Senate leaders pledge to work through weekend to avert ‘cliff,’ following White House meeting - The Washington Post
They'd better. It goes like this: we find a dollar saved here, your turn. We find a dollar saved here. Your turn. Until budget is balanced.
A collection of ideas, letters, opinions, and inspiration. On freedom, on Generation X, modern society, the ethereal dance of the unconquered mind (ok, that's the name of a photo exhibit in San Jose, but it's nifty sounding), the Democratic Party, how much rock and roll and the web will fuel activism, things worth chronicling, things we can improve, and the future.
Friday, December 28, 2012
In Ireland, Carbon Taxes Pay Off -
In Ireland, Carbon Taxes Pay Off -
Hello future, nice to see you.
Hello future, nice to see you.
"...Although much of that decline can be attributed to a recession, changes
in behavior also played a major role, experts say, noting that the
country’s emissions dropped 6.7 percent in 2011 even as the economy grew
“We are not saints like those Scandinavians — we were lapping up fossil
fuels, buying bigger cars and homes, very American,” said Eamon Ryan,
who was Ireland’s energy minister from 2007 to 2011. “We just set up a
price signal that raised significant revenue and changed behavior. Now,
we’re smashing through the environmental targets we set for ourselves.”
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
How to Sell or Get Rid of Old Gadgets
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The New Mayan Era: Now We Can be Grateful, and More Conscious!
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.
What if in fact the world did end? To live consciously, even though this probably will not happen, it is honest to take a bit of an inventory.
Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?
Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.
Because I realized on some level I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet. How can we share the planet's resources better?
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)
Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.
But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)
Still we are finite on this ride.
It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.
For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.
What if in fact the world did end? To live consciously, even though this probably will not happen, it is honest to take a bit of an inventory.
Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?
Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.
Because I realized on some level I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet. How can we share the planet's resources better?
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)
Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.
But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)
Still we are finite on this ride.
It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.
For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.
Friday, December 21, 2012
May Winter Solstice mark a shift in consciousness, a change in worldview - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
May Winter Solstice mark a shift in consciousness, a change in worldview - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
"Let us for one moment imagine that new era—how it would feel to come together and say “Yes! Yes, we are going to stop the stupid and destructive practices that are destroying the world, and all work together to make this shift right now! We will phase out coal and oil and close down the poisonous tar sands, and instead put the resources into ways we can meet our needs that will regenerate the natural systems around us. The sun, the wind, the water, the elements of life will give us power, and we will use it to build the new systems that will take us into a living future! Nature will be our model and our teacher, no longer our prey. Together we will shape a world that may have less stuff to waste but will offer us more beauty, more health, and more time to enjoy our deep connections with one another.”
"Let us for one moment imagine that new era—how it would feel to come together and say “Yes! Yes, we are going to stop the stupid and destructive practices that are destroying the world, and all work together to make this shift right now! We will phase out coal and oil and close down the poisonous tar sands, and instead put the resources into ways we can meet our needs that will regenerate the natural systems around us. The sun, the wind, the water, the elements of life will give us power, and we will use it to build the new systems that will take us into a living future! Nature will be our model and our teacher, no longer our prey. Together we will shape a world that may have less stuff to waste but will offer us more beauty, more health, and more time to enjoy our deep connections with one another.”
Saturday, December 15, 2012
***Antidotes to violence, and Hollywood responds to deadly Conn. school shooting
Hollywood responds to deadly Conn. school shooting - Yahoo! News
"We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn't have a sort of influence," Jamie Foxx said in an interview on Saturday. "It does."
Ya think? The average 10-year-old has seen tens of thousands of acts of homicide in his lifetime.
That kid reportedly has trouble differentiating between the news, movies, and video game violence. But they keep seeing homicide. We keep seeing more violence. Let's change this cycle.
I've boycotted Tarantino films (even though he's a good story-teller) and almost all other overtly violent films and tv shows for years because YAWN of the stupid, excessive morbid violence in them.
I am ahead of the curve, I think, and pray.
There's lots of things better to do than participate in that milieu: play music, play sports, play with your kids, scuba dive, bungee jump, find your X Games inner athlete and push your inner boundaries and kick ass at the top end of your potential... eat hot peppers, have sex, have more interesting sex, read the greatest novels, study eastern religion and culture, learn about terra forming and plans to expand our space programs, find video games that challenge people to find out the DNA alleles responsible for AIDS and HIV, blog, mentor a kid, watch a Bruin game, donate time to a soup kitchen, read about, volunteer for and support Doctors Without Borders, brew your own ginger beer, paint, and start a garden and grow your own food, for a few.
"We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn't have a sort of influence," Jamie Foxx said in an interview on Saturday. "It does."
Ya think? The average 10-year-old has seen tens of thousands of acts of homicide in his lifetime.
That kid reportedly has trouble differentiating between the news, movies, and video game violence. But they keep seeing homicide. We keep seeing more violence. Let's change this cycle.
I've boycotted Tarantino films (even though he's a good story-teller) and almost all other overtly violent films and tv shows for years because YAWN of the stupid, excessive morbid violence in them.
I am ahead of the curve, I think, and pray.
There's lots of things better to do than participate in that milieu: play music, play sports, play with your kids, scuba dive, bungee jump, find your X Games inner athlete and push your inner boundaries and kick ass at the top end of your potential... eat hot peppers, have sex, have more interesting sex, read the greatest novels, study eastern religion and culture, learn about terra forming and plans to expand our space programs, find video games that challenge people to find out the DNA alleles responsible for AIDS and HIV, blog, mentor a kid, watch a Bruin game, donate time to a soup kitchen, read about, volunteer for and support Doctors Without Borders, brew your own ginger beer, paint, and start a garden and grow your own food, for a few.
Family Guy and American Dad Episodes Pulled in Wake of Connecticut School Massacre | E! Online
Family Guy and American Dad Episodes Pulled in Wake of Connecticut School Massacre | E! Online
Tom Cruise's new shoot 'em up Jack Reacher release postponed too.
Fascinating that violent and inflammatory 'entertainment' is being pulled in the wake of this Newton shooting tragedy.
One would hope we could bring ourselves to produce equally dynamic entertainment without the violence before more of these things happen, no?
Tom Cruise's new shoot 'em up Jack Reacher release postponed too.
Fascinating that violent and inflammatory 'entertainment' is being pulled in the wake of this Newton shooting tragedy.
One would hope we could bring ourselves to produce equally dynamic entertainment without the violence before more of these things happen, no?
New IPCC report: Evidence supporting climate change is ‘unequivocal’ | Science Recorder
New IPCC report: Evidence supporting climate change is ‘unequivocal’ | Science Recorder
Been that way for long time.
Time to jail those who are most responsible for keeping us back.
Jail time, for long, long time. Long time.
Been that way for long time.
Time to jail those who are most responsible for keeping us back.
Jail time, for long, long time. Long time.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Gunman Kills 20 Schoolchildren in Connecticut -
Gunman Kills 20 Schoolchildren in Connecticut -
How incredibly awful.
Readers horrified by the latest school violence call for gun control.
How incredibly awful.
'Mr. Obama called for “meaningful action” to stop such shootings, but he did not spell out details. In his nearly four years in office, he has not pressed for expanded gun control. But he did allude on Friday to a desire to have politicians put aside their differences to deal with ways to prevent future shootings.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut, who went to Newtown, called the shootings “a tragedy of unspeakable terms.”
Readers horrified by the latest school violence call for gun control.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Pope Benedict XVI Sends First Tweet - Photo Journal - WSJ
Pope Benedict XVI Sends First Tweet - Photo Journal - WSJ
Interesting. I like the third tweet, about prayer and looking to imbue our goodness toward those in need.
Interesting. I like the third tweet, about prayer and looking to imbue our goodness toward those in need.
