Saturday, December 31, 2011

Edison would've loved new light bulb law -

Edison would've loved new light bulb law -

Happy New Year!!!

"But come January 1, when a light-bulb law setting new efficiency standards is set to take effect, it's out with those old incandescents and in with the new. My great grandfather's 100-watt incandescent will be replaced with new energy-efficient versions, including CFLs, LEDs, and -- yes -- new and improved incandescent bulbs. When better lighting is fully implemented throughout our country, we'll be saving $13 billion a year in electricity costs and we'll eliminate the need for 30 large power plants, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental advocacy group.

And my great-grandfather wouldn't have it any other way.

For the record, Thomas Edison was a patriot, he was a futurist, and he was green. Edison's concern after the turn of the last century was with pollution and nonrenewable resources, not with freezing technological change at the level of 1879.

He wanted the Swiss to harness water power in 1911; he wanted Ford and Firestone to recognize that oil was nonrenewable but the sun was infinite and free; he wanted to use goldenrod—a roadside weed—to serve as a cheap and independent source to replace imported foreign rubber. He...."

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bahrain, Freedom, Toxic Coffee Video - The New York Times

Customers at a coffee shop in Bahrain, where citizens desiring democracy gather, regularly get tear gassed, and hope to replace the family-run dictatorship in that country.

This is a very inspiring video at the end of 2011 -- showing the courage of active protestors and the malevolence of repression and greed.

Physics dictates that majority numbers outweigh the needs of an elite few -- eventually these people will have freedom. We should pray for them, help support the idea of democracy (not capitalism), AND help make ours a more perfect union. Which is also suffering currently under the greed of an elite few, for example willing to let national parks close because they won't help close corporate tax loopholes or give up George Bush-era tax breaks favoring the wealthy.

See the comment above again on physics. It is my opinion that those in the few guilty of repressing and selling the rest of us short -- there and here -- should be jailed for a long time.

Verizon Introduces Bad Idea $2 Convenience Fee

Verizon introduces $2 convenience fee | PopWatch |

The above really is a bad idea, bound to not help Verizon even if they pull the idea soon....

"Over the past 10 years, we’ve watched as all bill payments gradually moved online. It was a win-win for everyone: Consumers no longer had to chase down a stamp to send a bill via the mail, companies avoided the extra cost of processing mailed-in payments, and the environment got to keep some of its trees. But now, Verizon is making life a tad more difficult for its costumers by enforcing, strangely enough, a “convenience fee.” (continues)..."

2011's Top 10 Stories That Mattered Most -

2011's 10 stories that mattered most -

Local and global, details at link...

10. The downtown L.A. stadium deal
9. The death of Kim Jong Il
8. California Redistricting
7. Prison realignment
6. The slaying of Osama bin Laden
5. The new Obama
4. Occupy Wall Street
3. The revolving GOP front-runner
2. The European debt crisis
1. The Arab Spring

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cat and Owl - Proof We Can All Get Along

Purina Animal All Stars

This is pretty cute -- and great evidence of the potential of past 'enemies' to not only coexist but also fraternize quite amiably.

Fun Stuff - French Bulldog Facial and Vocal Histrionics

Purina Animal All Stars

Need to get your play on sometimes too!!

Here's to this handsome(!) fella and his playful owner.

I hope to feel more like that when confronted with 2012's challenges then I did with those of 2011!!!

Obama greets military families for Christmas in Hawaii

Obama greets military families for Christmas in Hawaii

He's a good guy. I wish him and rest of us the best of luck in 2012.

I think he fell on the right side of most issues last year, and his approach to the Middle East obviously paid dividends in the Arab Spring. Google 'Obama Cairo Speech' to see the vastly improved tone and approach he shared in leading a vision for peaceful cohabitation in that speech, just one of many fairly profound personal and policy choices he made to help get us progress.

Merry Belated Christmases to the Obamas. In an alternate reality, we could have had 4 more years of George Junior Bush.

How do Mount Athos Monks stay so healthy? - HealthPop - CBS News

How do Mount Athos Monks stay so healthy? - HealthPop - CBS News

Some personal longevity - umm, sustainability - tips from Greek Monks.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Looking beyond the superficial glitter of Christmas - Pope Benedict, a Prayer

Pope calls for worshipers to remember 'essence' of Christmas -

Look beyond "superficial glitter" and "commercial celebration."

The Pope reminds us to "help...those suffering from hunger, food shortages and displacement."

"May the Lord come to the aid of our world torn by so many conflicts which even today stain the earth with blood," he said, speaking in a firm voice in Italian from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica.

2011: The Year in Pictures - Interactive Feature -

2011: The Year in Pictures - Interactive Feature -

"From Japan’s tsunami to Occupy Wall Street, 2011 was a year of upheaval both natural and man-made. Text by Colum McCann."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

10 Words We Learned in 2011 - Yahoo! Finance

10 Words We Learned in 2011 - Yahoo! Finance

These are funny - and a quick way to look at 2011, and the slightly more intellectual side of shared pop culture and news.

Here's to 2012! And hopefully some more forward-thinking terms added next year!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Danish zoo raises polar bear cub, and thoughts on Sustainability

Danish zoo raises polar bear cub by hand - Yahoo! News

This is a nice, cute story around the holidays.
A 'feel-good story.' Helping the little fella stay alive.

It also underscores our taking for granted a functional ecosystem, and the costs of replacing that functionality by hand.

Sustainability of Earth's delicate and beautiful ecosystems - billions of years in the making - is so crucial now to all the beings on the planet, after just 200 devastating years of man's carbon-based misuse and pollution.

It is far easier to support the ecosystem and lessen our pollution and impacts on it than to make up for it one organism at a time. The globe's harmony and life-giving processes have already been ruthlessly and shortsightedly thrown into disarray by a too-greedy mankind. Extinction rates are at an unprecedented curve.
We are the most-evolved tenants and the de facto landlords of this planet now. We have to do a better job.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EPA requires limit on mercury emissions from power plants -

EPA requires limit on mercury emissions from power plants -

My mom's ex-husband Gene Feldman was a prominent pediatrician.

He wrote himself to the government on the need to limit mercury pollution in the environment.

He described how hard it was to treat just one child with mercury poisoning, let alone let so many get affected.

That we could avoid these poisonings and negative environmental impacts would make him proud.

Rest in peace Gene.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Human Destructive Greed-Based Folly: Russia oil spills wreak devastation - Yahoo! Finance

AP Enterprise: Russia oil spills wreak devastation - Yahoo! Finance

I wonder at what point humankind will be (if, we will be, I suppose) looking back at these kinds of processes and say... what the fuck were they thinking?????

"...Environmentalists estimate at least 1 percent of Russia's annual oil production, or 5 million tons, is spilled every year. That is equivalent to one Deepwater Horizon-scale leak about every two months. Crumbling infrastructure and a harsh climate combine to spell disaster in the world's largest oil producer, responsible for 13 percent of global output.

