I have to agree. My initial take is: LA is BUILT OUT. Anyone who drives in LA, which is virtually everyone, knows this. The nuances notwithstanding, and despite political high-wire acts explaining how we can cram more multi-unit structures anywhere in the city without affecting traffic (which is just aggravating news to hear when one is already aware of reality and can't beliece someone would say something so brazenly stupid and unbelievable), I am completely in favor of voting yes to such a measure. And at least temporarily, until they can figure the traffic out and develop a city you can move around in without spending hours in mind-numbingly bad traffic for the simplest of commutes or basic errands. Special note: I am already a biker and walker. The city is being way over built and it's ruining where I grew up. Shame. This legislation is needed.
#sprawl #overbuilt #smartgrowth #traffichell #overdeveloped #greed #corruptpoliticians
#sprawl #overbuilt #smartgrowth #traffichell #overdeveloped #greed #corruptpoliticians