The 10 Most Searched Things of 2012 from Google Search
Gizmodo'd article says we're low-brow pop-culture saturated, or 'screwed up' as they put it. Which is pretty obvious to just about any sentient being. Which is also a bit of a Catch-22. Does that shallow, callow self-awareness stop one from watching piles of reality TV? I wouldn't know, I don't watch it.
I think the things here that will have the longest legs are Hurricane Sandy and iPad maybe tied for 1st, Kate, Whitney and then the London Olympics. All the rest will be gooooone not too long from now.
1. Whitney Houston
2. Gangnam Style
3. Hurricane Sandy
4. iPad 3
5. Diablo 3
6. Kate Middleton
7. Olympics 2012
8. Amanda Todd
9. Michael Clarke Duncan
10. BBB12 (don't search for this, it's a terrible Brazilian show, apparently).
I think the things here that will have the longest legs are Hurricane Sandy and iPad maybe tied for 1st, Kate, Whitney and then the London Olympics. All the rest will be gooooone not too long from now.
1. Whitney Houston
2. Gangnam Style
3. Hurricane Sandy
4. iPad 3
5. Diablo 3
6. Kate Middleton
7. Olympics 2012
8. Amanda Todd
9. Michael Clarke Duncan
10. BBB12 (don't search for this, it's a terrible Brazilian show, apparently).
Sunday, December 9, 2012
No oasis for climate in Doha desert | CAN International
No oasis for climate in Doha desert | CAN International
This is an enormous disapointment.
There are villains who will become increasingly uncomfortable and in the hot seat to change.
There is enormous effort and innovation being brought by good, smart people who will lead.
This is an enormous disapointment.
There are villains who will become increasingly uncomfortable and in the hot seat to change.
There is enormous effort and innovation being brought by good, smart people who will lead.
Climate Talks Yield Commitment to Ambitious, but Unclear, Actions -
Climate Talks Yield Commitment to Ambitious, but Unclear, Actions -
The NY Times really sloughed this one off.
Really failed to take to task the repressive, tragically greedy and selfish American politicians holding us back on progress. Tragic, sad, INFURIATING AND UNACCEPTABLE. Both the media and New York Times' performance and the backwards oil and coal bought-out Republican politicians themselves, just disgusting.
“What this meeting reinforced is that while this is an important forum, it is not the only one in which progress can and must be made,” said Jennifer Haverkamp, director of the international climate programs at the Environmental Defense Fund. “The disconnect between the level of ambition the parties are showing here and what needs to happen to avoid dangerous climate change is profound.”
The NY Times really sloughed this one off.
Really failed to take to task the repressive, tragically greedy and selfish American politicians holding us back on progress. Tragic, sad, INFURIATING AND UNACCEPTABLE. Both the media and New York Times' performance and the backwards oil and coal bought-out Republican politicians themselves, just disgusting.
“What this meeting reinforced is that while this is an important forum, it is not the only one in which progress can and must be made,” said Jennifer Haverkamp, director of the international climate programs at the Environmental Defense Fund. “The disconnect between the level of ambition the parties are showing here and what needs to happen to avoid dangerous climate change is profound.”
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Amy Goodman Questions Top U.S. Negotiator on Alleged Obstruction of U.N. Climate Talks in Doha
Amy Goodman Questions Top U.S. Negotiator on Alleged Obstruction of U.N. Climate Talks in Doha
"Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace International said, "Todd Stern and Jonathan Pershing have come to Doha with their needles stuck in the groove of obstructing the U.N. process, an art they have perfected." And he said that it is "disrespectful of President Obama to inflict on us two negative negotiators who act as if the comments he made after his election were never made. Obama should pick up the phone and tell his delegates to follow his lead, or, alternatively, call them back to Washington."
"Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace International said, "Todd Stern and Jonathan Pershing have come to Doha with their needles stuck in the groove of obstructing the U.N. process, an art they have perfected." And he said that it is "disrespectful of President Obama to inflict on us two negative negotiators who act as if the comments he made after his election were never made. Obama should pick up the phone and tell his delegates to follow his lead, or, alternatively, call them back to Washington."
!!!To Fight Climate Change, College Students Take Aim at the Endowment Portfolio -
To Fight Climate Change, College Students Take Aim at the Endowment Portfolio -
Yes, like ending investments in South Africa during apartheid. Yes.
Yes, like ending investments in South Africa during apartheid. Yes.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Doha: Will the Arab World lead the way on climate change? - Telegraph
Doha: Will the Arab World lead the way on climate change? - Telegraph
Everyone has to chip in here. Developing nations, developed. EVERYONE.
I will cut my carbon emissions in 2013 too. At least by 20% by 2020. Probably 20% by next year.
Everyone has to chip in here. Developing nations, developed. EVERYONE.
I will cut my carbon emissions in 2013 too. At least by 20% by 2020. Probably 20% by next year.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Dispersant makes oil 52 times more toxic - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience | NBC News
Dispersant makes oil 52 times more toxic - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience | NBC News
How is this possible? How stupid are we. Throw chemicals at a chemical spill, without knowing the result?
The first Hippocratic oath: may the cure not be worse than the ailment. What the fuck. HATE ME some oil companies I do.
How is this possible? How stupid are we. Throw chemicals at a chemical spill, without knowing the result?
The first Hippocratic oath: may the cure not be worse than the ailment. What the fuck. HATE ME some oil companies I do.
President Obama/USA - Make a Firm Commitment to Mitigating Climate Change - The Petition Site
USA - Make a Firm Commitment to Mitigating Climate Change - The Petition Site
Please sign, discuss, contact your newspapers, elected officials, etc.
Signing the petition is easy!!
Please sign, discuss, contact your newspapers, elected officials, etc.
Signing the petition is easy!!
World’s Youth Call for Urgent Action at U.N. Climate Change Summit
World’s Youth Call for Urgent Action at U.N. Climate Change Summit
Michael Sandmel: "We make up half the world’s population, and frankly we’re being screwed. We’re being denied a future by a lack of ambition, a lack of vision, and governments that are far too beholden to the interests of big fossil fuel companies, big coal companies and the banks that fund them."
We're all being screwed, and Michael's right. The next generations' futures are being screwed the worst.
Michael Sandmel: "We make up half the world’s population, and frankly we’re being screwed. We’re being denied a future by a lack of ambition, a lack of vision, and governments that are far too beholden to the interests of big fossil fuel companies, big coal companies and the banks that fund them."
We're all being screwed, and Michael's right. The next generations' futures are being screwed the worst.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
How U.S. can once again define the future -
How U.S. can once again define the future -
"Yes, Washington must address the issue of the fiscal cliff and make progress on climate change. But isolated solutions will only waste precious time. Tapping into the new demand pools of the 21st century, unleashing pent-up capital, and shifting American markets to lead a revolution in resource productivity will position the United States to lead the world once again."
'Fiscal cliff' - time for Obama to lead - SFGate
'Fiscal cliff' - time for Obama to lead - SFGate
Both sides must act. Good read.
Bring $1.5 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade Mr. Obama.
The GOP will meet with pre-Bush era tax revenue for the 2%.
Read more:
Read more:
Read more:
Both sides must act. Good read.
Bring $1.5 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade Mr. Obama.
The GOP will meet with pre-Bush era tax revenue for the 2%.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
Read more:
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
Read more:
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
Read more:
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
Read more:
'Fiscal cliff' - time for Obama to lead
Published 6:50 p.m., Thursday, November 29, 2012
- WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 28: (AFP OUT) U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a cabinet meeting at the White House on November 28, 2012 in Washington, DC. The president met yesterday with small business owners and today with the chief executives of major corporations in ongoing talks about the looming fiscal cliff. (Photo by T.J. Kirkpatrick-Pool/Getty Images) Photo: Pool, Getty Images / SF
With the nation's economy just a month away from the "fiscal cliff," the impasse between the White House and Congress appears to be hardening. President Obama, and now Republicans, have gone into campaign mode - the distressingly wrong direction for a nation that needs its leaders to start making tough choices on difficult issues.