Oil, stubbornly seeping through rusty pipelines and old wells, contaminates soil, kills all plants that grow on it and destroys habitats for mammals and birds. Half a million tons every year get into rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean, the government says, upsetting the delicate environmental balance in those waters.

It's part of a legacy of environmental tragedy that has plagued Russia and the countries of its former Soviet empire for decades, from the nuclear horrors of Chernobyl in Ukraine to lethal chemical waste in the Russian city of Dzerzhinsk and paper mill pollution seeping into Siberia's Lake Baikal, which holds one-fifth of the world's supply of fresh water...."

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Deadly Iraq war ends with exit of last U.S. troops -

Deadly Iraq war ends with exit of last U.S. troops -

Wow, what a long, strange trip it's been.

This makes me think of the letter I wrote in the LA Times -- about exiting Iraq, and the costs and benefits -- IN OCTOBER 2003. NINE YEARS AGO.

Exiting Iraq, and the costs and benefits. Has it really changed that much?
Shouldn't we have left 9 years ago? Probably, yes. We should have. Some saw it then....

Newt Gingrich: 15 Things You Don’t Know About Him

Newt Gingrich: 15 Things You Don’t Know About Him

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Warren Buffett-owned company to buy $2-billion California solar farm

Warren Buffett-owned company to buy California solar farm -

Wonderful news. Guess it kinda dwarfs my 6-panel roof-top system in the Bay Area? Haha.

Great news, big move, by smart fella.

"In a lot of ways, this is classic Warren Buffett," said Bruce Bullock, executive director of the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University. "He comes into an industry that is starving for capital investment. At the same time, this is something that also tells people it's time to take solar power seriously."

EPA links fracking at Wyoming well to tainted water - Houston Chronicle

EPA links fracking at Wyoming well to tainted water - Houston Chronicle

Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events
and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation

The smartest people are going there, while the greediest people are dragging us farther into disharmony with our life-giving environment.

Low-Beef Diet, The Environment, and Nobel-Winning IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri Urges Obama to "Listen to Science" on Global Warming

Nobel-Winning IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri Urges Obama to "Listen to Science" on Global Warming

This is a very informative and thoughtful man, and a very good interview to watch. Amy Goodman is nearly always spot-on, as an interviewer, or interviewee. HUGE Amy Goodman fan.

Also love Pachauri's take, 'off the record' as chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, on why he's a vegetarian. He hits on the clearing of forests for pasture land, pounds of food input into the cow for one pound of meat output, and the need for refrigeration and transportation - all relying on carbon-fueled energy sources - all through the chain to bring the meat to the consumer. Compare to your local, delicious Farmer's Market fare. Not to say never eat meat, necessarily, but be conscious of this process. Seek out some local, grass-fed, fresh beef, when needed for example. And deeply enjoy local and fresh cuisine whenever possible, etc.

Blagojevich gets 14 years in prison for corruption - CNN

Blagojevich gets 14 years in prison for corruption - CNN

This bears memorialization in a big way.

File under: Politicians, Corrupt; Major Jail Sentence

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Majority Page :.

Statement of Senator Barbara Boxer
Press Conference to Send Message on Climate Change to Durban Conference
December 7, 2011
(Remarks as prepared for delivery)

I am here today as Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to send a clear message to the Summit of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa.
And that message is this: there are leaders in the U.S. Congress who understand the urgent threat facing the globe, and despite reports to the contrary, many Members of Congress are committed to lessening the impacts of unchecked climate change.
I am speaking to you today from Washington, D.C. because the business of Congress requires me to be here this week. My remarks today will be distributed by my staff, who are representing me in Durban.
Although I am not there with you in person, it in no way lessens my commitment to the work that you are doing in Durban and the importance of your mission to address climate change.
This massive threat to the environment and human health that is posed by climate change requires us to put aside partisan differences, to find common ground, and to demand immediate international action.
The evidence is mounting all around us that climate change has already caused damage to our environment. The trend is clear, and scientists around the world are concerned about what is happening to our planet.
Climate scientists predict increased precipitation, stronger storms, and increased drought. In the U.S. this year we have seen a record number of weather-related disasters.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has tracked the cost of damage from weather events for decades and found that in 2011 through the month of August there were ten disasters causing a loss of $1 billion or more, setting a new record. These include:

o Record flooding in the Missouri River Basin that damaged thousands of homes and acres of valuable farmland.
o Historic flooding in the Mississippi River caused by rain 300 percent above normal levels that led to weeks of flooding across multiple states.
o Droughts, heat waves, and wildfires across the Southern Plains and Southwest that destroyed thousands of homes and thousands of other buildings.
o More than 800 tornados across the Midwest, Southeast, and Ohio Valley, including several that struck major metropolitan areas.

Forests across the West have been ravaged as warmer winters and harsher droughts have contributed to an increase in insect infestations and disease that have impacted millions of acres.
As we begin to see these impacts, the trends for the future should cause us great concern.
According to the World Meteorological Organization, 13 of the warmest years on record have all occurred in the last 15 years.
According to the Global Carbon Project, greenhouse gas emissions rose 5.9 percent in 2010 - the largest jump in emissions in any year since the Industrial Revolution began.
And the most recent International Energy Agency (IEA) analysis says that if global energy production doesn't change, the Earth's temperature could climb 11 degrees Fahrenheit. The head of the IEA was quoted as saying "Everybody, even the school children, knows this is a catastrophe for all of us."
An 11 degree increase means we would experience the worst effects of climate change that the world's leading scientists have predicted, such as devastating droughts; hundreds of millions of people subject to water shortages; significant extinction around the globe; significant harm to agriculture and food production; loss of coastal wetlands; millions of more people experiencing coastal flooding each year; increased malnutrition, lung disease, and infections; and increased mortality from heat waves, floods, and droughts.
A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists demonstrated the public health consequences of increased ozone pollution caused by higher temperatures. They predict that in 2020 increased ozone associated with warmer temperatures could cause:
o $5.4 billion in increased health costs;
o 2.8 million more acute respiratory symptoms;
o 944,000 more missed school days; and
o 3,700 more seniors and 1,400 more infants hospitalized for respiratory problems.

