We looked, made in China.
"I avoid things made in China," I said. She looked puzzled.
"For human rights, women's rights, and environmental abuses," I continued.
"And they jail people who speak their mind, they don't allow freedom of speech or religion, like people can't worship the Dalai Lama."
Vague recognition flashes and brightens her face.
She says, "Yesterday someone else asked where something was made."
"Yes," I reply. "You should tell your manager that again today a customer is passing on the pants because they were made in China."
I continue, "How about the shoes? I think some used to still be made in the U.S."
We looked, made in China.
"Sorry, hope you have a nice day," I said, and I left.
I bought a pair of pants next door on sale made in Sri Lanka.
(1) I know some people will say, "How do you know the conditions in Sri Lanka aren't as bad as China?"
I don't, but the fairness of Sri Lanka's society isn't as important as fostering the fairness of China's, plus I like the idea of giving some business to some Sri Lankan's, at whatever level.”
(2) For large retailers, the same model t-shirt, can be sourced from several places: I always take "made in Vietnam, or Bangladesh, or South American" countries first, over the made in China version.
Yes, of course I do buy some organic co...tton and made in U.S. products, but we don't always have those choices.
And/or I'm not as hardcore as some others, but I'm inclined in the right direction.
(3) Minimizing consumption is a goal too; I don't shop often, but like what I have.
When China came to the table at the U.N. Copenhagen Climate Conference more agreeably, I was so mad that the U.S. again didn't promise strong enough cuts I bought something from China. "Now we are the bad guys."
After the Cancun conference, I bought my second pair of prescription glasses frames called "Eco" http://www.prweb.com/rel eases/2010/12/prweb49220 94.htm Built in China. "...new approach to eyewear using recycled metal and plastic without sacrificing quality, design and price. Eco plants a tree for each frame sold..."
So I still avoid buying anything made in China. Maybe market forces can make them CHANGE (if we all boycotted buying anything from China for two months, I bet their government would change some stuff FAST), and maybe we can beat them to the high-tech sustainable future affordable product marketplace/society.
Or maybe we can get there in tandem, soon.
Yes, of course I do buy some organic co...tton and made in U.S. products, but we don't always have those choices.
And/or I'm not as hardcore as some others, but I'm inclined in the right direction.
(3) Minimizing consumption is a goal too; I don't shop often, but like what I have.
When China came to the table at the U.N. Copenhagen Climate Conference more agreeably, I was so mad that the U.S. again didn't promise strong enough cuts I bought something from China. "Now we are the bad guys."
After the Cancun conference, I bought my second pair of prescription glasses frames called "Eco" http://www.prweb.com/rel
So I still avoid buying anything made in China. Maybe market forces can make them CHANGE (if we all boycotted buying anything from China for two months, I bet their government would change some stuff FAST), and maybe we can beat them to the high-tech sustainable future affordable product marketplace/society.
Or maybe we can get there in tandem, soon.
NOW there's a petition you can sign - here - http://www.change.org/petitions/tell-president-jintao-well-avoid-buying-chinas-products-until-human-rights-improve-in-china
Of course there are LOTS of causes I support. So why China, now? Because Hu Jintao came to America last month (Jan. 2011), and admitted himself China needed human rights improvements. I also marched and blocked the Olympic Torch relay in Embarcadero/San Francisco when it came through; because China was shitting on Tibet and Tibetans, jailing people for speaking their minds, covering up their environmental abuses (re: terrible coal pollution, Three Rivers dam devastation, air quality, etc.). etc.
Ok, here's a partial list of other causes I support from ONE source - The Petition Site:
Politics aside, Obama must protect everyone at the border from threats of violence. more »
signed: 6,119
goal: 10,000
America Needs Jobs, Not Loopholes for Big Business
Close Loopholes for Big Business
Support Rep. Chris Murphy's (D-CT) 21st Century Buy American Act to help American business and workers. more »
signed: 13,184
goal: 10,000
End Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy
No More Tax Cuts for the Wealthy!
The Bush tax cuts make the rich even richer and will cost America $2.5 trillion by the end of 2010. more »
signed: 10,791
goal: 10,000
Keep Hate Media Out Of Canada
Keep Hate Media Out Of Canada
Stop the Prime Minster from creating Fox News North -- a replica of the biased U.S. Network. more »
signed: 8,525
goal: 10,000
Celebrate America's Diversity -- We are a Nation of Immigrants
All Americans Are Immigrants
Remind Congress that America's immigrant tradition is central to its national identity. more »
signed: 16,252
goal: 15,000
Stand Up for an America that Believes in Religious Freedom
Stand Up For Religious Freedom
The planned Muslim center in NY has sparked a debate -- speak out now for religious freedom. more »
signed: 7,065
goal: 10,000
500 Women Raped in the Congo: Tell the UN, Never Again
Stop Mass Rape in the Congo
Support the 500 Congolese women who were raped and prevent this tragedy from happening again. more »
signed: 8,596
goal: 10,000
Sarah Palin Doesn't Speak for Me
Sarah Palin Doesn't Speak for...
Are you tired of Sarah Palin and her so-called "Mama Grizzlies" saying that they speak for all women? We... more »
signed: 14,030
goal: 10,000
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