Mr. President: The campaign is over. You were elected to lead. It's time for you to do so.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Mr. President: The campaign is over. You were elected to lead. It's time for you to do so.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
Read more:
'Fiscal cliff' - time for Obama to lead
Published 6:50 p.m., Thursday, November 29, 2012
- WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 28: (AFP OUT) U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a cabinet meeting at the White House on November 28, 2012 in Washington, DC. The president met yesterday with small business owners and today with the chief executives of major corporations in ongoing talks about the looming fiscal cliff. (Photo by T.J. Kirkpatrick-Pool/Getty Images) Photo: Pool, Getty Images / SF
With the nation's economy just a month away from the "fiscal cliff," the impasse between the White House and Congress appears to be hardening. President Obama, and now Republicans, have gone into campaign mode - the distressingly wrong direction for a nation that needs its leaders to start making tough choices on difficult issues.
Mr. President: The campaign is over. You were elected to lead. It's time for you to do so.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Mr. President: The campaign is over. You were elected to lead. It's time for you to do so.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
'Fiscal cliff' - time for Obama to lead
Published 6:50 p.m., Thursday, November 29, 2012
- WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 28: (AFP OUT) U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a cabinet meeting at the White House on November 28, 2012 in Washington, DC. The president met yesterday with small business owners and today with the chief executives of major corporations in ongoing talks about the looming fiscal cliff. (Photo by T.J. Kirkpatrick-Pool/Getty Images) Photo: Pool, Getty Images / SF
With the nation's economy just a month away from the "fiscal cliff," the impasse between the White House and Congress appears to be hardening. President Obama, and now Republicans, have gone into campaign mode - the distressingly wrong direction for a nation that needs its leaders to start making tough choices on difficult issues.
Mr. President: The campaign is over. You were elected to lead. It's time for you to do so.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Mr. President: The campaign is over. You were elected to lead. It's time for you to do so.
It's easy to blame both sides equally for the stalemate, because neither has offered much in specifics on what it would do on spending. The Republicans who are refusing to consider any increase in tax rates are clearly an obstruction, but their ranks could thin quickly if the White House put forth a credible package of spending cuts as an alternative to the robotic machete that would slash programs by $1.5 trillion over 10 years if Congress fails to act. Several prominent Republicans already have signaled their willingness to break their no-tax pledges as part of a deal that includes meaningful cuts.
Read more:
Doha: Should rich countries pay for climate change ‘loss and damage’? - Telegraph
Doha: Should rich countries pay for climate change ‘loss and damage’? - Telegraph
You know what they say about an ounce of prevention....
This should be on everyone's mind. We have to all act on this, and rich countries should be figuring in the costs of reduced pollution across the board, particularly in the fossil fuel industry.
Clean, renewable energy will replace the obsolete, polluting, finite fuels, but we NEED TO EXPEDITE AND CATALYZE THE PROCESS. The wolves should not be put in charge of the henhouse, and POLLUTING COUNTRIES, INDUSTRIES AND COMPANIES MUST START TO CAP THEIR EMMISSIONS IMMEDIATELY TO PEAK BY 2020 AND PHASE DOWN THEREAFTER.
You know what they say about an ounce of prevention....
This should be on everyone's mind. We have to all act on this, and rich countries should be figuring in the costs of reduced pollution across the board, particularly in the fossil fuel industry.
Clean, renewable energy will replace the obsolete, polluting, finite fuels, but we NEED TO EXPEDITE AND CATALYZE THE PROCESS. The wolves should not be put in charge of the henhouse, and POLLUTING COUNTRIES, INDUSTRIES AND COMPANIES MUST START TO CAP THEIR EMMISSIONS IMMEDIATELY TO PEAK BY 2020 AND PHASE DOWN THEREAFTER.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Future to Avert: Before-and-after views of Sandy destruction (CBS Pictures)
Before-and-after views of Sandy destruction Pictures - CBS News
Do homo sapiens have the forsight to act, maxing out emissions by 2020?
Or do Hurricane Sandy's become the near-term normal... with a future farther down the extreme curve?
Do homo sapiens have the forsight to act, maxing out emissions by 2020?
Or do Hurricane Sandy's become the near-term normal... with a future farther down the extreme curve?
Saxby Chambliss: 'I care a lot more about' America than Grover Norquist
One should hope so.
He's a politician, who should serve Americans.
Not an ideological tool stuck in some rigid promise that has already hurt America's governance and legislative attempts, and our deficit and helped get our rating damaged.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
U.N. talks seen falling short despite climate change fears | Reuters
U.N. talks seen falling short despite climate change fears | Reuters
We MUST act at this conference. Countries who have not promised verifiable cuts must do so NOW.
Countries who have set verifiable cuts MUST remain on course and be rewarded for their thoughtful and prudent contribution to a global NECESSITY to STABILIZE OUR CLIMATE.
We MUST act at this conference. Countries who have not promised verifiable cuts must do so NOW.
Countries who have set verifiable cuts MUST remain on course and be rewarded for their thoughtful and prudent contribution to a global NECESSITY to STABILIZE OUR CLIMATE.
Grover Norquist's Tax Pledge Rejected by Some Republicans - ABC News
Grover Norquist's Tax Pledge Rejected by Some Republicans - ABC News
Ya think? They better. It it's not a new tax... it's reverting to a more reasonable tax rate as it was when America had a healthier economy and was more prosperous as a whole. Combined with spending cuts, closing loopholes, and compromise, they/we NEED to create a reasonable budget that will diminish our debt and deficit and keep America whole and prosperous.
"With the fiscal cliff looming for the United States, some Republican members of Congress said today they are ready to break a long standing pledge not to raise taxes.
"The only pledge we should be making to each other is to avoid becoming Greece. And Republicans should put revenue on the table," South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said on ABC's "This Week."
Ya think? They better. It it's not a new tax... it's reverting to a more reasonable tax rate as it was when America had a healthier economy and was more prosperous as a whole. Combined with spending cuts, closing loopholes, and compromise, they/we NEED to create a reasonable budget that will diminish our debt and deficit and keep America whole and prosperous.
"With the fiscal cliff looming for the United States, some Republican members of Congress said today they are ready to break a long standing pledge not to raise taxes.
"The only pledge we should be making to each other is to avoid becoming Greece. And Republicans should put revenue on the table," South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said on ABC's "This Week."
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
GOP, All, It's Going to Be OK
Open letter to those disheartened or despairing over Obama's re-election: it's going to be ok.
Our National Security is fine, Obama has kept us safe, killed Bin Laden, has responsibly shepherded two wars he inherited, our standing in the world community is strong.
Obama has helped us from sliding further into recession, the stock market is quite up, housing is coming back, he helped save the auto-industry, employment is inching back up, etc.
Our deficit and budget is an issue: he has pledged to work with the GOP, drawing from Simpson-Bowles, etc. Obama said he's willing to compromise on spending, Medicare, etc. The GOP has said they will consider increasing revenue, i.e., as per the Simpson-Bowles plan to let the tax cuts for the $250,000 and above earners to expire, and work the needed tax loophole closing and spending reductions as necessary to arrive at a moderate budget. Here's to hoping the two sides of the aisle continue cooperating there. This compromising is MANDATORY as per the voters and citizens in this country.
For the really dismayed, Obama is not Hitler, he is not Al Queda, blah blah blah.
He is a serious and pragmatic President. He loves his family. He will continue to be eminently practical.
The GOP has input in both houses of Congress. Let's work TOGETHER to keep gridlock OUT of US politics, and keeps FUNCTIONALITY IN.
To peace, Happy Thanksgiving.
Our National Security is fine, Obama has kept us safe, killed Bin Laden, has responsibly shepherded two wars he inherited, our standing in the world community is strong.
Obama has helped us from sliding further into recession, the stock market is quite up, housing is coming back, he helped save the auto-industry, employment is inching back up, etc.