We must all work together to make sure this does not come to pass, but we are clearly on notice just how high the stakes are. While time has grown short, it is not too late.
The message I have for climate deniers is this: you are endangering human kind. It is time for climate deniers to face reality, because the body of evidence is overwhelming and the world's leading scientists agree.
The U.S. National Academy of Sciences has recently confirmed once again: climate change is real, human activities are the primary cause, and the warming planet poses a significant risk to people and the environment.
Wishing that climate change will go away by clinging to a tiny minority view is not a policy - it is a fantasy. Problems do not go away by pretending they do not exist. And the longer that vocal minority insists on keeping their heads in the sand, the more it endangers billions of people around the globe and threatens to dramatically and negatively reshape the world as we know it.
And no number of stolen emails have changed the facts.
The emails stolen in 2009, which included personal communications and gossip, were thoroughly studied, reviewed, investigated, and were found not to undermine the consensus on climate change in any way. The most recent set of emails also appear to be more of the same.
Claims that these emails undermine the science have been rejected by the University of East Anglia, the UK Parliament, Penn State, and the National Science Foundation Inspector General, just to name a few of the official investigations undertaken that have come to the same conclusion.
The Associated Press concluded the stolen emails "don't undercut the vast body of evidence showing the world is warming because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions."
Climate change marches forward while special interests and their denier friends try to distract us from the work at hand. It is time for that to stop.
Leading international businesses are continuing to sound the alarm about climate change. The multinational insurance giant Munich Re found that losses related to extreme weather worldwide has tripled since 1980. According to the insurance company, "the effects of climate change are being felt already and are likely to intensify, putting more people and assets at risk."
Well-respected humanitarian organizations have warned us repeatedly about the enormous consequences of climate change in human terms. Just last month, Oxfam, which works to find solutions to poverty and injustice, warned that extreme weather events have played a role in record world food prices that hit the most vulnerable people especially hard.
Even if the deniers disregard the conclusions of the world's leading scientists, even if they do not believe the media, even if they do not listen to many leading businesses, and even if they do not hear the warnings of international NGOs, perhaps they will pay attention to the Pentagon.
In October 2011, the Department of Defense issued a report that "provides compelling evidence that climate change impacts are observable, measureable, real and having both near and long-term consequences. . . ." The report stated that the Defense Department recognizes that "climate change has the potential for significant impacts on all three of the basic elements important to national and international security - defense, diplomacy, and economics."
We know climate change is a real threat, and we must act now. Although much more needs to be done, we have begun to address the problem. For example, President Obama and my own State of California are continuing to move forward with specific measures that are already reducing harmful pollution.
California has an initiative to install one million solar roofs, and this source of renewable energy will help meet the state's electricity needs.
California is also taking important steps to reduce pollution that contributes to climate change. In October 2011, California's Air Resources Board moved forward with a landmark program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
A few well-funded special interests sought to overturn this initiative, but over 60 % of California voters rejected these efforts after scientists, doctors, and health experts made clear that we couldn't afford to turn our backs on this dangerous threat.
The Obama administration is cutting greenhouse gases by requiring car companies to increase the fuel economy for cars and trucks. These new standards will help to reduce over 6 billion metric tons of emissions while saving consumers $1.7 trillion dollars.
They have also stepped up with policies designed to move toward clean energy and energy efficiency.
As Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, I reaffirm my commitment to work as hard as I can to reduce the dangerous air pollution that causes climate change and harms the health and safety of people around the world.
I was pleased to address a group of religious leaders who met last week in Washington to point out the morality of addressing the climate cause.
Yesterday, I joined 15 of my colleagues in the Senate on a letter to Secretary of State Clinton supporting a strong and ambitious outcome from the summit in Durban.
So good things are happening, but not enough good things.
The nations of the world must work together to solve this problem, and I call on those gathered in Durban to work toward an international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with transparency and accountability.
I also hope delegates will make significant progress on generating additional public and private sources of climate financing that will support efforts to reduce emissions.
I want to conclude by saying that the evidence is clear and overwhelming that climate change is a significant threat to our planet. The time for talk alone has passed, and the need for action is now.
It is our moral obligation and legislative responsibility to address this enormous global challenge. I pledge to do everything I can to stand up to climate change deniers, to shine a light on the truth, and to build support for taking common-sense steps to address this critical global problem.
I wish you the best in Durban as you enter the final days of negotiation and stand ready to help in any way possible.

LA Fights to End Corporate Personhood

LA Fights to End Corporate Personhood

This is the right direction...

"he Los Angeles City Council will vote on a resolution, which calls on Congress to amend the Constitution to clearly establish that only living persons - not corporations - are endowed with constitutional rights, and that money is not the same as free speech in the electoral process. If the resolution is passed, Los Angeles will be the first major city in the U.S. to call for an end to all Corporate Constitutional rights. The vote will be held at 10 AM on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at Los Angeles City Hall 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3224..."

Obama hits Republicans, Wall Street in populist speech | Reuters

Obama hits Republicans, Wall Street in populist speech | Reuters

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

BBC News - UN climate talks 'need science-based ambition'

BBC News - UN climate talks 'need science-based ambition'

"To put it bluntly, the longer we wait, the less options we will have, the more it will cost, the less likely we are to be able to stay below global warming of 2C, and the bigger the threat to the world's most vulnerable," said Bill Hare, director of Climate Analytics...."

"...Ministers here in Durban have no excuse if they ignore the deafening alarm bells coming from the scientific community," said Keith Allott, head of climate change at WWF-UK.

"Durban can and must agree a second Kyoto Protocol commitment period, and a mandate to strike a comprehensive legal agreement in 2015.

"But we also need strong action to increase ambition right now - being legally bound to a world of 4C warming is simply unacceptable."

At Durban Summit, Leading African Activist Calls U.S. Emissions Stance "A Death Sentence for Africa"

At Durban Summit, Leading African Activist Calls U.S. Emissions Stance "A Death Sentence for Africa"

There it is. Currently.

U.S. Focus on China, India Emissions Burdens World's Poor, Skirts Own Responsibility - Praful Bidwai

U.S. Focus on China, India Emissions Burdens World's Poor, Skirts Own Responsibility - Praful Bidwai

Indigenous Activists From Canada Protest Tar Sands Oil at Durban Climate Change Summit

Indigenous Activists From Canada Protest Tar Sands Oil at Durban Climate Change Summit

Good, people standing up.

Vermont Rebounding From Hurricane Irene -

Vermont Rebounding From Hurricane Irene -


Tiny Tax on Financial Trades Gains Advocates -

Tiny Tax on Financial Trades Gains Advocates -


"Driven by populist anger at bankers as well as government needs for more revenue, the idea of a tax on trades of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments has attracted an array of influential champions, including the leaders of France and Germany, the billionaire philanthropists Bill Gates and George Soros, the consumer activist Ralph Nader, Pope Benedict XVI and the archbishop of Canterbury.

“We all agree that a financial transaction tax would be the right signal to show that we have understood that financial markets have to contribute their share to the recovery of economies,” the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, told her parliament recently...."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

U.S. Contributions at Climate Summit

Environmental Groups, E.U. Criticize U.S. Stance at Climate Summit

"...The European Union climate negotiator in Durban, Artur Runge-Metzger, said the United States needs to do more to address climate change.

Artur Runge-Metzger: "I think what we expect from the United States is that they stick very clearly to their pledge they have been making in Cancún, and that they show very clearly that they are going to implement what they have promised in their domestic actions. I think they have taken some measures, but some more things need to be done. So that is clearly what we would expect from the United States."

