A collection of ideas, letters, opinions, and inspiration. On freedom, on Generation X, modern society, the ethereal dance of the unconquered mind (ok, that's the name of a photo exhibit in San Jose, but it's nifty sounding), the Democratic Party, how much rock and roll and the web will fuel activism, things worth chronicling, things we can improve, and the future.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Samuel L. Jackson To Voters: 'Wake The F*ck Up' And Vote Obama (VIDEO)
Samuel L. Jackson To Voters: 'Wake The F*ck Up' And Vote Obama (FUNNY VIDEO)
Yes, and well this really is wonderful.
Yes, and well this really is wonderful.
Netanyahu asks U.N. to draw 'red line' on Iran's nuclear plans - CNN.com
Netanyahu asks U.N. to draw 'red line' on Iran's nuclear plans - CNN.com
I have blogged extensively about this, sending letters to the Secretary of State, President, news outlets, etc.
I have blogged extensively about this, sending letters to the Secretary of State, President, news outlets, etc.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Real Problem With Romney's Offshore Investments | Mother Jones
The Real Problem With Romney's Offshore Investments | Mother Jones
"The Tax Justice Network estimates that the global superrich have stashed between $21 to $32 trillion in offshore tax havens, a figure almost twice as large the GDP of the United States. The group estimates that if the income on these investments were taxed at 30 percent, it would generate as much as $280 billion in revenue annually. That's more than double what the world's developed countries collectively spend on foreign aid. The lost tax revenue would be enough to pull many developing countries out of debilitating debt and greatly improve the quality of life of their citizens.
"The system of offshore tax havens is one of the greatest threats to the global economy: undermining markets, helping shift gargantuan quantities of wealth upwards from poor to rich, then wrapping up much of it in secrecy," says John Christensen, who served for 11 years as the economic adviser for the British tax haven of Jersey and now works for the Tax Justice Network in London. Before becoming a whistleblower, Christensen helped clients in South Africa evade anti-apartheid sanctions and to dodge taxes, among other things.
"The offshore system of secrecy jurisdictions is much bigger and many times badder than almost anyone realizes. To have a US president who is a serial user and abuser of offshore secrecy, and even a defender of secrecy jurisdictions, would pose frightening threats to the US and the global economy," he adds."
"The Tax Justice Network estimates that the global superrich have stashed between $21 to $32 trillion in offshore tax havens, a figure almost twice as large the GDP of the United States. The group estimates that if the income on these investments were taxed at 30 percent, it would generate as much as $280 billion in revenue annually. That's more than double what the world's developed countries collectively spend on foreign aid. The lost tax revenue would be enough to pull many developing countries out of debilitating debt and greatly improve the quality of life of their citizens.
"The system of offshore tax havens is one of the greatest threats to the global economy: undermining markets, helping shift gargantuan quantities of wealth upwards from poor to rich, then wrapping up much of it in secrecy," says John Christensen, who served for 11 years as the economic adviser for the British tax haven of Jersey and now works for the Tax Justice Network in London. Before becoming a whistleblower, Christensen helped clients in South Africa evade anti-apartheid sanctions and to dodge taxes, among other things.
"The offshore system of secrecy jurisdictions is much bigger and many times badder than almost anyone realizes. To have a US president who is a serial user and abuser of offshore secrecy, and even a defender of secrecy jurisdictions, would pose frightening threats to the US and the global economy," he adds."
***Humanity should reject hate video, says Obama | DAWN.COM
Humanity should reject hate video, says Obama | DAWN.COM
Yes, I have promoted the idea of hug a Muslim, and sharing pictures. We have to hug each other. Life is short. multi-culturalism is a planetary fact.
We have to share in the adventure and love, simply pick paths with heart and gratitude, and keep evolving, finding joy in life. Not violence. Looking for and sharing joy in life.
"NEW YORK: US President Barack Obama urged the entire humanity on Tuesday to reject a disgusting video which has sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world but said that nothing justified “the death and destruction” witnessed in Pakistan last week."
Yes, I have promoted the idea of hug a Muslim, and sharing pictures. We have to hug each other. Life is short. multi-culturalism is a planetary fact.
We have to share in the adventure and love, simply pick paths with heart and gratitude, and keep evolving, finding joy in life. Not violence. Looking for and sharing joy in life.
"NEW YORK: US President Barack Obama urged the entire humanity on Tuesday to reject a disgusting video which has sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world but said that nothing justified “the death and destruction” witnessed in Pakistan last week."
Obama at UN, Videos Do Not Justify Violence, Leaders Must Foster Peace, Protect Innocents
In tougher tone against Iran, Obama says time to settle dispute "not unlimited" - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Again, these are the right and correct messages; wish they were to born their way into the socio-political reality that would preempt and make unnecessary extremism and fanaticism.
"To avoid "a nuclear arms race in the (Middle East) region" and "the unraveling of the (nuclear) non- proliferation treaty," Washington will do "what it must" to prevent Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, he warned."
""There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."
"There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan," he added.
The U.S. president vowed to bring to justice those who harm " our citizens and our friends", and urged all leaders in the world to "speak out forcefully against violence and extremism.""
Again, these are the right and correct messages; wish they were to born their way into the socio-political reality that would preempt and make unnecessary extremism and fanaticism.
"To avoid "a nuclear arms race in the (Middle East) region" and "the unraveling of the (nuclear) non- proliferation treaty," Washington will do "what it must" to prevent Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, he warned."
""There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."
"There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan," he added.
The U.S. president vowed to bring to justice those who harm " our citizens and our friends", and urged all leaders in the world to "speak out forcefully against violence and extremism.""