Our deficit and budget is an issue: he has pledged to work with the GOP, drawing from Simpson-Bowles, etc. Obama said he's willing to compromise on spending, Medicare, etc. The GOP has said they will consider increasing revenue, i.e., as per the Simpson-Bowles plan to let the tax cuts for the $250,000 and above earners to expire, and work the needed tax loophole closing and spending reductions as necessary to arrive at a moderate budget. Here's to hoping the two sides of the aisle continue cooperating there. This compromising is MANDATORY as per the voters and citizens in this country.
For the really dismayed, Obama is not Hitler, he is not Al Queda, blah blah blah.
He is a serious and pragmatic President. He loves his family. He will continue to be eminently practical.
The GOP has input in both houses of Congress. Let's work TOGETHER to keep gridlock OUT of US politics, and keeps FUNCTIONALITY IN.
To peace, Happy Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Second Life for Old Electric Car Batteries: Guardians of the Electric Grid
Second Life for Old Electric Car Batteries: Guardians of the Electric Grid
Good thinking, and for storage of the grid (i.e., solar power generated from rooftops, etc.).
Good thinking, and for storage of the grid (i.e., solar power generated from rooftops, etc.).
Buddhist Monk Wishing Obama Well - Travels to Inspire in Asia
President Obama defends historic trip to Burma - The Washington Post
“I always believe in prayer,” Obama said during his news conference, after a reporter mentioned the joke during a question. “If a Buddhist monk is wishing me well, I’m going to take whatever good vibes he can give me to try to deal with some challenges back home. I’m confident that we can get our fiscal situation dealt with.”
“I always believe in prayer,” Obama said during his news conference, after a reporter mentioned the joke during a question. “If a Buddhist monk is wishing me well, I’m going to take whatever good vibes he can give me to try to deal with some challenges back home. I’m confident that we can get our fiscal situation dealt with.”
Friday, November 16, 2012
Obama, Congress Leaders Meet to Avoid 'Fiscal Cliff'
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional leaders emerged from a meeting with President Barack Obama on Friday vowing to find common ground on taxes and spending that would allow them to head off a looming "fiscal cliff" that could push the economy back into recession."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Obama Calls World Leaders Who Hailed His Re-election - Reuters
Monday, November 12, 2012
Good riddance to Mitt Romney | New York Daily News
Good riddance to Mitt Romney | New York Daily News
"Now, I understand that, as a general rule, you don’t hit a guy when he’s down. Romney suffered a crushing defeat, one that according to aides he was completely unprepared for." <Colby's note: That first notion notwithstanding, really? Was he really believing some of the skewed polls? And/or that they could vote suppress and swindle him a victory?>
"But at the end of the day, Romney’s campaign should be assessed in the most accurate possible manner. Its failings should not be sugarcoated or glossed over. Instead, it should be described precisely as it was: One of the most cynical, dishonest and disreputable presidential campaigns in modern American history."
"Now, I understand that, as a general rule, you don’t hit a guy when he’s down. Romney suffered a crushing defeat, one that according to aides he was completely unprepared for." <Colby's note: That first notion notwithstanding, really? Was he really believing some of the skewed polls? And/or that they could vote suppress and swindle him a victory?>
"But at the end of the day, Romney’s campaign should be assessed in the most accurate possible manner. Its failings should not be sugarcoated or glossed over. Instead, it should be described precisely as it was: One of the most cynical, dishonest and disreputable presidential campaigns in modern American history."
Friday, November 9, 2012
Obama Says He Would Veto Extension Of Tax Cuts For The Rich
Obama Says He Would Veto Extension Of Tax Cuts For The Rich
Good. So much for a honeymoon.
Glad the GOP has gotten the message (not$).
Good. So much for a honeymoon.
Glad the GOP has gotten the message (not$).
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Adam McKay: Dear America, Please Don't Fall for This Shit Again
Adam McKay: Dear America, Please Don't Fall for This Shit Again
"Billions have been spent for one purpose and one purpose only: to obscure and distract from the fact that Mitt Romney is backing the identical agenda George W Bush did.
It's really and truly that simple.
Lower taxes for the rich, cutting regulations for Wall Street, hawkish foreign policy with in many cases the same neocon foreign policy advisers W. Bush used make Romney/Ryan "W Bush 2: The Sequel to the Greatest Disaster Movie in Recent U.S. History, Available in Imax."
"Billions have been spent for one purpose and one purpose only: to obscure and distract from the fact that Mitt Romney is backing the identical agenda George W Bush did.
It's really and truly that simple.
Lower taxes for the rich, cutting regulations for Wall Street, hawkish foreign policy with in many cases the same neocon foreign policy advisers W. Bush used make Romney/Ryan "W Bush 2: The Sequel to the Greatest Disaster Movie in Recent U.S. History, Available in Imax."
Why we are voting for President Obama: Nine Mormon women speak - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
Why we are voting for President Obama: Nine Mormon women speak - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
"Through my political choices, I want to leave a legacy to my sons – a legacy of empowerment, intelligence, equality, and choice. I urge all women to respect themselves, their minds, and their bodies. They are sacred – we are sacred. I will vote for Obama.”
"“President Obama is committed to looking out for those whose voices go unheard—women, gays, the poor, and the elderly. I appreciate that his efforts are always pragmatic and educated, rather than impulsive and quick. And Mitt Romney reminds me of every well-meaning yet overbearing male church leader who’s ever underestimated me.”
"I will be voting for President Obama because he will wage the battles that are important to me: thoughtful foreign policy, compassionate immigration reform, serious education standards, responsible market regulation, and equal protection and civil rights for every citizen.”
"Through my political choices, I want to leave a legacy to my sons – a legacy of empowerment, intelligence, equality, and choice. I urge all women to respect themselves, their minds, and their bodies. They are sacred – we are sacred. I will vote for Obama.”
"“President Obama is committed to looking out for those whose voices go unheard—women, gays, the poor, and the elderly. I appreciate that his efforts are always pragmatic and educated, rather than impulsive and quick. And Mitt Romney reminds me of every well-meaning yet overbearing male church leader who’s ever underestimated me.”
"I will be voting for President Obama because he will wage the battles that are important to me: thoughtful foreign policy, compassionate immigration reform, serious education standards, responsible market regulation, and equal protection and civil rights for every citizen.”
Studies: Outside Groups Spend $1.11 Billion on Election; 81% of "Dark Money" Benefits GOP
Studies: Outside Groups Spend $1.11 Billion on Election; 81% of "Dark Money" Benefits GOP
"New figures show outside groups such as super PACs have spent more than $1.11 billion on the 2012 election. According to Demos and U.S. PIRG, the figure marks a 400 percent increase over outside spending in 2008. More than 60 percent of the nearly $441 million raised by super PACs came from a group of just 91 people. A separate report by the Sunlight Foundation has found that "dark money" groups — which are able to donate anonymously — have spent over $213 million through November 1, with 81 percent of the money going toward backing Republican candidates."
"New figures show outside groups such as super PACs have spent more than $1.11 billion on the 2012 election. According to Demos and U.S. PIRG, the figure marks a 400 percent increase over outside spending in 2008. More than 60 percent of the nearly $441 million raised by super PACs came from a group of just 91 people. A separate report by the Sunlight Foundation has found that "dark money" groups — which are able to donate anonymously — have spent over $213 million through November 1, with 81 percent of the money going toward backing Republican candidates."
We Are Not Powerless to Confront Climate Change
We Are Not Powerless to Confront Climate Change
"Mitt Romney must rue that line in his Republican National Convention speech, days after Hurricane Isaac narrowly missed hitting Tampa, Fla., and the convention, when he quipped: “President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.” Romney drew a big laugh from those gathered to nominate him. No one is laughing now. Sandy’s U.S. death toll has reached 50, with 8 million without power. Initial estimates put the cost of the damage at tens of billions of dollars."
"Mitt Romney must rue that line in his Republican National Convention speech, days after Hurricane Isaac narrowly missed hitting Tampa, Fla., and the convention, when he quipped: “President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.” Romney drew a big laugh from those gathered to nominate him. No one is laughing now. Sandy’s U.S. death toll has reached 50, with 8 million without power. Initial estimates put the cost of the damage at tens of billions of dollars."