...On Wednesday, a coalition of 16 environmental groups signed a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calling the United States "a major obstacle" to progress on averting environmental catastrophe"

Environmental Groups, E.U. Criticize U.S. Stance at Climate Summit

Environmental Groups, E.U. Criticize U.S. Stance at Climate Summit

One day we will lead.

(Not Surprising) Fukushima's Contamination Produces Some Surprises at Sea -

Fukushima's Contamination Produces Some Surprises at Sea -

SolarCity Wins Financing for Military Housing Plan -

SolarCity Wins Financing for Military Housing Plan -


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are banks to blame for climate change? -

Are banks to blame for climate change? -

"A report released by non-governmental groups at the climate talks in Durban, South Africa, said that major global banks bear responsibility for global warming by funding utilities and mining companies to build coal-fired power plants.

Major global banks are exacerbating the fight against global warming by supplying power utilities and mining firms with ample funds to build coal-fired plants, according to a report released by non-governmental groups at the climate talks in Durban.

Related stories
IN PICTURES: Rising seas

The study examined the portfolios of 93 major banks and found that coal financing supplied by those institutions to the coal industry totaled 232 billion euros ($309.4 billion) since 2005 when the Kyoto Protocol came into force.

"If banks provide money for these projects, they will wreck all attempts to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius," said Heffa Schuecking of environmental think tank urgewald who worked on the report.
The Kyoto pact was set up to reduce greenhouse gases emitted by developed countries by an average of 5.2 percent below 1990 levels during the five-year period up to 2012.
At the same time many countries still invest in coal-fired plants, especially India and China, to supply their growing economies.

Among the top 20 banks listed in the report are institutions from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, China, Italy and Japan.
JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and Bank of America are the top three banks on the list.

"Between 2005 and 2010, coal financing almost doubled. If we don't take banks to task now, coal financing will continue to grow," said Tristen Taylor from environmental group Earthlife.

A 600 MW power plant costs around $2 billion to build, making it necessary for developers to rely heavily on banks to provide and mobilize the money they need.
The report argued that coal mining was harmful to natural landscapes, communities and water resources while coal-fired power plants are blamed for major emissions and waste.

Each new power plant is likely to add millions of tons of annual emissions of CO2 over the lifetime of these plants of 30-40 years...."

Eating fish tied to dramatic drop in Alzheimer's risk - HealthPop - CBS News

Eating fish tied to dramatic drop in Alzheimer's risk - HealthPop - CBS News

Most people know this...
Gotta start eating more fish. Good for personal sustainability.
Gotta not pollute the ocean. Good for everyone's sustainability.
(Eating mercury-loaded, poisoned fish might hurt as much as it helps.)

Monday, November 21, 2011

U.S. Supercommittee Fails to Reach Agreement as Across-the-Board Cuts Loom - Bloomberg

U.S. Supercommittee Fails to Reach Agreement as Across-the-Board Cuts Loom - Bloomberg

'“A divided government cannot succeed until elected officials choose to lead the country toward solutions instead of relentlessly defending their own political ideology,” the chairman emeritus and co-founder of Blackstone Group and chairman of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation said in a statement.'

Forget 'six degrees'--we are actually closer | Digital Media - CNET News

Forget 'six degrees'--we are actually closer | Digital Media - CNET News

Very interesting - the average number of people between any two is less than 5.
Small world! With shared, common interests...

Solar projects steadily grow in San Gabriel Valley cities, school districts -

Solar projects steadily grow in San Gabriel Valley cities, school districts -

More good news!

"...Baldwin Park Unified in March completed a $25 million solar energy project projected to save the district about $1 million annually and pay for itself over the course of 25 years.

Temple City Unified earlier this year partnered with Chevron to launch an $8 million solar power project to power Temple City High School and save the district about $800,000 a year after construction costs are paid off, officials said...."

Western states step up sanctions on Iran | Reuters

Western states step up sanctions on Iran | Reuters

This is good news; more and then Russia and China too please.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Science panel: Get ready for extreme weather - Yahoo! News

Science panel: Get ready for extreme weather - Yahoo! News

Great. I'm not in a good mood anyway, and then I read this. We are so fucking up on this.

"...Think of the Texas drought, floods in Thailand and Russia's devastating heat waves as coming attractions in a warming world. That is the warning from top international climate scientists and disaster experts after meeting in Africa.

The panel said the world needs to get ready for more dangerous and "unprecedented extreme weather" caused by global warming. These experts fear that without preparedness, crazy weather extremes may overwhelm some locations, making some places unlivable...."

Not to mention the loss of life, property, cultural artifacts, and decrease of general livability of the not-unlivable areas.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Places We Could, Uh, Go? Yikes

Herman Cain Libya Comments Draw Criticism -

"...His comments about Libya came after a string of other provocative remarks about foreign policy and related issues.

Those include a statement published Monday in which Mr. Cain suggested that most American Muslims are extremists; a contradictory answer about waterboarding during a Republican presidential primary debate on Saturday focusing on foreign policy; and his statement that if Al Qaeda or another terrorist group demanded, he would consider authorizing the release of every detainee at Guantánamo Bay in return for the release of one American soldier..."

Scant poverty coverage a media embarrassment

Taken to Task: A Poverty of News, an Embarrassment of Media | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

"...More than 49 million Americans, or 16% of the population, were living in poverty in 2010, the government reported this week.

Rising poverty is a national tragedy and a brewing humanitarian crisis in America...

...Most groups saw their poverty rates increase using the new calculations, including married couples, whites, Asians, immigrants, homeowners with mortgages, those with private health insurance and the elderly. Poverty rates among those over 65 rose to 15.9% from the previously reported 9%. Poverty rates did, however, drop for Americans under the age of 18, African Americans, renters and people living in rural areas.

...I didn't hear one word about this during the Republican Debate on Wednesday and you probably didn't hear much about it either...

...In these difficult times, and especially on Veterans Day, it's important for all of us to be aware of the messages we're sending to the media in the stories we watch, share, favorite and Tweet about.

...Those among us -- journalists and civilians alike -- who ignore the hard realities of American life and get lost in what should be the minor distractions. You've been taken to task...."

How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich | Politics News | Rolling Stone

How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Activists Rejoice as Admin Delays Decision on Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

Activists Rejoice as Admin Delays Decision on Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

Nice!!!!!! Nice!!! Nice!!!!!! This was too close though.....

"Activists are claiming victory after the Obama administration announced it would put off any decision on approving the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline until 2013 — well after the 2012 elections. On Thursday, the White House said it needed more time to review the route of the proposed 1,700-mile, $7 billion TransCanada pipeline and its environmental impact on Nebraska’s Sandhills region. The announcement was made just days after more than 10,000 people circled the White House calling on President Obama to reject the project. Opponents had objected to the pipeline over its potential dangers to the areas along its path and its tapping of the carbon-intensive Canadian tar sands oil fields."