In tougher tone against Iran, Obama says time to settle dispute "not unlimited" - Xinhua | English.news.cn
In tougher tone against Iran, Obama says time to settle dispute "not unlimited" - Xinhua | English.news.cn
All sounds right; and it all sounds true.
"UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday set a tougher tone against Iran by saying that time is "not unlimited" to settle the dispute and Washington will do "what it must" to stop Tehran from getting a nuclear bomb, although he said he still prefers diplomacy.
"America wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy, and we believe that there is still time and space to do so," Obama told the annual general debate of the UN General Assembly.
"But that time is not unlimited," the president warned."
All sounds right; and it all sounds true.
"UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday set a tougher tone against Iran by saying that time is "not unlimited" to settle the dispute and Washington will do "what it must" to stop Tehran from getting a nuclear bomb, although he said he still prefers diplomacy.
"America wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy, and we believe that there is still time and space to do so," Obama told the annual general debate of the UN General Assembly.
"But that time is not unlimited," the president warned."
Builders aim for super-energy-efficient homes - latimes.com
Builders aim for super-energy-efficient homes - latimes.com
I LOVE THIS. "ZeroHouse, a KB Home model of efficiency in Lake Forest, showcases efforts to offer buyers homes that produce as much energy as they use."
I was getting close with my house in Richmond. Again, I LOVE THIS. This is where it's at.
I LOVE THIS. "ZeroHouse, a KB Home model of efficiency in Lake Forest, showcases efforts to offer buyers homes that produce as much energy as they use."
I was getting close with my house in Richmond. Again, I LOVE THIS. This is where it's at.
Obama confronts Iran, Syria at United Nations - CNN.com
Obama confronts Iran, Syria at United Nations - CNN.com
"United Nations (CNN) -- Embroiled in a tight campaign for re-election, President Barack Obama warned Iran and Syria that their leaders are on the losing end of a sweeping tide of democracy in the region.
"United Nations (CNN) -- Embroiled in a tight campaign for re-election, President Barack Obama warned Iran and Syria that their leaders are on the losing end of a sweeping tide of democracy in the region.
"In Syria, the future must not belong to a dictator who massacres his people," Obama told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday. The U.S. leader also blamed Iran for "propping up a dictatorship in Damascus," restricting freedoms at home and supporting terrorist groups abroad.
Throughout his speech, Obama emphasized that unrest in the region -- namely, the 18-month-old Syrian civil war and recent protests against an obscure anti-Islam film clip -- is taking place in the middle of an unfinished regional revolution that brought an end to oppressive regimes in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia."
Monday, September 24, 2012
***World must stand together against extremists: Clintonhttp://www.thenews.com.pk/Todays-News-1-133881-World-must-stand-together-against-extremists-Clinton
Really the challenge of humanity: to feel the shared experience. We must co-exist, celebrating multi-culturalism.
Pettiness, jealousy, distrust, ill will, and even random violence exist even among races and 'homogeneous cultures.'
Love, adventure, respect, awe, and generosity exist between all manner of people and shapes and colors.
We're all familiar with the former. We know, and feel, that we are better than that.
We must focus on the latter. These are all personal choices.
Pettiness, jealousy, distrust, ill will, and even random violence exist even among races and 'homogeneous cultures.'
Love, adventure, respect, awe, and generosity exist between all manner of people and shapes and colors.
We're all familiar with the former. We know, and feel, that we are better than that.
We must focus on the latter. These are all personal choices.
DN! Exclusive: Live from Illinois Where Workers Demand Romney Visit Before Bain Sends Jobs to China
DN! Exclusive: Live from Illinois Where Workers Demand Romney Visit Before Bain Sends Jobs to China
"We broadcast from just outside a Freeport, Illinois, factory owned by Bain Capital, the private equity firm co-founded by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Workers at Sensata Technologies have set up an encampment called "Bainport" across the street from the facility to protest the company’s plan to close the plant and move it to China, taking 170 jobs with it. The workers have been trying to get Romney to save their jobs. We’re joined by two Sensata workers — Mark Schreck and Tom Gaulrapp — and Freeport Mayor George Gaulrapp, who has supported the encampment and fended off calls for it to be shut down." [includes rush transcript]
Mark Schreck, has worked at the Sensata Technologies factory for six years. He is a single father of three girls.
Tom Gaulrapp, has worked at the Sensata Technologies plant for 33 years.
George Gaulrapp, mayor of Freeport, Illinois.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Bill Clinton: No president could have "magically" fixed economy in one term - CBS News
Bill Clinton: No president could have "magically" fixed economy in one term - CBS News
"There is "no evidence" that Mitt Romney's "militant anti-government approach will work," Mr. Clinton said. He added that President Obama's "balanced" economic proposal of investment, revenue increases and a spending reduction plan is "more likely to produce broad-based prosperity than Romney's."
"There is "no evidence" that Mitt Romney's "militant anti-government approach will work," Mr. Clinton said. He added that President Obama's "balanced" economic proposal of investment, revenue increases and a spending reduction plan is "more likely to produce broad-based prosperity than Romney's."
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Romney tax release boomerangs; Tommy and Ryan should duck, too - JSOnline
Romney tax release boomerangs; Tommy and Ryan should duck, too - JSOnline
14.1% - I was right, I file tax returns with higher rates than Mitt Romney pays. That's outrageous.
Worse, "...Ryan's plans would have dropped Romney's rate to below 1%. Is this the right and rightly-timed message that helps Romney with six weeks left until the election?"
14.1% - I was right, I file tax returns with higher rates than Mitt Romney pays. That's outrageous.
Worse, "...Ryan's plans would have dropped Romney's rate to below 1%. Is this the right and rightly-timed message that helps Romney with six weeks left until the election?"
