Open letter to those disheartened or despairing over Obama's re-election: it's going to be ok.
Our National Security is fine, Obama has kept us safe, killed Bin Laden, has responsibly shepherded two wars he inherited, our standing in the world community is strong.
Obama has helped us from sliding further into recession, the stock market is quite up, housing is coming back, he helped save the auto-industry, employment is inching back up, etc.
Our deficit and budget is an issue: he has pledged to work with the GOP, drawing from Simpson-Bowles, etc. Obama said he's willing to compromise on spending, Medicare, etc. The GOP has said they will consider increasing revenue, i.e., as per the Simpson-Bowles plan to let the tax cuts for the $250,000 and above earners to expire, and work the needed tax loophole closing and spending reductions as necessary to arrive at a moderate budget. Here's to hoping the two sides of the aisle continue cooperating there. This compromising is MANDATORY as per the voters and citizens in this country.
For the really dismayed, Obama is not Hitler, he is not Al Queda, blah blah blah.
He is a serious and pragmatic President. He loves his family. He will continue to be eminently practical.
The GOP has input in both houses of Congress. Let's work TOGETHER to keep gridlock OUT of US politics, and keeps FUNCTIONALITY IN.
To peace, Happy Thanksgiving.