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Bill Clinton: Romney wants to undo progress Obama made | The Des Moines Register |
Bill Clinton: Romney wants to undo progress Obama made | The Des Moines Register |
"The president is creating a more inclusive, fairer America....The president has opposed those who want to restrict access to contraception and eliminate a woman’s right to choose in cases of rape or incest. Governor Romney has endorsed them.
President Obama has met our national security challenges in a rapidly changing unpredictable world with strength, and he’s worked hard to take care of our troops when they come home.
I’m for Barack Obama because his policies will bring back middle-class jobs and incomes and help the poor. They will help us build a modern economy of shared prosperity and continuing world leadership, and his policies will keep us on the road toward a more perfect union."
"The president is creating a more inclusive, fairer America....The president has opposed those who want to restrict access to contraception and eliminate a woman’s right to choose in cases of rape or incest. Governor Romney has endorsed them.
President Obama has met our national security challenges in a rapidly changing unpredictable world with strength, and he’s worked hard to take care of our troops when they come home.
I’m for Barack Obama because his policies will bring back middle-class jobs and incomes and help the poor. They will help us build a modern economy of shared prosperity and continuing world leadership, and his policies will keep us on the road toward a more perfect union."
How Romney Would Treat Women -
How Romney Would Treat Women -
"On these issues, Mitt Romney is no moderate. On the contrary, he is considerably more extreme than President George W. Bush was. He insists, for example, on cutting off money for cancer screenings conducted by Planned Parenthood.
The most toxic issue is abortion, and what matters most for that is Supreme Court appointments."
Bill Clinton speaks to 4K at Obama rally in NC |
Bill Clinton speaks to 4K at Obama rally in NC |
The de facto Secretary of Explaining Stuff:
"Romney "has been tying himself in knots to say he didn't say what he clearly said," Clinton told about 4,000 people at Pullen Park in Raleigh."
The de facto Secretary of Explaining Stuff:
"Romney "has been tying himself in knots to say he didn't say what he clearly said," Clinton told about 4,000 people at Pullen Park in Raleigh."
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Bloomberg brings climate change out of the closet in stunning snub to Romney | Environment | The Guardian
Bloomberg brings climate change out of the closet in stunning snub to Romney | Environment | The Guardian
Big time. Get with the program elephants. Or get left behind.
Big time. Get with the program elephants. Or get left behind.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hurricane Sandy: Romney Would Curtail Federal Aid and Response, but Send in Canned Goods
Romney Holds 'Storm Relief Event' -
"As our editorial noted this morning, Mr. Romney wants to end centralized emergency relief and let states handle the load themselves, though few states can do so without federal assistance.
Mr. Romney’s rash promise to put a hard ceiling on discretionary spending – which includes emergency response – would mean far less money for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The House budgets developed by his running mate, Paul Ryan, would cut this kind of spending even further, an idea that Mr. Romney considers “excellent.”
Mr. Romney ignored all questions this morning about his plans for federal emergency management. It’s probably embarrassing to admit those plans consist largely of collecting soup cans."
"As our editorial noted this morning, Mr. Romney wants to end centralized emergency relief and let states handle the load themselves, though few states can do so without federal assistance.
Mr. Romney’s rash promise to put a hard ceiling on discretionary spending – which includes emergency response – would mean far less money for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The House budgets developed by his running mate, Paul Ryan, would cut this kind of spending even further, an idea that Mr. Romney considers “excellent.”
Mr. Romney ignored all questions this morning about his plans for federal emergency management. It’s probably embarrassing to admit those plans consist largely of collecting soup cans."
Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change - ABC News
Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change - ABC News
"Scientists predict that the annual number of increasingly intense hurricanes will double over the next century – especially affecting North America's Atlantic Coast.
Why? The short answer, they said, is that it's the result of climate change.
Hurricanes are created – in part – and fed by warmer waters. Relatively cooler air condenses vapor rising from water below and the heat released from the condensation gives the hurricane the energy that whips up 75-mile-an-hour (or higher) winds"
"Initial estimates put the cost of Sandy at $6 billion. Models of future storms show that damage could surge to $20 to $70 billion.
As the globe warms, ice melts, contributing to rising sea levels. This, in turn, makes coastlines more vulnerable to damage caused by storm surges."
"Scientists predict that the annual number of increasingly intense hurricanes will double over the next century – especially affecting North America's Atlantic Coast.
Why? The short answer, they said, is that it's the result of climate change.
Hurricanes are created – in part – and fed by warmer waters. Relatively cooler air condenses vapor rising from water below and the heat released from the condensation gives the hurricane the energy that whips up 75-mile-an-hour (or higher) winds"
"Initial estimates put the cost of Sandy at $6 billion. Models of future storms show that damage could surge to $20 to $70 billion.
As the globe warms, ice melts, contributing to rising sea levels. This, in turn, makes coastlines more vulnerable to damage caused by storm surges."
Romney Best Man to Put Us Back on a Path to a Zombie Apocalypse - Joss Whedon
Monday, October 29, 2012
Watching Sandy, Ignoring Climate Change : The New Yorker
Is Climate Change Responsible For Hurricane Sandy? : The New Yorker
Fucking sad. On the Weather Channel, just about every commercial break had some poor sap promoting the petroleum industry, as an 'energy voter.' I can't imagine the devastation and flood waters juxtaposed with lots of clean-scrubbed young actors pimping oil, coal and greenhouse gas emitting fossil fuels was enjoyed by many. I wanted to throw a shoe at the tv about the second or third time I saw those ads.
Fucking sad. On the Weather Channel, just about every commercial break had some poor sap promoting the petroleum industry, as an 'energy voter.' I can't imagine the devastation and flood waters juxtaposed with lots of clean-scrubbed young actors pimping oil, coal and greenhouse gas emitting fossil fuels was enjoyed by many. I wanted to throw a shoe at the tv about the second or third time I saw those ads.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Green upgrades that pay for themselves | green, homes, home - Business - The Orange County Register
Green upgrades that pay for themselves | green, homes, home - Business - The Orange County Register
"She remodeled her three-bedroom, two-bathroom Mission Viejo house to add energy-efficient lighting and appliances and natural ventilation to reduce summer cooling costs. Solar panels partially cover her roof, and solar tubes shoot light into dark rooms.
Her average electric bill? Just 91 cents. A month.
A neighbor with a similar house pays $450 a month for power.
And there's another benefit. Shomaker, broker-owner of SPS Realty, estimates that her $10,000 investment in eco-friendly renovations and components has boosted her home's value by about $50,000.
"You save money by going green."
"She remodeled her three-bedroom, two-bathroom Mission Viejo house to add energy-efficient lighting and appliances and natural ventilation to reduce summer cooling costs. Solar panels partially cover her roof, and solar tubes shoot light into dark rooms.
Her average electric bill? Just 91 cents. A month.
A neighbor with a similar house pays $450 a month for power.
And there's another benefit. Shomaker, broker-owner of SPS Realty, estimates that her $10,000 investment in eco-friendly renovations and components has boosted her home's value by about $50,000.
"You save money by going green."
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Obama Criticizes Republicans for Fighting Wall Street Reform
Obama Criticizes Republicans for Fighting Wall Street Reform
Yes, less crazy financial meltdowns, please.
Thanks, Dodd-Frank, thanks Obama.
Yes, less crazy financial meltdowns, please.
Thanks, Dodd-Frank, thanks Obama.
Salt Lake Tribune endorses Obama | Washington Times Communities
Salt Lake Tribune endorses Obama | Washington Times Communities
This is right on.
"Mitt Romney did it again in Monday night’s debate, when he bobbed and weaved his way back to the center of the political spectrum of our country. It hard to believe he’ll fool the voters with his swings and dodges, which are outright deceptions of his extreme right wing conservative beliefs...."