'Muslim rage' turns against Libya's jihadist militia. So much for lazy stereotypes of fanatical Arabs – Telegraph Blogs
'Muslim rage' turns against Libya's jihadist militia. So much for lazy stereotypes of fanatical Arabs – Telegraph Blogs
Nice, interesting. Everyday Muslims reining in the extremists in Libya. Very good development.
"In a show of mass frustration at the armed groups, protesters seized control of several militia headquarters on Friday night and handed them over to Libya’s national army in what appeared to be a coordinated sweep. They also stormed the headquarters of Ansar al-Sharia, a hard-line Islamist militia that has been linked to the attack on the United States Mission in Benghazi that killed the ambassador and three other Americans."
Nice, interesting. Everyday Muslims reining in the extremists in Libya. Very good development.
"In a show of mass frustration at the armed groups, protesters seized control of several militia headquarters on Friday night and handed them over to Libya’s national army in what appeared to be a coordinated sweep. They also stormed the headquarters of Ansar al-Sharia, a hard-line Islamist militia that has been linked to the attack on the United States Mission in Benghazi that killed the ambassador and three other Americans."
VP candidate Ryan heckled, booed at retiree event - Chicago Tribune
VP candidate Ryan heckled, booed at retiree event - Chicago Tribune
What did he expect? Seniors see that he's disingenuous, and his plans were not constructed to protect them, but to make cuts.
What did he expect? Seniors see that he's disingenuous, and his plans were not constructed to protect them, but to make cuts.
Friday, September 21, 2012
***Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years | Environment | guardian.co.uk
My blog will be a chronicle, of choices we made, what happened.
Who made certain choices, who acted, what happened.
"One of the world's leading ice experts has predicted the final collapse of Arctic sea ice in summer months within four years. In what he calls a "global disaster" now unfolding in northern latitudes as the sea area that freezes and melts each year ..."
"Prof Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University calls for "urgent" consideration of new ideas to reduce global temperatures. In an email to the Guardian he says: "Climate change is no longer something we can aim to do something about in a few decades' time, and that we must not only urgently reduce CO2 emissions but must urgently examine other ways of slowing global warming, such as the various geoengineering ideas that have been put forward.""
"As the sea ice retreats in summer the ocean warms up (to 7C in 2011) and this warms the seabed too. The continental shelves of the Arctic are composed of offshore permafrost, frozen sediment left over from the last ice age. As the water warms the permafrost melts and releases huge quantities of trapped methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas so this will give a big boost to global warming."
My blog will be a chronicle, of choices we made, what happened.
Who made certain choices, who acted, what happened.
"One of the world's leading ice experts has predicted the final collapse of Arctic sea ice in summer months within four years. In what he calls a "global disaster" now unfolding in northern latitudes as the sea area that freezes and melts each year ..."
"Prof Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University calls for "urgent" consideration of new ideas to reduce global temperatures. In an email to the Guardian he says: "Climate change is no longer something we can aim to do something about in a few decades' time, and that we must not only urgently reduce CO2 emissions but must urgently examine other ways of slowing global warming, such as the various geoengineering ideas that have been put forward.""
"As the sea ice retreats in summer the ocean warms up (to 7C in 2011) and this warms the seabed too. The continental shelves of the Arctic are composed of offshore permafrost, frozen sediment left over from the last ice age. As the water warms the permafrost melts and releases huge quantities of trapped methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas so this will give a big boost to global warming."
Like Me Some Neil Young
Neil Young Comes Clean - NYTimes.com
A good, interesting look. Enough details and quotes to let you in his world for awhile. An original. Estimable, perhaps essential. Still refuses to allow his music to be licensed for ads.
“I worry about global warming,” Demme says, comparing himself to Young as a man of action, “but I’m not out there meeting with scientists and funding research.”
“I’m not here to sell things. That’s what other people do, I’m creating them. If it doesn’t work out, I’m sorry; I’m just doing what I do. You hired me to do what I do, not what you do."
"True enough, the wind had picked up at the end of the set, when Young played “Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black),” a version of which poses one of rock’s eternal riddles: Is it better to burn out or fade away?... “At 65, it seems that I may not be at the peak of my rock ’n’ roll powers,” he said. “But that is not for sure.”
A good, interesting look. Enough details and quotes to let you in his world for awhile. An original. Estimable, perhaps essential. Still refuses to allow his music to be licensed for ads.
“I worry about global warming,” Demme says, comparing himself to Young as a man of action, “but I’m not out there meeting with scientists and funding research.”
“I’m not here to sell things. That’s what other people do, I’m creating them. If it doesn’t work out, I’m sorry; I’m just doing what I do. You hired me to do what I do, not what you do."
"True enough, the wind had picked up at the end of the set, when Young played “Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black),” a version of which poses one of rock’s eternal riddles: Is it better to burn out or fade away?... “At 65, it seems that I may not be at the peak of my rock ’n’ roll powers,” he said. “But that is not for sure.”
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Coptic Christians and Muslims, Joint News Conference for Peace
Charity head says 'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker misled him - latimes.com
"Coptic Christians and Muslims leaders held a joint news conference on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall on Monday to condemn the movie and the violent reaction to it. Bishop Serapion said a few "fanatical individuals" should not define the Coptic community, and Maher Hathout of the Muslim Public Affairs Council called on Muslims to ignore hateful portrayals of their religion.
"Those are neither Muslims nor Copts," he said of the filmmakers and the protesters. "Those are people who are psychologically diseased."
"Coptic Christians and Muslims leaders held a joint news conference on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall on Monday to condemn the movie and the violent reaction to it. Bishop Serapion said a few "fanatical individuals" should not define the Coptic community, and Maher Hathout of the Muslim Public Affairs Council called on Muslims to ignore hateful portrayals of their religion.