Police Beat Student Activists at UC Berkeley Occupy-Related Protest

Police Beat Student Activists at UC Berkeley Occupy-Related Protest

Not so nice for people and sustainability. Reminiscent of Vietnam protests there too. Down with the people and free will.

Barack Obama to consider all options to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons - Telegraph

Barack Obama to consider all options to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons - Telegraph

Saturday, November 12, 2011

World's new seven wonders of nature - Photos

World's new seven wonders of nature Photos | World's new seven wonders of nature Pictures - Yahoo! News

Very cool for people, the planet and testaments to sustainability.

Mystery Radiation Detected 'Across Europe' - Yahoo! News

Mystery Radiation Detected 'Across Europe' - Yahoo! News

No so cool for people, the planet and sustainability.

Tests Show Most Store Honey Isn't Honey

Tests Show Most Store Honey Isn't Honey

You know, this is a bummer. I'm in San Jose for a stay, and my chai tea - which I make with soy or almond milk, fresh ginger, and honey, along with chai tea bags, has not tasted right.

Fake honey, from China? With contaminants? Ultra-filtered so they can hide it's origin and add sweeteners? And some people are strongly allergic to it?

This is why we need a strong FDA - government agency to test products and ensure public safety.
Business can't be trusted to regulate itself.

Leave honey alone please. It's sustainable, healthy and delicious, naturally.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

XL Pipeline Timeline of Decertification

From Public Citizen, who fights for our rights, public and safety when you - and me - sometimes take a breather.

GREAT PROGRESS! Thanks for helping and being involved if you have.

"Check out the timeline below for the key moments in the declining certitude of the Keystone XL pipeline.

June 2011
The State Department’s comment period for the project’s Environmental Impact Statement closes. Hillary Clinton implies the project will be met with approval.

August 20 – September 3
A two-week sustained protest is held in front of the White House, resulting in 1,253 arrests.

August 26
The State Department issues its final Environmental Impact Statement, concluding that the proposed 1,700-mile pipeline would have “no significant impact” on the environment and recommending that the project move forward.

August 30
A White House press corps reporter asks Press Secretary Carney whether President Obama was aware of the White House protests. Carney responds, “I haven’t talked to him about it.”

September 2011
Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act reveal a cozy relationship between TransCanada, the company behind the pipeline, and the State Department, as well as a glaring conflict of interest between TransCanada and Cardno Entrix — the firm hired by the State Department to prepare the pipeline’s Environmental Impact Statement.

October 5
Senator Harry Reid pens a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in which he calls the proposed project “unsustainable” and “dirty.”

October 5
A lawsuit is launched against the State Department for allowing TransCanada to clear a 100-mile corridor in Nebraska.

October 7
The final round of public hearings concludes in Washington, D.C. Hundreds register to speak out against the pipeline and more than a thousand participate in a rally outside the hearing.

October 26
Fourteen members of Congress call for an investigation into possible conflicts of interest in the pipeline review, including Cardno Entrix’s role in the process.

The thousands of people that it will take to complete the circle around the White House will send a powerful message that simply can’t be ignored.

October 31
The Nebraska Legislature opens a special session to consider changing the law to give the state more control over the Keystone XL and other major oil lines. TransCanada promises to file court challenges if Nebraska tries to intervene.

November 2
During a visit to Nebraska, reporters put Obama on the spot about the pipeline. The president states that he, not the State Department, will make the final decision on the pipeline — representing his first public comment on the proposal.

November 5
TransCanada admits that it has grossly misrepresented the number of jobs the controversial pipeline would create.

November 6
The Encircle the White House action draws more than 10,000 people to Washington, D.C., to protest the Keystone XL pipeline.

November 7
The State Department’s Inspector General announces that he will launch an investigation into wrongdoing in the department’s review of the pipeline.

Thank you for your interest in this issue. We will continue to keep you informed and offer new opportunities to challenge this proposal and work toward a clean energy future."

Watch The Story of Broke and take action to end polluter subsidies | Friends of the Earth

Watch The Story of Broke and take action to end polluter subsidies | Friends of the Earth

A fun animated short! Everyone likes a fun little movie! -

Election 2012: America's massive income inequality one major issue shaping election

Remake America

Hard truth behind U.S. income gap

America's massive income inequality will be one of the issues shaping the 2012 election. Listening to the people>>

Monday, November 7, 2011

Robert Creamer: "Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012

Robert Creamer: "Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012

No shit. Effectively lays out what we know, and what is pissing so many of us off.

The details:

"...Last week, for the third time this fall, Republicans successfully blocked Obama's jobs program in the Senate. Of course this came as absolutely no surprise, since Senate Republican Leader told the world earlier this year -- in no uncertain terms -- that his top legislative priority was to prevent the re-election of the president.

McConnell, and his House counterpart, John Boehner, don't lose a wink of sleep over concerns that their intransigence harms the economic prospects of everyday Americans. In their view, the worse the economy gets, the more likely the voters will be to boot President Obama out of the Oval Office.

"...Not only has the GOP refused to support Democratic measures to put Americans back to work, their alternative "jobs program" features no direct, measurable job creation whatsoever. Instead it relies on the same "trickle down" economic theory that didn't create one net private sector job in the eight years before the Great Recession - and the same unwillingness to rein in the big Wall Street banks that led to the worst financial collapse in 65 years...."

"But that's not all. Everyone agrees that the Republican House Majority was swept into office last November precisely because of the terrible economy. But instead of job creation, they've busied themselves focusing on trying to defund Planned Parenthood, protecting Americans from the imaginary threat of Sharia Law, and fending off non-existent attack on the use of "In God We Trust." The Republican controlled House hasn't voted on a single job creation measure since John Boehner and his colleagues took power last January....."

"...In the deliberations of the "Super Committee," Republicans have been completely unwilling to give on the fundamental question of whether millionaires should be asked to pay to put America's economic house in order. The view of the Republican leadership is that -- in addition to defeating President Obama -- their principal mission is to act as guard dogs for the exploding incomes of the top 1%."

"...In the upcoming fight over the next fiscal year's appropriation bills, there is every indication that the Republicans will demand that riders be attached limiting the power of the EPA and restricting funding for contraception -- which surveys show is used by 98% of American women...."


Then there is the House schedule. Last week the Boehner team published a House schedule for next year intended to guarantee that very little gets done. The House will be in session only 94 days in all of next year (including many days where votes are postponed until 6PM) and will continue its habit of going into recess virtually every third week. Yet another example of a "do-nothing Republican Congress."

It's no accident, that while the polls show that most officials in the American government have fallen into disrepute for their failure to get the economy moving again, Congressional Republicans win the prize for negative ratings...."

"...On the other hand, the president's agenda itself is overwhelmingly popular. His jobs bill is supported by the vast majority of Americans -- and becomes more popular the more voters hear about it. When its provisions were explained, 63% offered their support in the October Wall Street Journal/NBC poll....."

