Trump Jr. corresponded with WikiLeaks privately on Twitter | TheHill
Holy shit! Complete evidence of back and forth collusion and cooperation between Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks, arms of Pro-Putin Pro-Russia internet subterfuge and hacking.
Just wow, this is big. What a #tool. #Traitor
"The WikiLeaks Twitter account sent a direct message to Trump Jr. in
late September 2016 alerting him that an anti-Trump site run by a
political action committee (PAC) was “about to launch.” The message
offered the password to the site.
"The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq
war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’
for who is behind it. Any comments?" WikiLeaks wrote, as
first reported by The Atlantic.
the record I don’t know who that is, but I’ll ask around,” Trump Jr.
responded to the account the following day. It is unclear if he followed
through with the offer."
Trump Jr. later confirmed the interactions on Twitter:
Just wow, this is big. What a #tool. #Traitor
Now it looks like this via Scott Dworkin:
"To recap Don Jr:
-Did business in Russia since 2005
-Conspired with Kremlin agents
-Conspired with Wikileaks
-Conspired with the campaign
-Spreads fake news
-Lied about all of this publicly
-Knew what he was doing was illegal
-Is a traitor
-Is terrible "