"Those are neither Muslims nor Copts," he said of the filmmakers and the protesters. "Those are people who are psychologically diseased."
Coptic Christians, Muslims denounce film, violence - Santa Cruz Sentinel
Coptic Christians, Muslims denounce film, violence - Santa Cruz Sentinel
In a show of unity, a Muslim leader and a Coptic orthodox bishop held a news conference on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall to condemn the film and attacks against any religions.
Maher Hathout, senior adviser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles, said the reaction in the Middle East has been unwarranted and irrational for such an "insignificant production." He said the filmmakers are "psychologically diseased with hearts full of hate and minds."
Bishop Serapion of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Southern California said the actions of a few ignorant individuals do not represent the views of many Coptic Christians and Muslims.
"As there is no justification to retaliate or attack the Coptic community. The right way to respond to such kind of events is to come together with a dialogue and to overcome such kind of tensions which unfortunately exist."
In a show of unity, a Muslim leader and a Coptic orthodox bishop held a news conference on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall to condemn the film and attacks against any religions.
Maher Hathout, senior adviser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles, said the reaction in the Middle East has been unwarranted and irrational for such an "insignificant production." He said the filmmakers are "psychologically diseased with hearts full of hate and minds."
Bishop Serapion of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Southern California said the actions of a few ignorant individuals do not represent the views of many Coptic Christians and Muslims.
"As there is no justification to retaliate or attack the Coptic community. The right way to respond to such kind of events is to come together with a dialogue and to overcome such kind of tensions which unfortunately exist."
Monday, September 17, 2012
WOW!!! Romney dismissing Obama supporters as feeling entitled to handouts - The Washington Post
Leaked videos show Romney dismissing Obama supporters as feeling entitled to handouts - The Washington Post
WOW!!! What a guy!! Any of 47% who've said they lean toward supporting Obama, "...should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." !!! Wow, it just never occurred to me!! Now I can vote for Romney! What an asshole. And I'm a victim and pay no taxes?? I can show Romney all my tax returns, and I know I've paid higher rates than he does!!
"“There are 47 percent who are with him,” Romney said of Obama, “who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. These are people who pay no income tax.”
He added that his job “is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
His remarks could undermine recent attempts by his campaign to present him as a caring and charitable leader in his church and community." No shit.
As for his contrition that his remarks were just not elegantly stated, Mia Farrow replies, "How do you "elegantly state" that you have only contempt for half of the nation #cantwait #elegant "
WOW!!! What a guy!! Any of 47% who've said they lean toward supporting Obama, "...should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." !!! Wow, it just never occurred to me!! Now I can vote for Romney! What an asshole. And I'm a victim and pay no taxes?? I can show Romney all my tax returns, and I know I've paid higher rates than he does!!
"“There are 47 percent who are with him,” Romney said of Obama, “who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. These are people who pay no income tax.”
He added that his job “is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
His remarks could undermine recent attempts by his campaign to present him as a caring and charitable leader in his church and community." No shit.
As for his contrition that his remarks were just not elegantly stated, Mia Farrow replies, "How do you "elegantly state" that you have only contempt for half of the nation #cantwait #elegant "
In Ohio, Obama slams China, Romney - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
In Ohio, Obama slams China, Romney - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
"China has once again entered the campaign discussion as President Obama launched another round of attacks against his opponent Mitt Romney on his China policy and announced that he is filing another trade complaint against the country.
"Now, I understand my opponent has been running around Ohio claiming he's going to roll up his sleeves and take the fight to China," Mr. Obama told a crowd in Cincinnati Monday. "Ohio, you can't stand up to China when all you've done is send them our jobs."
The president was referring to Romney's time at Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought companies and moved jobs to China."
"China has once again entered the campaign discussion as President Obama launched another round of attacks against his opponent Mitt Romney on his China policy and announced that he is filing another trade complaint against the country.
"Now, I understand my opponent has been running around Ohio claiming he's going to roll up his sleeves and take the fight to China," Mr. Obama told a crowd in Cincinnati Monday. "Ohio, you can't stand up to China when all you've done is send them our jobs."
The president was referring to Romney's time at Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought companies and moved jobs to China."
Sunday, September 16, 2012
How Carbon Offsets Work | TerraPass
How Carbon Offsets Work | TerraPass
Reduce your carbon footprint - at TerraPass.
"What is a carbon offset?
A carbon offset is a certificate representing the reduction of one metric ton (2,205 lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions, the principal cause of global warming. Although complex in practice, carbon offsets are fairly simple in theory. If you develop a project that reduces carbon dioxide emissions, every ton of emissions reduced results in the creation of one carbon offset. Project developers can then sell these offsets to finance their projects.
There are hundreds of different types of carbon reduction projects. For example, a wind farm generates clean energy, which reduces carbon emissions from coal-burning power plants. In order to finance its operations, a wind farm can sell these reductions in the form of carbon offsets."
Reduce your carbon footprint - at TerraPass.
"What is a carbon offset?
A carbon offset is a certificate representing the reduction of one metric ton (2,205 lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions, the principal cause of global warming. Although complex in practice, carbon offsets are fairly simple in theory. If you develop a project that reduces carbon dioxide emissions, every ton of emissions reduced results in the creation of one carbon offset. Project developers can then sell these offsets to finance their projects.
There are hundreds of different types of carbon reduction projects. For example, a wind farm generates clean energy, which reduces carbon emissions from coal-burning power plants. In order to finance its operations, a wind farm can sell these reductions in the form of carbon offsets."