"...An October National Journal poll found 68% of voters support the Democratic proposal for a surtax on millionaires to pay for the jobs bill...."

In fact, the whole 99% versus 1% message frame that has dominated the airwaves since everyday people began Occupying Wall Street -- is very popular -- as are the president's executive actions to improve the economy without Congressional approval...."

"...And what is unpopular? The Republican plan to abolish Medicare and replace it with vouchers - that is really unpopular. In fact, most polls find that 70% of voters oppose cutting Social Security and Medicare to reduce the deficit.

Creating jobs, making the 1% pay their fair share, and protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will be the defining symbolic issues next year -- and on every one of them Democrats hold the high political ground and Republicans have to walk through the valley of political death...."

New Census data raises number of poor to 49 million | Reuters

New Census data raises number of poor to 49 million | Reuters

See next post above.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sign This No to Big Oil Petition!! from League of Conservation Voters:

League of Conservation Voters:

The big five oil companies reported more than $67 billion in profits during the first six months of 2011.

At the same time, these same oil companies are getting billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded handouts each year. In fact, even as ExxonMobil made more than $118 million a day in profits last quarter, it is still paying a lower tax rate than the average American.

It's time for this to stop. Tell Congress to end Big Oil handouts.

Flock of starlings' dazzling aerial ballet captured on video

Flock of starlings' dazzling aerial ballet captured on video

Spectacular, pulse-jumping footage, featuring such mysterious beauty of nature.

Those two girls will remember that their whole life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

BP agrees to pay Texas $50 million for pollution - Yahoo! News

BP agrees to pay Texas $50 million for pollution - Yahoo! News

Nice slap on the wrist -- see post below. Put them together.

Biggest jump ever seen in global warming gases - Yahoo! News

Biggest jump ever seen in global warming gases - Yahoo! News

This is making me nauseous. It is beyond madness that we cannot agree to stop this suicide.

Obama: I Will Make Final Decision on Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline

Obama: I Will Make Final Decision on Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline

Make a good, long-term decision please.

Veterans March For Occupy Movement in New York City

Veterans March For Occupy Movement in New York City

"Eli Wright, Iraq War veteran: "Veterans are coming home and finding that we don’t access to proper medical care, we don’t have access to jobs. We’re having a difficult time getting the educational benefits we were promised and we served for so, I’m worried about how I’m going to feed my daughter and how I’m going to put her through college. So I’m basically here with everybody else, marching for economic justice for all of us."

Thousands of Occupy Oakland Supporters Shut Down Major Port With General Strike

Thousands of Occupy Oakland Supporters Shut Down Major Port With General Strike

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sign the Petition: Properly Investigate XL Pipeline tar sands

Call for an investigation of the State Department's tar sands scandal

Sign this XL Keystone Pipeline petition, for a full investigation, not a whitewash.
This is one of the BIGGEST issues for FALL 2011 that needs to be properly looked at.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Senator Loni Hancock AWESOME Occupy Support Letter

Senator Loni Hancock

"As a part of the 99%, I support the Occupy Oakland movement and the Occupy Movements across the country. And this week, I will be adding my voice in support of the General Strike that has been called in Oakland.

The Occupy Movement is a national outcry against the strangling influence of money and corporate influence on our economy, our political system, and on our national soul and reputation. I am grateful to them for rallying Americans from all walks of life to speak up and speak out against the forces that show them such disrespect. I am grateful that they are demanding a return to the American Dream of a strong and stable middle class.

Every day my office intervenes to help people who are losing their homes and their jobs, or struggling to pay for their children's education. I hear from frustrated and angry Americans worried about their retirement savings because of Wall Street greed and mismanagement.

Unfortunately, I also see many of the biggest and most profitable corporations demanding more concessions from government -- more tax breaks, giveaways, and special treatment, no matter what the cost is to our society. Every bill I have introduced in the Senate to make our tax system more equitable or take money out of politics has faced their powerful opposition.

Peaceful civil disobedience is a basic human right and has been used ethically and successfully throughout the world. The violent response to peaceful disobedience last week could have been avoided and should be condemned. Oakland is a dynamic place where diversity is usually encouraged. It is tragic that Oakland is now known as the first and only Occupied City where violence has erupted.

I urge the City leadership to work with the Occupy Movement - and the Occupy Movement to work with the City - to ensure that effective and peaceful protest can continue. As a person who has lived most of my adult life in the East Bay, raised my family here, and as a State Senator fighting for quality education, a healthy environment and economic equity for all Californians, I am ready to help in any way I can."

Climate experts: Expect more weather disasters - CBS News

Climate experts: Expect more weather disasters - CBS News

"(AP) WASHINGTON - Freakish weather disasters — from the sudden October snowstorm in the Northeast U.S. to the record floods in Thailand — are striking more often. And global warming is likely to spawn more similar weather extremes at a huge cost, says a draft summary of an international climate report obtained by The Associated Press...."

Prominent Climate Change Skeptic Admits Global Warming is Real

Prominent Climate Change Skeptic Admits Global Warming is Real

Report: Increased Frequency of Weather Disasters Result of Global Warming

Democracy Now! | Headlines for November 01, 2011

"Report: Increased Frequency of Weather Disasters Result of Global Warming

A soon-to-be-released report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found that freakish weather disasters are striking more often as a result of global warming. According to the Associated Press, the new IPCC report says scientists are "virtually certain" that the world will have more extreme spells of heat and fewer of cold. Heat waves could peak as much as five degrees hotter by mid-century and even nine degrees hotter by the end of the century."

Here's What YOU Can Do - U.N. Reports 7 Billion Humans

U.N. Reports 7 Billion Humans, but Others Don’t Count on It -

***Zero-population growth: the tenet is one person in for each person already on the earth. So, in a two parent family = two kids max = zero population growth

It sounds easy, but I have to focus every day on improving also:

***Minimize one's consumption

***Don't buy things with excess packaging

***Don't buy things unless you need them

***Buy things that feature bio-degradable and/or recycled packaging (costs a *little* more; invest in our future please)

***Recycle as much paper, plastic, metal, as you can


***Buy local, organic food. It really keeps the carbon/pollution costs of transporting your food down

***Buying local, organic food also supports local economies, ensures your food is most fresh, and keeps pesticides and other poisons out of us and the ground

***Consider zero-population growth: the tenet is one person in for each person already on the earth. So, in a two parent family = two kids max = zero population growth

***Don't waste water; we take it for granted

***TURN OFF THE SPOUT when brushing teeth or shaving, etc. I still have to remind myself to do this sometimes. Don't overwater outside.

