Robert Creamer: "Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012No shit. Effectively lays out what we know, and what is pissing so many of us off.
The details:
"...Last week, for the third time this fall, Republicans successfully blocked Obama's jobs program in the Senate. Of course this came as absolutely no surprise, since Senate Republican Leader told the world earlier this year -- in no uncertain terms -- that his top legislative priority was to prevent the re-election of the president.
McConnell, and his House counterpart, John Boehner, don't lose a wink of sleep over concerns that their intransigence harms the economic prospects of everyday Americans. In their view, the worse the economy gets, the more likely the voters will be to boot President Obama out of the Oval Office.
"...Not only has the GOP refused to support Democratic measures to put Americans back to work, their alternative "jobs program" features no direct, measurable job creation whatsoever. Instead it relies on the same "trickle down" economic theory that didn't create one net private sector job in the eight years before the Great Recession - and the same unwillingness to rein in the big Wall Street banks that led to the worst financial collapse in 65 years...."
"But that's not all. Everyone agrees that the Republican House Majority was swept into office last November precisely because of the terrible economy. But instead of job creation, they've busied themselves focusing on trying to defund Planned Parenthood, protecting Americans from the imaginary threat of Sharia Law, and fending off non-existent attack on the use of "In God We Trust." The Republican controlled
House hasn't voted on a single job creation measure since John Boehner and his colleagues took power last January....."
"...In the deliberations of the "Super Committee," Republicans have been completely unwilling to give on the fundamental question of whether millionaires should be asked to pay to put America's economic house in order.
The view of the Republican leadership is that -- in addition to defeating President Obama -- their principal mission is to act as guard dogs for the exploding incomes of the top 1%."
"...In the upcoming fight over the next fiscal year's appropriation bills, there is every indication that the Republicans will demand that riders be attached limiting the power of the EPA and restricting funding for contraception -- which surveys show is used by 98% of American women...."
Then there is the House schedule. Last week the Boehner team published a House schedule for next year intended to guarantee that very little gets done. The House will be in session only 94 days in all of next year (including many days where votes are postponed until 6PM) and will continue its habit of going into recess virtually every third week. Yet another example of a "do-nothing Republican Congress."
It's no accident, that while the polls show that most officials in the American government have fallen into disrepute for their failure to get the economy moving again,
Congressional Republicans win the prize for negative ratings...."
"...On the other hand,
the president's agenda itself is overwhelmingly popular. His jobs bill is supported by the vast majority of Americans -- and becomes more popular the more voters hear about it. When its provisions were explained,
63% offered their support in the October
Wall Street Journal/NBC poll....."
"...An October National Journal poll found 68% of voters support the Democratic proposal for a surtax on millionaires to pay for the jobs bill...."
"...In fact, the whole 99% versus 1% message frame that has dominated the airwaves since everyday people began Occupying Wall Street -- is very popular -- as are the president's executive actions to improve the economy without Congressional approval...."
"...And what is unpopular? The Republican plan to abolish Medicare and replace it with vouchers - that is
really unpopular. In fact, most polls find that
70% of voters oppose cutting Social Security and Medicare to reduce the deficit.
Creating jobs, making the 1% pay their fair share, and protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will be the defining symbolic issues next year -- and on every one of them Democrats hold the high political ground and Republicans have to walk through the valley of political death...."