Time running out to save coral reefs, scientists say
Time running out to save coral reefs, scientists say
Tragic. This makes me want to further decrease my carbon footprint bad.
I'm going to buy Terra Pass carbon offsets for my last trip to NYC. For the three of us.
Tragic. This makes me want to further decrease my carbon footprint bad.
I'm going to buy Terra Pass carbon offsets for my last trip to NYC. For the three of us.
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu - Yahoo! News
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu - Yahoo! News
China and Russia have to come to the table and support full inspections/crippling sanctions. The risk and cost for nuclear Iran is too great.
China and Russia have to come to the table and support full inspections/crippling sanctions. The risk and cost for nuclear Iran is too great.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wow! The Best Mars Landing Video, Period
The Best Mars Landing Video, Period
This changes your pulse. How very cool. Can change one's "why?" opinion into a "what's next?" for sure.
This changes your pulse. How very cool. Can change one's "why?" opinion into a "what's next?" for sure.
***Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone
"The incredible untold story of the 2012 election so far is that Romney's run has been a shimmering pearl of perfect political hypocrisy, which he's somehow managed to keep hidden, even with thousands of cameras following his every move. And the drama of this rhetorical high-wire act was ratcheted up even further when Romney chose his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin – like himself, a self-righteously anal, thin-lipped, Whitest Kids U Know penny pincher who'd be honored to tell Oliver Twist there's no more soup left."
"Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth."
"...and amounted to a total abdication of collective responsibility by America's rich, whose new thing was making assloads of money in ever-shorter campaigns of economic conquest, sending the proceeds offshore, and shrugging as the great towns and factories their parents and grandparents built were shuttered and boarded up, crushed by a true prairie fire of debt."
"The incredible untold story of the 2012 election so far is that Romney's run has been a shimmering pearl of perfect political hypocrisy, which he's somehow managed to keep hidden, even with thousands of cameras following his every move. And the drama of this rhetorical high-wire act was ratcheted up even further when Romney chose his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin – like himself, a self-righteously anal, thin-lipped, Whitest Kids U Know penny pincher who'd be honored to tell Oliver Twist there's no more soup left."
"Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth."
"...and amounted to a total abdication of collective responsibility by America's rich, whose new thing was making assloads of money in ever-shorter campaigns of economic conquest, sending the proceeds offshore, and shrugging as the great towns and factories their parents and grandparents built were shuttered and boarded up, crushed by a true prairie fire of debt."
Hilary Clinton Shares the Right Stuff: Powerful Religion Speech Founded in Peace
Secretary Clinton Delivers Powerful Religion Speech After Middle East Embassy Attacks - Yahoo! News
"She asked the crowd to work towards building a world where if one person commits a violent religious act, millions of people will stand up and condemn it
"We can pledge that whenever one person speaks out in ignorance and bigotry, ten voices will answer," Clinton said forcefully. "They will answer resoundingly against the offense and the insult; answering ignorance with enlightenment; answering hatred with understanding; answering darkness with light."
Thursday, September 13, 2012
U.S. Appeals for Calm, Peace with Islamic People
More protests break out in Muslim world as U.S. appeals for calm - The Washington Post
Like this message going out to Arabic capitals throughout the Middle East, "“The U.S. government had absolutely nothing to do with this video,” Clinton said at a meeting in Washington with a delegation from Morocco. “We absolutely reject its content and messages. But there is no justification — none at all — for responding to this video with violence.”
"But Morsi also denounced the film and called on “the American people” to “declare their rejection” of such provocations"
I as an American citizen reject the disrespectful and vulgar affront to their religion in the video.
"In a telephone call with Hadi on Thursday, the White House said, President Obama “reiterated his rejection of any efforts to denigrate Islam and emphasized that there is never any justification for the violence we are seeing.”"
While investigation to see if the murders in Libya were premeditated is proper, this message is the bottom line, "At the State Department, Nuland said Clinton “wanted to speak so strongly and so directly” because the government was concerned “that people in the region don’t understand our culture and society, that [the video] was, in fact, a private effort, that it has nothing to do with the U.S. government, that we don’t do these kinds of videos, and that, in fact, as a government, we found it disgusting and reprehensible.”"
Like this message going out to Arabic capitals throughout the Middle East, "“The U.S. government had absolutely nothing to do with this video,” Clinton said at a meeting in Washington with a delegation from Morocco. “We absolutely reject its content and messages. But there is no justification — none at all — for responding to this video with violence.”
"But Morsi also denounced the film and called on “the American people” to “declare their rejection” of such provocations"
I as an American citizen reject the disrespectful and vulgar affront to their religion in the video.
"In a telephone call with Hadi on Thursday, the White House said, President Obama “reiterated his rejection of any efforts to denigrate Islam and emphasized that there is never any justification for the violence we are seeing.”"
While investigation to see if the murders in Libya were premeditated is proper, this message is the bottom line, "At the State Department, Nuland said Clinton “wanted to speak so strongly and so directly” because the government was concerned “that people in the region don’t understand our culture and society, that [the video] was, in fact, a private effort, that it has nothing to do with the U.S. government, that we don’t do these kinds of videos, and that, in fact, as a government, we found it disgusting and reprehensible.”"
Reports: Japan plans for nuclear phaseout by 2030s - The Washington Post
Reports: Japan plans for nuclear phaseout by 2030s - The Washington Post
Interesting, noble, the right thing to do.
The Japanese are resourceful and industrious enough to make it happen, hopefully with clean energy. Like Germany.
If so, they will lead the world and export energy through the next century.
"But it also prompts new worries about how Japan will make up for a gaping energy deficit, and whether it can eventually grow renewable energy into a cheap alternative. In the short term, Japan will have to rely on increased imports of fossil fuels, raising the nation’s energy prices as well as its greenhouse-gas emissions."