***Go UNDER YOUR BATHROOM & KITCHEN SINKS and turn the hot and cold water flow knobs down 10-25%; Max flow will still be plenty; the avg. flow will now save water and YOU money

***Replace the three most used lights in your house with compact fluorescents -- this will save you 75% on your electrical bill for those fixtures, breaking even for the $2 bulb purchase price in a matter of weeks if the bulbs are frequently used; you WILL NOTICE THE SAVINGS on your NEXT electrical bill

***Replace the next three most used lights with compact fluorescents next month, until there are no more 18th Century, loses-most-of-its-efficiency-in-heat, Thomas Edison incandescent bulbs in your house

***Buy a hybrid, or electric car, when you can, when it suits your style and there is a suitable vehicle

***Walk or bike when you can!

***Have some candlelight nights, "turn the lights down low" as Bob Marley put it

***Put up solar panels right now, if you can afford it. Call me if you need help figuring out if it's feasible for you.

***Support higher fuel-mileage legislation

***Support clean-energy legislation and products, and use them

***Find clever ways to save energy around your house

***Be mindful, have fun, kick ass

***And realize how much more fun and safe the world will be if it's not terribly over-crowded, polluted and everyone is fighting for basic resources in a decade or generation

***You want your kids, and you, to live in a more fun, safe, and sustainable world in the future, don't you??? Do it! Now re-read the above and have a great day.

After the Arab Spring: Islam, democracy, bikinis and polygamy - CNN

After the Arab Spring: Islam, democracy, bikinis and polygamy - CNN

This is very similar to my Egypt post! A great read that covers "modernity and Islam," with several countries covered, including Tunisia, Libya, Turkey, and some Iran.

"...The whole region is heading toward a moderate Islam and an Islam which is democratic, through the reconciliation between Islam and modernity," the Wall Street Journal quoted him [Rachid Ghannouchi -- leader of the Islamist Ennahda party in Tunisia] as saying...."

"...Even so, many observers of the region say Tunisia has a better chance than most Arab states to forge a moderate Islamist democracy. A former French colony with close ties to Europe, it is the most industrialized of Arab countries, with an educated middle-class and newly thriving media. It is heavily reliant on tourism, and Ennahda has been quick to reassure the industry that alcohol and bikinis won't be outlawed. And whatever the transgressions of the Ben Ali regime that was overthrown in January, it was less mercurial and brutal than that of Gadhafi next door...."

"...Ennahda says it is inspired by the success of Turkey's Justice and Development Party in merging Islam and modernity. Justice and Development has now been in power for nearly a decade; it has won three elections and has presided over rapid economic growth (forecast at 8 per cent this year). It has also advanced the growth of an Islamic space in a country whose secular constitution is fiercely guarded by the military.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a devout Muslim, made a triumphant tour of North Africa last month (all the more triumphant perhaps because of Turkey's recent falling-out with Israel) to tout the Turkish model. In Tunis, Erdogan predicted: "The success of the electoral process in Tunisia will show the world that democracy and Islam can go together....."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Judges Are for Sale -- and Special Interests Are Buying - Yahoo! News

Judges Are for Sale -- and Special Interests Are Buying - Yahoo! News

We should start filing suits against the judges, and imprisoning some of them.

"A case in point: West Virginia. In 2007, the West Virginia Supreme Court, on a 3-2 vote, threw out a $50 million damage award against the owner of a coal company. Funny thing: the man who would have had to pay the $50 million had spent $3 million to help elect the justice who cast the deciding vote. The West Virginia ruling was so outrageous that in 2009 the United States Supreme Court overturned it. But that was unusual. In most cases, judges are free to decide cases involving individuals and groups that have paid big money to get them elected....'

Saturday, October 29, 2011

President Obama in weekly address: Millionaires are  willing to pay higher taxes for my jobs bill  - NY Daily News

President Obama in weekly address: Millionaires are willing to pay higher taxes for my jobs bill - NY Daily News

Bookmark this article: if our government (and clearly the GOP, who is blocking) doesn't pass meaningful legislation, review this information for general election fuel in 2012.

"President Obama says millionaires are ready to dig into their pockets and pay higher taxes.

The commander in chief pushed his $447 billion jobs bill during his weekly radio and internet address on Saturday, which would be paid for by an added tax on Americans who make at least $1 million a year.

These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, said Obama. I believe this is a contribution they re willing to make.

He cited a new report by the Congressional Budget Office as evidence that the plan to create construction projects and tax breaks for employers is critical to stimulate job growth.

The report found that average after-tax income for the top 1 percent of households increased by a whopping 275% over the past 30 years. In contrast, middle-income households saw just a 40% increase, while the bottom tier saw an 18% jump.

In this country, we don t begrudge anyone wealth or success, we encourage it, said Obama. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead not just those at the top of the income scale.

Senate GOPers have blocked action on the plan, largely because they are against increased spending and the tax on millionaires. The President is trying to push Congress to pass individual parts of the plan...."

Michael Moore: Occupy movement "killed apathy" - CBS News

Michael Moore: Occupy movement "killed apathy" - CBS News

Many eyes are being opened, action is the next step.

'"We've killed despair across the country and we've killed apathy," he said.

The director of the documentary films "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "Bowling for Columbine" said people throughout the U.S. were "disgusted" and "horrified" when police fired tear gas and bean bags and took other aggressive actions against protesters Tuesday night.
Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen, 24, remains hospitalized in fair condition with a fractured skull suffered from a projectile fired during a sweep of Frank Ogawa Plaza by police in riot gear. His condition has become a rallying cry at Occupy protests around the world....."

It's a girl! British royal succession rules to change - Yahoo! News

It's a girl! British royal succession rules to change - Yahoo! News

Progress. This is nice.

Pa. boy, 13, ill after smoking synthetic pot, dies - Yahoo! News

Pa. boy, 13, ill after smoking synthetic pot, dies - Yahoo! News

This is not sustainable either. Synthetic pot? Why?
Mother Nature already got this one right. It's non-lethal naturally. Don't f*** with it.

What's the McRib made of, anyway? - Yahoo! News

What's the McRib made of, anyway? - Yahoo! News

Yikes... this isn't a healthy sustainable diet, and is really just gross.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Poll: More agree than disagree with Occupy Wall Street goals | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Poll: More agree than disagree with Occupy Wall Street goals | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Well, and here is why:
"Forty-three percent of respondents to a new CBS/New York Times survey said they agree with Occupy Wall Street's goals, while, 27 percent said they disagree. Thirty percent were unsure...
Younger Americans, those with more education, and those who describe themselves as liberal were most likely to support the protests...."
Well, I HATE those young, decently-educated, and liberal people. THEY don't COUNT. Hahaaa. The world will be better soon, young, educated, forward thinking people. We just have to keep breathing and making good choices, while time and demographics weed out the old, narrow-minded, neo-conservative people. And so we must become more comfortable becoming more involved with our own governorship.

A List Of Wall St. Financial Criminals and Their Jail Time

Ex-Goldman Director Gupta Charged in Insider Case -

This link shows decades of convicted Wall St. and financial criminals -- and their jail terms.
It's sad to see the the jail terms were listed in months -- I thought at first it was years.