This is right on.
"Mitt Romney did it again in Monday night’s debate, when he bobbed and weaved his way back to the center of the political spectrum of our country. It hard to believe he’ll fool the voters with his swings and dodges, which are outright deceptions of his extreme right wing conservative beliefs...."
Friday, October 26, 2012
US economy picked up pace and grew 2% in third quarter, GDP data shows | Business |
US economy picked up pace and grew 2% in third quarter, GDP data shows | Business |
Good news! Do we risk recovery and go back to uncertainty?
Good news! Do we risk recovery and go back to uncertainty?
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
***Biden in Ohio Calls Romney ‘One Quackin’ Duck’ - ABC News
Biden in Ohio Calls Romney ‘One Quackin’ Duck’ - ABC News
"Biden used one of his mother’s old sayings when he talked about Mitt Romney paying a lower tax rate than many other Americans becuse of the lower tax on capital gains, calling the GOP presidential nominee “one quackin’ duck.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, when asked on ’60 Minutes’ — not by us, it was ’60 Minutes’ — Governor, you only pay 14 percent on $20 million because of this tax break, and the guy making 50 grand pays more. Do you think that’s fair? The governor said, yes, I think that’s that’s fair,” Biden told the crowd gathered at the high school."
"Biden used one of his mother’s old sayings when he talked about Mitt Romney paying a lower tax rate than many other Americans becuse of the lower tax on capital gains, calling the GOP presidential nominee “one quackin’ duck.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, when asked on ’60 Minutes’ — not by us, it was ’60 Minutes’ — Governor, you only pay 14 percent on $20 million because of this tax break, and the guy making 50 grand pays more. Do you think that’s fair? The governor said, yes, I think that’s that’s fair,” Biden told the crowd gathered at the high school."
***Biden Says Country Witnessing ‘Remaking of Mitt Romney’ - ABC News
Biden Says Country Witnessing ‘Remaking of Mitt Romney’ - ABC News
"Democrats and rival Republicans quickly pounced on Romney’s team last March when senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom suggested the campaign could reset itself “like an Etch A Sketch” in the general election. Romney, who was then a contender in the Republican primary contest, “walked back” his adviser’s comments, telling reporters that while the campaign may restructure itself “organizationally,” the issues he’d be running on would be exactly the same.”
"Vice President Joe Biden said in Ohio that the country might at last be witnessing the reconstruction of the Romney platform that his campaign hinted at last spring.
“His plans aren’t sketchy, they’re Etch A Sketchy. They’re like shaking that little tablet out there,” Biden said at the J. Babe Stearn Community Center Monday. “It’s under way guys. We are seeing the remaking of Mitt Romney right before our eyes.”
Snake oil anyone? Which Romney plaform would one get: the primary uber-conservative, or this centrist-softy that's now running? Nobody knows. What a crock of sauce.
"Democrats and rival Republicans quickly pounced on Romney’s team last March when senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom suggested the campaign could reset itself “like an Etch A Sketch” in the general election. Romney, who was then a contender in the Republican primary contest, “walked back” his adviser’s comments, telling reporters that while the campaign may restructure itself “organizationally,” the issues he’d be running on would be exactly the same.”
"Vice President Joe Biden said in Ohio that the country might at last be witnessing the reconstruction of the Romney platform that his campaign hinted at last spring.
“His plans aren’t sketchy, they’re Etch A Sketchy. They’re like shaking that little tablet out there,” Biden said at the J. Babe Stearn Community Center Monday. “It’s under way guys. We are seeing the remaking of Mitt Romney right before our eyes.”
Snake oil anyone? Which Romney plaform would one get: the primary uber-conservative, or this centrist-softy that's now running? Nobody knows. What a crock of sauce.
GOP Plan Would Cut Medicaid By $1.7 Trillion, Study Says – AARP
GOP Plan Would Cut Medicaid By $1.7 Trillion, Study Says – AARP
Know a senior, or figure to become one?
Know a senior, or figure to become one?
Great news: Iowa’s renewable energy reality
Iowa’s renewable energy boom: Headed for a bust? | TheGazette
Nice. Wind already supplies 23% of the state's energy. They're putting in solar, they're producing ethanol.
Clean, renewable, U.S. energy. The future, happening now.
Nice. Wind already supplies 23% of the state's energy. They're putting in solar, they're producing ethanol.
Clean, renewable, U.S. energy. The future, happening now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
On Offense, Obama Says Romney All Over the Map -
Obama and Romney Bristle in Foreign-Policy Debate -
Funny the all over the map comment, when Romney could have used said map when asserting Iran needed Syria to have access to the sea.
NYTimes editorial comment, "Mitt Romney sounded confused and incoherent and had no original ideas of substance."
Several times Romney stammered on with barely related talking points he parroted up, realizing his ship was sinking and he better ram in his hard-memorized talking points. Shame Schieffer let him stammer on for so long, but then again maybe not.
Obama has done a great job, and kept us safe, in a very complicated world scene.
His moral compass has been very good, and it's clear we'd be well-served by him in the helm again.
Instant polls have borne this out to be so already. Good. Maybe Mitt can get back to selling snake oil or dodging taxes or doing something else for fun.
Funny the all over the map comment, when Romney could have used said map when asserting Iran needed Syria to have access to the sea.
NYTimes editorial comment, "Mitt Romney sounded confused and incoherent and had no original ideas of substance."
Several times Romney stammered on with barely related talking points he parroted up, realizing his ship was sinking and he better ram in his hard-memorized talking points. Shame Schieffer let him stammer on for so long, but then again maybe not.
Obama has done a great job, and kept us safe, in a very complicated world scene.
His moral compass has been very good, and it's clear we'd be well-served by him in the helm again.
Instant polls have borne this out to be so already. Good. Maybe Mitt can get back to selling snake oil or dodging taxes or doing something else for fun.
Monday, October 22, 2012
***Obama Debate Bounce...
Obama Unlikely to Get Big Debate Bounce, but a Small One Could Matter -
"A CBS News poll of undecided voters who watched the debate found 53 percent giving it to Mr. Obama, 23 percent to Mitt Romney and 24 percent declaring it a tie."
"A CBS News poll of undecided voters who watched the debate found 53 percent giving it to Mr. Obama, 23 percent to Mitt Romney and 24 percent declaring it a tie."
Good news! Ikea uses sun, wind to become energy independent
Ikea uses sun, wind to become energy independent
Good things happening, even though some outdated people want to buck progress and eke out very dirty, difficult to extract, obsolete, finite, fossil fuels. While others are already investing successfully in our future, and energy of the future.
"... [Ikea] will rely on the sun and wind to produce all the power it uses at its stores and buildings worldwide within a decade. It plans to install more rooftop solar panels, erect wind farms and reduce its energy usage by replacing 1.2 million incandescent light bulbs with 85%-more-efficient LEDs (light-emitting diodes.)
"Each roof is a power station in the making," says Steve Howard, Ikea Group's chief sustainability officer, adding that the United States has "fantastic sun ... as good as anywhere in the world." Ikea already has solar panels atop 34 of its 38 U.S. stores and distribution centers."
Good things happening, even though some outdated people want to buck progress and eke out very dirty, difficult to extract, obsolete, finite, fossil fuels. While others are already investing successfully in our future, and energy of the future.
"... [Ikea] will rely on the sun and wind to produce all the power it uses at its stores and buildings worldwide within a decade. It plans to install more rooftop solar panels, erect wind farms and reduce its energy usage by replacing 1.2 million incandescent light bulbs with 85%-more-efficient LEDs (light-emitting diodes.)
"Each roof is a power station in the making," says Steve Howard, Ikea Group's chief sustainability officer, adding that the United States has "fantastic sun ... as good as anywhere in the world." Ikea already has solar panels atop 34 of its 38 U.S. stores and distribution centers."