Interesting, noble, the right thing to do.
The Japanese are resourceful and industrious enough to make it happen, hopefully with clean energy. Like Germany.
If so, they will lead the world and export energy through the next century.
"But it also prompts new worries about how Japan will make up for a gaping energy deficit, and whether it can eventually grow renewable energy into a cheap alternative. In the short term, Japan will have to rely on increased imports of fossil fuels, raising the nation’s energy prices as well as its greenhouse-gas emissions."
BBC News - Iran nuclear: UN watchdog IAEA rebukes Tehran
BBC News - Iran nuclear: UN watchdog IAEA rebukes Tehran
Of course. There should already be suffocating sanctions against them so they comply and become transparent.
See here
Of course. There should already be suffocating sanctions against them so they comply and become transparent.
See here
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Census: Middle Class Shrinks to an All-Time Low- The Washington Post
Article here
Does this need a caption at all?
Very few people should vote for Romney. About 1-2% of the American population.
Does this need a caption at all?
Very few people should vote for Romney. About 1-2% of the American population.
***Anti-Muslim film consultant says he's not responsible for violence - latimes.com
Anti-Muslim film consultant says he's not responsible for violence - latimes.com
Not exactly the kind of reaching out I'd hoped for in the post below.
Awful news that a US ambassador and three others were killed in Libya because of 'offense to anti-Muslim film.'
The vast majority of normal people in all religions want peace for themselves and others. Let's keep working on that.
Not exactly the kind of reaching out I'd hoped for in the post below.
Awful news that a US ambassador and three others were killed in Libya because of 'offense to anti-Muslim film.'
The vast majority of normal people in all religions want peace for themselves and others. Let's keep working on that.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Beyonce And Jay-Z Hosting Obama Fundraiser In NYC
Beyonce And Jay-Z Hosting Obama Fundraiser In NYC
Good, cool.
And Nicki Minaj was just fronting on that support Romney rap. No kidding.
Good, cool.
And Nicki Minaj was just fronting on that support Romney rap. No kidding.
UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld paid $104m - Telegraph
UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld paid $104m - Telegraph
Good. The same should be true for pyramid schemes, financial firm corruption, and bank policy and investing malfeasance whistle-blowers, at an appropriate sliding-scale relative to damages.
Good. The same should be true for pyramid schemes, financial firm corruption, and bank policy and investing malfeasance whistle-blowers, at an appropriate sliding-scale relative to damages.
The Associated Press: Carter: 'Financial corruption' harms US elections
The Associated Press: Carter: 'Financial corruption' harms US elections
He's right, and this is something we'll have to change.
Jimmy Carter is a good man. If you are hyper-partisan for the GOP, you might be discourteous.
But most people would have to grant that Carter has always been a straight-forward, caring man who always put the country's good first, and he's still that way.
He's right, and this is something we'll have to change.
Jimmy Carter is a good man. If you are hyper-partisan for the GOP, you might be discourteous.
But most people would have to grant that Carter has always been a straight-forward, caring man who always put the country's good first, and he's still that way.
***On 9/11/12, Report: Killing Yemen Al Qaeda's No. 2 is no death blow to the group - CSMonitor.com
Killing Yemen Al Qaeda's No. 2 is no death blow to the group - CSMonitor.com
I would proffer to say it is good news, in that diminishing a group so clearly dedicated to senseless violence is a good thing.
And also, maybe even more importantly, for each terrorist with Middle East and/or Al Qaeda ties, we should reach out to the Arab community with olive wreaths, and pledges to respect each other's culture.
It is subtle, but necessary to build the bands of trust between two groups, where mutual survival is a prerequisite. And there is much animosity being generated.
And just because if it leads it bleeds and the media keeps showing us violence, and people see the violence, that BY NO MEANS DEFINES the energy, values, and vision of peaceful Arabs and non-Arabs around the world just looking for a better tomorrow.
We clearly are not at war with Islam, and the good, non-violent Muslims practicing Islam here and in the Middle East.
But we have to protect ourselves from violent extremists.
This should be clear.
But the media, our politicians, and maybe each of us should be more clear and frequent in sending good wishes and intention for good Muslims everywhere.
Let's focus on that a bit.
I would proffer to say it is good news, in that diminishing a group so clearly dedicated to senseless violence is a good thing.
And also, maybe even more importantly, for each terrorist with Middle East and/or Al Qaeda ties, we should reach out to the Arab community with olive wreaths, and pledges to respect each other's culture.
It is subtle, but necessary to build the bands of trust between two groups, where mutual survival is a prerequisite. And there is much animosity being generated.
And just because if it leads it bleeds and the media keeps showing us violence, and people see the violence, that BY NO MEANS DEFINES the energy, values, and vision of peaceful Arabs and non-Arabs around the world just looking for a better tomorrow.
We clearly are not at war with Islam, and the good, non-violent Muslims practicing Islam here and in the Middle East.
But we have to protect ourselves from violent extremists.
This should be clear.
But the media, our politicians, and maybe each of us should be more clear and frequent in sending good wishes and intention for good Muslims everywhere.
Let's focus on that a bit.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Point by point, Bill Clinton makes case for Obama | StarTribune.com
Point by point, Bill Clinton makes case for Obama | StarTribune.com
More DNC speech coverage, inspired vision.
More DNC speech coverage, inspired vision.
The Light in Obama's Spirit, Speech Highlights
I'm compelled to look deeply and try to share the faith and inextinguished optimism felt in his speech.
There is no doubt he loves his family.