I think the jail terms for many should be longer to very, very, very
strongly discourage this behavior.

Chart of the Criminal Connections for Raj Gupta

Ex-Goldman Director Gupta Charged in Insider Case -

Here, an incredible chart of the connections for Raj Gupta in the financial industry -- criminally guilty or cooperating.

Ex-Goldman Director Gupta Charged in Insider Case -

Ex-Goldman Director Gupta Charged in Insider Case -

The sentences should be even stronger considering the damage these criminals helped wreak on the financial system and economy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We Are The 1% - CollegeHumor Video

We Are The 1% - CollegeHumor Video

Hilarious, thanks Nina.

They are the 1%... and they want the 56% percent of the rest of the nation's net worth. Now!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Blue whales spotted in Redondo Beach during kayaking trip - The Feed - CBS News

Blue whales spotted in Redondo Beach during kayaking trip - The Feed - CBS News

"The stunning video was posted by YouTube user MrRJCtube who writes about the caught-on-tape moment:
From 10/8/2011. A whale lunge feeding right next to the Kayak, plus some underwater footage. While the lunge feed was heart pounding excitement, I found that seeing one undewater was relaxing and peaceful. Was an awesome day!!!"

Amazing video shows quantum levitation in action - The Feed - CBS News

Amazing video shows quantum levitation in action - The Feed - CBS News

How cool - and soon - our future will be depends on our giving up fighting and pettiness, and immersion in almost limitless global, personal and physical potential.

Would LOVE a hovercraft or magic carpet ride....

"We are one step closer to achieving my personal dream of owning a hoverboard from "Back to the Future 2". Check out the above video displaying quantum levitation in action that proves once again just how cool science can be...."

'We Can't Wait"

Obama to bypass Congress on mortgages - CBS News

Moving forward. This is good for troubled-mortgage homeowners.

"With Republicans continuing to stall action on President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill, the White House is taking action to help jump-start the economy with the message "We can't wait."

President Obama is going to begin a series of executive branch actions that will not require action from Congress - or the assent of Republicans.

With recovery in the housing market tied to economic recovery, Mr. Obama will today announce what senior officials are calling a "major overhaul" of the government's underused refinance program for federally guaranteed mortgages, in order to aid homeowners having difficult refinancing their housing loan.

CBS MoneyWatch: More details of President's mortgage aid plan
Federal press release on changes to aid struggling homeowners (pdf)

CBS News White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell reports that for homeowners who are underwater and have been paying their bills but can't refinance and take advantage of current low mortgage rates, the program will enable people to fix that by removing a lot of the barriers that are in place for them because of low equity in their property...."

Climate skeptics perform independent analysis, finally convinced Earth is getting warmer

Climate skeptics perform independent analysis, finally convinced Earth is getting warmer

No shit.
You could have just looked at Mt. Kilimanjaro and Antarctica, you barely-repentant assholes.

"...Stranger still, Watts and a number of others are now disowning their past, claiming to never have doubted that the Earth had been warming, and complaining that Muller's editorial caricatures their view up as a straw man. That's hard to reconcile with Watts' past statements. In a document he prepared for a think tank, Watts had written, "Instrumental temperature data for the pre-satellite era (1850-1980) have been so widely, systematically, and unidirectionally tampered with that it cannot be credibly asserted there has been any significant 'global warming' in the 20th century." Now, after Berkeley Earth's release, he claims to have never questioned that the Earth had warmed. Other prominent skeptics are saying similar things.
But Watts still doesn't trust Berkeley Earth's results. And, based on the comments on his blog, most of his readers don't either. That suggests that, contrary to Muller's expectations, this won't be the end of the skepticism of the temperature record.
What it may help do is drive those who keep questioning whether the Earth has warmed further to the fringes, where they can join those who question whether the greenhouse effect exists even after a century of work has confirmed that it does. That's a territory that doesn't merit the label skepticism anymore.
Actual skeptics might see this as an opportunity to focus on the scientific community's attribution of the temperature changes Berkeley Earth has confirmed, which is primarily ascribed to anthropogenic influences. There's an entire chapter of the IPCC report devoted to attribution, though, so any scientific skepticism should at least start by addressing the arguments outlined there."

Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now | Truthout

Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now | Truthout

Very powerful, and revealing, look here.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New study shows Climategate scientists were right - Quirks and Quarks

New study shows Climategate scientists were right - Quirks and Quarks

No shit.

"Another independent study, this time from the United States, has shown that the climate scientists accused of the so-called "Climategate" affair were, in fact, right about the warming of the Earth.

The Berkeley Earth study was an independent scientific group, including this year's Nobel Physics Prize winner Saul Perlmutter, that used different and more detailed methods to analyze past climate records. But they came to the same conclusion that scientists at the University of East Anglia in England, as well as those at NOAA and NASA, have reached: that the climate over land has been on the rise since at least 1800, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution...."

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012

Sunset, Venice 12/20/2012
I've been thinking some about the Winter Solstice, the Mayan end of the 30,000-year-cycle on 12/21/12.

What if in fact the world did end? Even though this probably will not happen, to live consciously it is honest for us to take a bit of an inventory.

Am I happy with how I've lived my life? (Yesterday, I thought mostly yes, with some areas for improvement, as below.) Are there changes I would make?
Would I have tried to forgive those that were hostile or disappointing to me?
Would I spend more time with those I loved the most, telling them that, feeling that more?
Would I be happier, grateful for what I have, what I've experienced, the joy, the beauty in this world?

Maybe the answer is yes to all of the above.
So this time can serve as a point of rebirth for all of us. If we think about it.

Because somewhere along the line I realized I think maybe mankind deserves it. !
The way we are killing each other, killing the planet.
How selfish we are, and snotty to those around us. Petty, competitive. Why is this? Do we have to behave this way? (I say no, it greatly detracts and misdirects energy from the full-time celebration in which we could engage, the great multi-cultural, multi-rhythmic dance we can sustain here.)

Maybe God or the Great Universe is fed up, and will pull the rug out from under us.
Don't think I can say we could blame Him/Her/It.

But it probably won't happen. (Probably not! This time.)

Still we are finite on this ride.

It is a time to think, am I happy with how I've lived my life?
Hopefully most of us can say yes.

For the part of us that have a little worry, a little sadness....
This is the time to be present.
This is the time to be the person you want to be, that can die at peace, that can hope to every day be able to look yourself and the Universe in the eye and say, how beautiful, smiling, and thank you. Let's do that.

Antidotes to Violence, a.k.a., Take Charge of Where Your Head's At - here

Tell Congress to Strengthen Gun Control Laws NOW - here

Good News & Brain Food News -
Christians & Muslims Gather, for Peace here
Good News - Top RIO+20 Summit Posts here
The 'Busy' Trap -