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Obama Touts Record on Fair Pay, Abortion
Democracy Now! | Democracy Now! Headlines for October 19, 2012
President Obama hit the campaign trail in the Northeast on Thursday with a continued effort to drum up support among women voters. Speaking in New Hampshire, Obama touted his record on fair pay in the workplace and access to abortion services.
President Obama: "You know where I stand. Look, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, this was the first bill I signed into law, and I know you want the same thing for your daughters or sisters or moms or grandmas as I do. And this is not — as I said in the debate, this is not just a women’s issue; this is a family issue, this is an economic issue. I also believe women should make their own healthcare decisions."Obama and Mitt Romney were questioned about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in their debate Tuesday night. On Thursday, the Romney campaign attempted to walk back a statement from top Romney adviser Ed Gillespie that Romney had opposed the bill in 2009."
McCain voters defecting to Obama are older white males - Yahoo! News
McCain voters defecting to Obama are older white males - Yahoo! News
"Four years ago I voted for John McCain because I thought he was more experienced, and I thought we needed someone with some military background," Baker said. "Mitt Romney - I don't believe he has the experience that's needed. He's a businessman, he knows how to make money. That's all well and good, but we've got people to worry about."
"Four years ago I voted for John McCain because I thought he was more experienced, and I thought we needed someone with some military background," Baker said. "Mitt Romney - I don't believe he has the experience that's needed. He's a businessman, he knows how to make money. That's all well and good, but we've got people to worry about."
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bill Clinton Says Mitt Romney is Trying to Deceive Anerican Voters
Bill says it like it.
Democratic rock stars -- Clinton and Springsteen -- stump for Obama - First Read
Democratic rock stars -- Clinton and Springsteen -- stump for Obama - First Read
During his warm up act, which exceeded 30 minutes, Clinton blasted Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for a lack of transparency, telling supporters they did not put up with the "hide and seek stuff" of the GOP candidate. His budget, tax returns and details about his economic plan are things the former president said the Republican has been hiding.
"I love Ohio, it's an old school place," Clinton said. "We like our families, we like our communities, we value personal loyalty. When you were down, you were out and when your whole economy was threatened, the president had your back. You gotta have his back now."
"In front of the crowd today, Springsteen said, "The future is rarely a tide rushing in. It's a long march, day by day. And Obama feels that in his bones for all 100 percent of us."
During his warm up act, which exceeded 30 minutes, Clinton blasted Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for a lack of transparency, telling supporters they did not put up with the "hide and seek stuff" of the GOP candidate. His budget, tax returns and details about his economic plan are things the former president said the Republican has been hiding.
"I love Ohio, it's an old school place," Clinton said. "We like our families, we like our communities, we value personal loyalty. When you were down, you were out and when your whole economy was threatened, the president had your back. You gotta have his back now."
"In front of the crowd today, Springsteen said, "The future is rarely a tide rushing in. It's a long march, day by day. And Obama feels that in his bones for all 100 percent of us."
Bruce Springsteen sings for Obama -
Bruce Springsteen sings for Obama -
"I came here today because I’m thankful for universal health care, the lack of which was — for so long — an embarrassment to our country,” he said. “I’m thankful for a more regulated Wall Street. I’m thankful GM is still making cars."
Springsteen added that he’s worried about women’s rights and “deeply concerned about the continuing disparity in wealth between our best-off citizens and our everyday citizens."
"I came here today because I’m thankful for universal health care, the lack of which was — for so long — an embarrassment to our country,” he said. “I’m thankful for a more regulated Wall Street. I’m thankful GM is still making cars."
Springsteen added that he’s worried about women’s rights and “deeply concerned about the continuing disparity in wealth between our best-off citizens and our everyday citizens."
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Romney's empty 'binders full of women' -
Romney's empty 'binders full of women' -
"Romney told that story in an effort to demonstrate how well his administration had done in hiring women. Except it didn't. A study by the University of Massachusetts and the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy shows that the percentage of women in senior positions during his tenure actually declined. It went from 30% when Romney took office to 27% when he left and up to more than 33% after the new governor took over.
How Obama aced the comeback -
How Obama aced the comeback -
"Navigating the tricky shoals of the town hall format, the president laid out a persuasive case for re-election, point by point, drawing sharp contrasts with his opponent while avoiding rudeness."
"Both substantively and stylistically, Romney operated in Obama's shadow in this match, second banana to the president's leading man. Clearly this was not the role Romney intended to play.
"Navigating the tricky shoals of the town hall format, the president laid out a persuasive case for re-election, point by point, drawing sharp contrasts with his opponent while avoiding rudeness."
"Both substantively and stylistically, Romney operated in Obama's shadow in this match, second banana to the president's leading man. Clearly this was not the role Romney intended to play.
Romney's defining moments were too frequently negative. His attempts to directly confront the president carried plenty of dramatic charge, but they didn't quite play out the way they must have in rehearsal. These maneuvers left an impression more of petulance than leadership.
"What I Do Know is that [Romney] Will Say Just About Anything to Win" - Chicago Tribune,0,6526027.column "Mitt Romney is unusually prone to 180-degree reversals of policy for naked political reasons, but it's hard to think of a chutzpah moment in his campaign more striking than his assertion last night, when a college student asked him about the bleak job climate. Romney responded by saying, "I want to make sure we keep our Pell Grant program growing.""
"what I do know is he will say just about anything to win.",0,6526027.column
"what I do know is he will say just about anything to win.",0,6526027.column
Presidential debate 101: Does Romney’s tax math add up? -
Presidential debate 101: Does Romney’s tax math add up? -
Not so much.
"That still leaves $5 trillion in lost tax revenue to pay for. Independent tax experts say it's very hard to fully offset that by reducing tax breaks – especially if the middle class needs to come out with a net tax cut."
Not so much.
"That still leaves $5 trillion in lost tax revenue to pay for. Independent tax experts say it's very hard to fully offset that by reducing tax breaks – especially if the middle class needs to come out with a net tax cut."
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Poll: Obama edges Romney in second debate - CBS
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Mitt's Spinning and Spinning
Mitt Romney's tax plan is mathematically impossible: he can't simultaneously keep his pledges to cut tax rates 20 percent and repeal the estate tax and alternative minimum tax; broaden the tax base
to avoid growing the deficit; and not raise taxes on the middle class. -- Josh Barro, Bloomberg, October 12, 2012.
Moe, 1 sec ago
We haven't forgotten about your tax returns, Romney. What are you hiding?
Goose Tooth, 3 secs ago
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
President Obama Vows 'Determined' Performance at Second Debate - ABC News
President Obama Vows 'Determined' Performance at Second Debate - ABC News
""What he spent most of his time doing [in Denver] was hiding the ideas that he's been running on for the last year and that the American people had essentially rejected," Obama said in the interview. "And so they desperately tried to cover up what exactly they've been proposing."
"The president cited Romney's comments on abortion in an interview Tuesday with the Des Moines Register as one example of his challenger trying to "hide" his real views.
"Four weeks before an election, he is trying to cloud the question" on abortion rights, Obama said, "because he understands that most women think they can make their own health care decisions."
""What he spent most of his time doing [in Denver] was hiding the ideas that he's been running on for the last year and that the American people had essentially rejected," Obama said in the interview. "And so they desperately tried to cover up what exactly they've been proposing."
"The president cited Romney's comments on abortion in an interview Tuesday with the Des Moines Register as one example of his challenger trying to "hide" his real views.
"Four weeks before an election, he is trying to cloud the question" on abortion rights, Obama said, "because he understands that most women think they can make their own health care decisions."
Google Mitt Romney = Completely Wrong
Mitt Romney Google Bombed Himself - Yahoo! News
Completely wrong -- Google search here,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=35243188&biw=1275&bih=638&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=BwF2UMqwCpD2igKmsIDQDQ
Completely wrong -- Google search here,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=35243188&biw=1275&bih=638&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=BwF2UMqwCpD2igKmsIDQDQ
***California Prop. 30 & 38: Looking for Budget Reality
There's a Hole in the Bucket | Election 2012 | East Bay Express
"Both are also equitable measures if you consider the massive gains in income by the wealthiest Californians over the past two decades. Data from the Franchise Tax Board shows that the state's top 1 percent saw their incomes rise by 50 percent while the bottom 20 percent suffered a decline of 20 percent in income."