There is no doubt he's proud of his accomplishments, not a small example of the American Dream.
There's no doubt the blocking and discord sewn by the GOP have fatally harmed our political process.
But he still possesses the vision for everyman's America.
He resists the notion of selling it to the highest bidder.
"I refuse to go along with that, and as long as I'm president, I never will. (Cheers, applause.) I refuse to ask middle-class families to give up their deductions for owning a home or raising their kids just to pay for another millionaire's tax cut. (Cheers, applause.) I refuse to ask students to pay more for college or kick children out of Head Start programs to eliminate health insurance for millions of Americans who are poor and elderly or disabled all so those with the most can pay less. I'm not going along with that. (Continued cheers, applause.)
There is no doubt he loves his family.
There is no doubt he's proud of his accomplishments, not a small example of the American Dream.
There's no doubt the blocking and discord sewn by the GOP have fatally harmed our political process.
But he still possesses the vision for everyman's America.
He resists the notion of selling it to the highest bidder.
"I refuse to go along with that, and as long as I'm president, I never will. (Cheers, applause.) I refuse to ask middle-class families to give up their deductions for owning a home or raising their kids just to pay for another millionaire's tax cut. (Cheers, applause.) I refuse to ask students to pay more for college or kick children out of Head Start programs to eliminate health insurance for millions of Americans who are poor and elderly or disabled all so those with the most can pay less. I'm not going along with that. (Continued cheers, applause.)
... We, the people — (cheers) — recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which asks only, what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense. (Cheers, applause.)
...If you turn away now — if you turn away now, if you buy into the cynicism that the change we fought for isn't possible, well, change will not happen. If you give up on the idea that your voice can make a difference, then other voices will fill the void, the lobbyists and special interests, the people with the $10 million checks who are trying to buy this election and those who are trying to make it harder for you to vote, Washington politicians who want to decide who you can marry or control health care choices that women should be making for themselves. (Cheers, applause.) Only you can make sure that doesn't happen. Only you have the power to move us forward...."
Friday, September 7, 2012
Arctic to Be Ice Free in My Lifetime
Most of you know this already.
Compounding effect, less solar energy reflected back to space.
Methane trapped in the ice will be released and contribute to global warming.
Already half of what it was.
But the Met doesn't expect it to be ice free 'until 2030.'
KCRW Jason Bentley's Top 50 Albums of the Week
Good picking in here, when it's time search for new head-soundscapes.
Good picking in here, when it's time search for new head-soundscapes.
Canada closes embassy in Iran, to expel Iranian diplomats - Yahoo! News
Canada closes embassy in Iran, to expel Iranian diplomats - Yahoo! News
Nice move by our cousin up north...
"The determination shown by Canada is of great importance in order for the Iranians to understand that they cannot go on with their race toward nuclear arms. This practical step must set an example of international morality and responsibility to the international community," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
Nice move by our cousin up north...
"The determination shown by Canada is of great importance in order for the Iranians to understand that they cannot go on with their race toward nuclear arms. This practical step must set an example of international morality and responsibility to the international community," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
Democrats fix their enthusiasm gap - CNN.com
Democrats fix their enthusiasm gap - CNN.com
Charlotte, North Carolina (CNN) -- "When they needed it most, the Democrats put on a nearly flawless convention. They seem to have fixed their enthusiasm gap by three days of relentless, entertaining, invigorating messaging.
Charlotte, North Carolina (CNN) -- "When they needed it most, the Democrats put on a nearly flawless convention. They seem to have fixed their enthusiasm gap by three days of relentless, entertaining, invigorating messaging.
Unlike the GOP, whose 2012 convention seemed like an audition for 2016, Democrats were all singing from the same hymnal -- powerfully, positively proud of President Barack Obama..."
Thursday, September 6, 2012
***The Kit That Turns Any Car Into A Hybrid | This Could Be Big - Yahoo! News
The Kit That Turns Any Car Into A Hybrid | This Could Be Big - Yahoo! News
This is good news -- "...The kit attaches to the rear wheels of just about any car or truck, and is powered by a lithium ion battery in the trunk. Sure, not everyone could install it themselves, but Perry insists that if you can change your brakes, you can install the kit.
This is good news -- "...The kit attaches to the rear wheels of just about any car or truck, and is powered by a lithium ion battery in the trunk. Sure, not everyone could install it themselves, but Perry insists that if you can change your brakes, you can install the kit.
When it comes to market he hopes to retail the kit for around $3,000, with battery costs as the main factor in determining the price."
Transcript: President Obama's DNC Speech - ABC News
Transcript: President Obama's DNC Speech - ABC News
"Epic" speech, both "workmanlike" and "moving."
Clearly a man dedicated to restoring America's overall and balanced well-being. He's got my vote without a doubt.
"Epic" speech, both "workmanlike" and "moving."
Clearly a man dedicated to restoring America's overall and balanced well-being. He's got my vote without a doubt.
The Pope Gets an Electric Car!!
Like the Holy See getting energy efficient!!
Would be fun to see him cruising around clean and mean, without tailpipe emissions.
Wish he would modernize to some other modern social stances (condoms, for one, being useful) but perhaps in time.
Would be fun to see him cruising around clean and mean, without tailpipe emissions.
Wish he would modernize to some other modern social stances (condoms, for one, being useful) but perhaps in time.
Voters on Bill Clinton's Speech: Former President Backs Obama with Aplomb - Yahoo! News
Voters on Bill Clinton's Speech: Former President Backs Obama with Aplomb - Yahoo! News
"Bill Clinton, who you might say has a way with words, delivered the most powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention so far. He is also arguably the coolest president in American history."
-- David Garrett Jr.
