Yuk. My comment to article in Washington Post below: G Colby Venice
8:42 AM PDT
Ok, worries about natural snow, pollution in Beijing... so the IOC gives the games to them knowing mountains are a '2-hour car ride' away. How many vehicle trips is that? How much more pollution to heat the planet and decrease more of the world's snowpack? This is making me sick. Those high-speed trains better be electric, and their electric grid fueled by solar panels and not coal. At least that would be some modernization. And what of the nod given to China, still known to be horrible abusers of human rights, jailing people for free speech, denying women's and environmental rights, denying freedom of religion, like trying to exterminate the Tibetan Buddhist culture, etc. etc. IOC PLAYING THE HAND OF GREED ALL THE WAY DOWN THE NUMBER LINE. Shameful. This bid should be retracted and go back to the drawing board, with IOC/international support for a more fitting venue to host what are still in many ways a beautiful Games, one of the better things humanity does every couple of years.