"Both are also equitable measures if you consider the massive gains in income by the wealthiest Californians over the past two decades. Data from the Franchise Tax Board shows that the state's top 1 percent saw their incomes rise by 50 percent while the bottom 20 percent suffered a decline of 20 percent in income."
"The California Budget Project, a nonpartisan organization well-known
for its rigorous analysis of state policy issues, holds a more
optimistic view, and has even taken the rare step of endorsing Prop 30.
"Prop 30 would raise much needed revenues as part of a balanced approach
to closing state budget gap over the long haul," said the CBP's senior
policy analyst Jonathan Kaplan. While the organization supports Prop 30,
Kaplan clarified that it's taking a neutral position on Prop 38."
***Mitt Romney Is Misrepresenting Abortion Position - Disingenuous Double-Talk
Mitt Romney Is Hiding Abortion Position, Not Softening It, Obama Campaign Says
"Despite having pledged to "get rid of" Planned Parenthood funding and appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, Romney told The Des Moines Register on Tuesday that restricting abortion access is not part of his agenda. Just two hours later, his campaign immediately walked back the statement. Romney "would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life," spokeswoman Andrea Saul told National Review Online."
""He is trying to close the deal, I would imagine, just like he did in the boardroom when he was with Bain Capital," Stephanie Cutter, President Obama's campaign manager, told reporters on Wednesday. "Romney has been dishonest about his plan on issue after issue. His dishonesty on abortion is only one example.""
"Despite having pledged to "get rid of" Planned Parenthood funding and appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, Romney told The Des Moines Register on Tuesday that restricting abortion access is not part of his agenda. Just two hours later, his campaign immediately walked back the statement. Romney "would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life," spokeswoman Andrea Saul told National Review Online."
""He is trying to close the deal, I would imagine, just like he did in the boardroom when he was with Bain Capital," Stephanie Cutter, President Obama's campaign manager, told reporters on Wednesday. "Romney has been dishonest about his plan on issue after issue. His dishonesty on abortion is only one example.""
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Romney on foreign policy - Style over substance
Romney on foreign policy -
"Style over substance
Our view: Aside from rhetorical flourishes, Romney's foreign policy prescriptions differed little from those of the president
... On all these issues, Mr. Romney seems to think that all the United States has to do is show its muscle and the world will obediently comply with its wishes. But that's not the way the real world works; we learned that during the Bush administration. Mr. Romney claims the U.S. needs action, not words, to reclaim its leadership position among nations, but so far all he has offered is to speak louder and carry the same big stick."Monday, October 8, 2012
Romney: Elitist, Tax Dodging, 1% Slickmaster - Now Friend of the 47%?
Romney Claims Of Bipartisanship As Governor Face Challenge -
Romney, man of the people. Romney, always for the 100%, and the certainly the 47%. Oh, but of course! Never just the 1% or 2%. Never!
What a snake-oil salesman. He's one of the straightest liars of all-time. Will sell you that used car. Believes when he tells you, 'it's a fine car!' And already knows in his heart of heart it's a junker.
A con-man in a great thing for a businessman.
A con-man is not a great thing for a President.
"What's the point of presidential debates, if one candidate can lie for a half-hour and then be declared the winner?"
" But as the Center for American Progress points out this morning – Romney told 27 lies or half-truths in a matter of just 38 minutes on stage last night. Romney lied about his own tax plan – saying that it's not a $5 trillion tax cut, despite independent analysis of his plan saying it is."
"But ultimately – President Obama did fail last night. He failed at calling out Mitt Romney as an agent of the oligarchs. The President didn't mention Romney's "47%" comments – he didn't mention Romney's tax dodging and offshore tax havens – he didn't mention Romney's career harvesting businesses at Bain. If the President can't make the argument that Romney is only looking out for the 1% - then he's going to lose."
Romney, man of the people. Romney, always for the 100%, and the certainly the 47%. Oh, but of course! Never just the 1% or 2%. Never!
What a snake-oil salesman. He's one of the straightest liars of all-time. Will sell you that used car. Believes when he tells you, 'it's a fine car!' And already knows in his heart of heart it's a junker.
A con-man in a great thing for a businessman.
A con-man is not a great thing for a President.
"What's the point of presidential debates, if one candidate can lie for a half-hour and then be declared the winner?"
" But as the Center for American Progress points out this morning – Romney told 27 lies or half-truths in a matter of just 38 minutes on stage last night. Romney lied about his own tax plan – saying that it's not a $5 trillion tax cut, despite independent analysis of his plan saying it is."
"But ultimately – President Obama did fail last night. He failed at calling out Mitt Romney as an agent of the oligarchs. The President didn't mention Romney's "47%" comments – he didn't mention Romney's tax dodging and offshore tax havens – he didn't mention Romney's career harvesting businesses at Bain. If the President can't make the argument that Romney is only looking out for the 1% - then he's going to lose."
Climate Change Likely to Cause More Flooding - The Guardian
Friday, October 5, 2012
Does $5 gas = buy a hybrid or electric car? A cost/benefit analysis -
Does $5 gas = buy a hybrid or electric car? A cost/benefit analysis -
Interesting. Getting closer to a must-do.
And this doesn't even factor in the environmental and pollution costs of gas-only guzzlers.
"Fuel costs for the Leaf come to 22 cents per mile, far lower than any other car on my list (the other models I picked, besides the Prius, were the BMW 328i luxury sedan, Ford Focus compact, Honda Civic compact, Honda CR-V crossover, Mini Cooper subcompact and Toyota Camry sedan). The popular Prius hybrid, no surprise, was the next cheapest to fuel, at 29 cents per mile. Closest behind were the Focus at 33 cents per mile and the Mini at 34 cents. Turning to annual operating cost, the Leaf is again a big winner at $2,629, followed by the Prius at $3,407, the Focus at $3,985 and the Mini at $4,031. The most expensive vehicle on my list to operate was the 328i at $4,998, but I doubt many Beemer owners care."
"As for the Leaf, it does, eventually, make up for its higher upfront cost: Its cumulative cost of ownership finally matches the Focus and the Prius at year 15. Another interesting discovery, for me, was that the CR-V, which gets a fairly unimpressive 22 miles per gallon in city driving and 30 mpg on the highway, has a lower cost of ownership than the Leaf until year eight."
Interesting. Getting closer to a must-do.
And this doesn't even factor in the environmental and pollution costs of gas-only guzzlers.
"Fuel costs for the Leaf come to 22 cents per mile, far lower than any other car on my list (the other models I picked, besides the Prius, were the BMW 328i luxury sedan, Ford Focus compact, Honda Civic compact, Honda CR-V crossover, Mini Cooper subcompact and Toyota Camry sedan). The popular Prius hybrid, no surprise, was the next cheapest to fuel, at 29 cents per mile. Closest behind were the Focus at 33 cents per mile and the Mini at 34 cents. Turning to annual operating cost, the Leaf is again a big winner at $2,629, followed by the Prius at $3,407, the Focus at $3,985 and the Mini at $4,031. The most expensive vehicle on my list to operate was the 328i at $4,998, but I doubt many Beemer owners care."
"As for the Leaf, it does, eventually, make up for its higher upfront cost: Its cumulative cost of ownership finally matches the Focus and the Prius at year 15. Another interesting discovery, for me, was that the CR-V, which gets a fairly unimpressive 22 miles per gallon in city driving and 30 mpg on the highway, has a lower cost of ownership than the Leaf until year eight."
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Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.
What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.
Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?
Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.
Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)
Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.
But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)
Still we are finite on this ride.
It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.
For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.
What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.
Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?
Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.
Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)
Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.
But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)
Still we are finite on this ride.
It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.
For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.