"He stated that "in the real world, cooperation works better" and that it is better than conflict.
Cooperation is needed to repair the problems with our economy. The speech was good and the statistics enough to sway me more toward the Obama-Biden ticket. The point about arithmetic working in Washington and affordable education for our children strikes close to this teacher's heart"
-- Lori Gunn
-- David Garrett Jr.
"Bill Clinton's remarks Wednesday at the Democratic National Convention were both inspiring and heartfelt for this voter. I was a young child when Clinton was in office, but I remember the feeling when he was in office. It was that same feeling that urged me to vote for Barack Obama in 2008, and it was the feeling I got again Wednesday night: hope.
The former president's words hit especially hard, since under his administration, poverty and unemployment rates were reduced, and the wealth gap for minorities closed.
As a voter, I think the Democrats' platform will do more to lift people out of poverty and save even more from ever having to get that far. My vote has thus far been in favor of President Obama. Bill Clinton's speech only helped solidify that"
-- Eric Bauer
***Central Bank Sets Bond Plan Meant to Ease Euro Debt Peril - NYTimes.com
Central Bank Sets Bond Plan Meant to Ease Euro Debt Peril - NYTimes.com
Good to prop up the Euro, but long-view sustainability of lifestyle and economics is in order. The latter being the big paradigm assessment.
Reader comment:
Good to prop up the Euro, but long-view sustainability of lifestyle and economics is in order. The latter being the big paradigm assessment.
Reader comment:
- Stephen
- Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Verified
"It seems that for the time being this is the end of the consumer driven economies of both the US and Europe. With little or no growth envisaged, and it's the consumers who are being hit with layoffs and not much of a possible return to work, then the ECB can only prop up banks in the hope that they can find someone to lend to."
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Bill Clinton: Logic, passion, facts, and issues = Obama, the only choice
Clinton Delivers Stirring Plea for Obama Second Term - NYTimes.com
Logic, passion, facts, and issues. Bill commands them all.
= Obama, the only choice.
Logic, passion, facts, and issues. Bill commands them all.
= Obama, the only choice.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Hypocrite Boehner hits Obama’s ‘courage’ as debt passes $16 trillion | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Boehner hits Obama’s ‘courage’ as debt passes $16 trillion | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
EVERYONE knows Republicans, led by Boehner, balked and held their breath during bipartisan debt ceiling negotiations. THE GOP SINGLE-HANDEDLY PLAYED POLITICS AND WAITED SO LONG OUR U.S. RATING WAS DOWNGRADED. AND debt ceiling cuts had to be made randomly after no agreement could be made.
EVERONE KNOWS THIS. For Boehner to even bring this up with an election looming stirs the stupidity crockpot with a huge stick. They will get flamed when the facts are reviewed by the media and public.
Also, not like they were not at fault for laying the groundwork for the debt's trajectory well before Obama was elected.
"Congressman Ryan voted for the major drivers of the deficit during the Bush administration: those tax cuts for the wealthiest, the Medicare prescription plan that wasn't funded, and two unfunded wars," LaBolt said.
EVERYONE knows Republicans, led by Boehner, balked and held their breath during bipartisan debt ceiling negotiations. THE GOP SINGLE-HANDEDLY PLAYED POLITICS AND WAITED SO LONG OUR U.S. RATING WAS DOWNGRADED. AND debt ceiling cuts had to be made randomly after no agreement could be made.
EVERONE KNOWS THIS. For Boehner to even bring this up with an election looming stirs the stupidity crockpot with a huge stick. They will get flamed when the facts are reviewed by the media and public.
Also, not like they were not at fault for laying the groundwork for the debt's trajectory well before Obama was elected.
"Congressman Ryan voted for the major drivers of the deficit during the Bush administration: those tax cuts for the wealthiest, the Medicare prescription plan that wasn't funded, and two unfunded wars," LaBolt said.
Transcript: San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro’s Democratic Convention Keynote Speech - ABC News
Transcript: San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro’s Democratic Convention Keynote Speech - ABC News
This guy seems quite on point, and trajectory. Solid message, vision, and speech.
This guy seems quite on point, and trajectory. Solid message, vision, and speech.
Democratic National Convention: Rep. Lee: Americans want to move forward
Rep. Lee: Americans want to move forward
Gotta love Barbara Lee.
Best lines from Ted Strickland: 'If Mitt Romney was Santa Claus, he'd fire the reindeer and outsource the elves!'
And 'President Obama saved the American auto industry. Mitt Romney saved on his taxes!'
Gotta love Barbara Lee.
Best lines from Ted Strickland: 'If Mitt Romney was Santa Claus, he'd fire the reindeer and outsource the elves!'
And 'President Obama saved the American auto industry. Mitt Romney saved on his taxes!'
Barack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, out to rev up enthusiasm at DNC
Barack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, out to rev up enthusiasm at DNC
Like Michelle Obama. She seems very sharp, a good mother, wife, and first lady. If she were third in charge after the vice president, it would be ok with me. Like to hear what she says...
Like Michelle Obama. She seems very sharp, a good mother, wife, and first lady. If she were third in charge after the vice president, it would be ok with me. Like to hear what she says...
Organic Food Has Less Pesticides, Usually Is and Tastes Fresher, and Has Less Environmental Impact
Organic food may not be any better for you, study finds | TheSpec.com
See my title wording as opposed to linked article's title, addressing of course the same content of the story.
See my title wording as opposed to linked article's title, addressing of course the same content of the story.
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Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.
What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.
Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?
Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.
Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)
Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.
But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)
Still we are finite on this ride.
It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.
For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.
What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.
Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?
Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.
Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)
Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.
But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)
Still we are finite on this ride.
It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.
For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.